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манная каша强调
一般 cereal made from farina; semolina (WiseSnake); cream o'wheat (американский; trademark Ostanina); malt o'meal (Ostanina); farina (Alexander Demidov); cooked semolina (Anglophile); semolina pudding (Andrew Goff); cream of wheat (Alexander Demidov)
烹饪 semolina (British English a sweet dish made with small grains of crushed wheat (semolina) and milk Юрий Павленко)
美国人 wheat cream (oris1024); farina porridge (Val_Ships); farina hot cereal (Val_Ships)
鞋类 Crepe sole (dandyism.ru irksibrus1)
манная каша: 2 短语, 1 学科