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software package
 software package
通讯 信息技术 计算 corredo di software; pacco di software
电子产品 applicazione pacchettizzata; software pacchettizzato
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一般 come; per
| communication engineering
 communication engineering
通讯 tecnica delle comunicazioni
- 只找到单语 (双语词典中有些词库条目可能没有翻译)

software package
微软 pacchetto software (The combination of files, settings, and related general information that is required to install software on managed computers. The general information includes items such as the command line that needs to run on computers to install the software, hardware requirements that must be met before the software can be successfully installed, and a schedule for the installation); pacchetto software (The combination of files, settings, and related general information that is required to install software on managed computers. The general information includes items such as the command line that needs to run on computers to install the software, hardware requirements that must be met before the software can be successfully installed, and a schedule for the installation)
电子产品 applicazione pacchettizzata; software pacchettizzato
通讯, 信息技术, 计算 corredo di software; pacco di software
software package: 25 短语, 2 学科