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Игорь Миг paint the town red
一般 go the vole; have a ball; fling one's cap over the mill (Anglophile); go off at a tangent (Anglophile); let oneself go (Anglophile); plunge into dissipation (Anglophile); throw the cap over the mill (Anglophile); go to the devil (Азери); go rogue (Перевод выполнен inosmi.ru: Obama's Advisers Go Rogue. – Советники Обамы пустились во все тяжкие. (название статьи)  КГА); throw prudence to the winds (Expert™); be in take-no-prisoners mode (Taras); pull out all the stops (MargeWebley)
Gruzovik, 非正式的 go all out
俚语 go to town
惯用语 push the boat out (Yeldar Azanbayev); live it up (Yeldar Azanbayev)
美国人, 俚语 ball
谚语 cast prudence to the winds (дословно: Отбросить всякое благоразумие)
非正式的 break bad (comment by Liv Bliss: "break bad" is Southeastern US slang for abandoning a previously lawful lifestyle, in a way that hurts oneself or others dron1); walk on the wild side (VLZ_58); brake bad (

Generally used when someone who previously followed rules and regulations begins to deviate from them to achieve new goals/desires. The term is most often used when someone who is generally accepted as "good" adapts behaviors which are seen as "bad". – Walt broke bad when he was diagnosed with cancer;

to reject social norms for one's own gain or amusement. To give up on the typical moral and social norm and go one's own path, regardless of the legality or ethics – Are you really ready to break bad, bitch?

马卡罗夫 take the head; have oneself a ball; grow wild; run off the rails; run wild
马卡罗夫, 谚语 cast prudence to the winds (букв.: бросить благоразумие на ветер)