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微软 Team
机械工程 plant equipment; plant; tackle
微软 computer; computer system; personal computer; team
棒球 club
| de
一般 out of
| tareas
卫生保健 task
| relativas
数学 ratio
| a
计算 at
| la
养鱼 poke line
| vacuna
法律 财政 protection money
| contra
一般 across from
| el
一般 he
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名词 | 动词 | 短语
equipo m
微软 computer (Any device capable of processing information to produce a desired result. No matter how large or small they are, computers typically perform their work in three well-defined steps: accepting input, processing the input according to predefined rules (programs), and producing output. There are several ways to categorize computers, including class (ranging from microcomputers to supercomputers), generation (first through fifth generation), and mode of processing (analog versus digital)); computer system (The configuration that includes all functional components of a computer and its associated hardware. A basic microcomputer system includes a console, or system unit, with one or more disk drives, a monitor, and a keyboard. Additional hardware, called peripherals, can include such devices as a printer, a modem, and a mouse. Software is usually not considered part of a computer system, although the operating system that runs the hardware is known as system software); personal computer (A microcomputer designed for use by one person at a time. Personal computers do not need to share the processing, disk, and printer resources of another computer); team (A group of users who share and collaborate on business records in the system. A team can consist of members who report to a single business unit (such as all sales or all customer service) or members who report to different business units (salespeople, customer service representatives, and accounting representatives))
技术 accouterments; party (de personas); rig; unit
机械工具 rigging
机械工程 plant equipment; plant; tackle
棒球 club
电脑数控, 测量仪器 process equipment
航海 apparel
计算 set; setup
equipos m
建造 plant
环境 equipment Any collection of materials, supplies or apparatuses stored, furnished or provided for an undertaking or activity; equipment
Equipo m
微软 Team (A privacy relationship setting that allows a large amount of information to be viewed, usually assigned to people on your team)
equipo 动词
一般 apparatus; equipage; outfit; gang
卫生保健 equipment; kit
运输 patrol; gear
运输, 航空 appliance
通讯, 信息技术 hardware
equipar 动词
一般 accouter; equip
技术 outfit
纺织工业 finish
 西班牙语 词库
equipo m
信息技术, 技术 hardware
equipo de tareas relativas a la vacuna contra el SIDA
: 1 短语, 1 学科