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Термины по тематике Страхование (123 статей)
claim recoveries 索赔追回款
clauses on the insured risks 被保险人风险条款
constructive total loss 推定全损
constructive total loss 推定的损失总额
contingency insurance 意外事项保险
continuation clause 延期条款
coordinating agent 配位剂
coverage 承保
currency (term) of insurance 承保界定对承保范围在空间和时间上的界定
damage made goods as general average 作为共同海损得到的损害补偿
declined risk 拒受的风险
deductible average 海损扣减免赔额
detention insurance 扣留保险
double insurance system 双保险系统
export credit insurance 岀口信用保险
free alongside 船边交货价
free of capture and seizure 俘获与扣押除外
free of particular average 单独海损免赔
hazard insurance 危险保险
implied conditions 默认条件