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一般 barge in (в разговор); shove oar in (Anglophile); jump into (Even the adherents of the Communist Party, who tend to feel entitled to all of Russia's former Soviet domains, said with a broad majority – 62% – that Russia should not jump into Ukraine's internal crisis. | TIME.com 4uzhoj); strike (в ссору, драку); mess with (driven); butt in
Gruzovik, 非正式的 meddle in (impf of встрять); get mixed up in (impf of встрять)
俚语 butt in (в разговор, в чужие дела и т.п.); horn in (Nobody asked you to horn in on our conversation. – Никто не просил тебя встревать в разговор. VLZ_58); butt in (в разговор, в чужие дела); mess over (someone)
粗鲁的 butt in (без спроса)
美国人 horn in on (Taras)
非标 bud in (to interfere, interject, or meddle, in another's affair with the direct intention to take sides in a dispute or argument.: I could see that they had your back up against the wall; so I had no choice but to bud in, on your side of the situation, to make it a fair fight. urbandictionary.com andreon)
非正式的 meddle in affairs; get mixed up (in); pipe in (4uzhoj); intervene (в чужие дела Val_Ships); chip in; butt in (не к месту вмешиваться to interfere with or get involved with someone else's business); chip in (в разговор); but in (Баян)
马卡罗夫 barge into (в разговор); butt in (в разговор, в чужие дела и т. п.: Forgive me for butting in.); put one's oar in (в разговор); stick one's oar in (в разговор); strike into (в ссору, драку); shove one's oar in (в разговор)
 俄语 词库
встревать 动词
非正式的 встрянуть (Andrey Truhachev)
встревать: 17 短语, 7 学科