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уродоваться 动词强调
Gruzovik mutilate oneself (impf of изуродоваться); make oneself look ugly
一般 mutilate; cripple; deform; make oneself look ugly; make ugly; mutilate oneself; uglify; disfigure
具象的 distort
马卡罗夫 disfigure oneself
уродовать 动词
Gruzovik make ugly (impf of изуродовать)
一般 deform; spoil; cripple; disfeature; uglify; defeature; deface; trash; make someone look ugly (denghu); vandalize; make ugly; maim; hamble; disfigure; mutilate; blur; disguise; warp; vitiate (levmoris); deformed; disfavor; disfavour; geld; one must not halt before cripples; lame; misshape; obtruncate; unshape
Gruzovik, 具象的 distort (impf of изуродовать)
Gruzovik, 非正式的 beat unmercifully (impf of изуродовать); thrash soundly (impf of изуродовать)
具象的 distort; screw (... with the trash that now screws every sidewalk and underpass and overpass and embankment ... youtube.com Mr. Wolf); detruncate; corrupt
商业活动 disfigure permanently
建筑学 mangle
过时/过时 becripple
马卡罗夫 make look a fright (делать некрасивым); make look ugly (делать некрасивым)
уродующий 分词
一般 disfiguring (RD3QG); deformer
уродоваться: 8 短语, 3 学科