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Термины по тематике Строительная техника (1217 статей)
ability in physical education 体育能力
about-face 向后转
about-turn 向后转
absolute intensity of training 绝对训练强度
absolute volume of training 绝对训练量
academic discipline 学科
academic-integration model 学术整合模型
accelerating power 加速能力
accumulated training load 累积负荷
active flexibility training 主动柔韧性训练
active movement 主动运动
active participation of athlete 运动员主动参与
acyclic combined skills 非周期性组合技能
acyclic muscular endurance 非周期性肌肉耐力
acyclic power 非周期性能力
acyclic skills 非周期性技能
adaptation to training 训练适应
adapted physical education 适应体育
adapted program 适应计划
adaptive competition 适应性比赛