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具象的 перепалка
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一般 наливать в бак

名词 | 动词 | 短语
skirmish ['skɜ:mɪʃ] 名词强调
俚语 разборка ("криминальная разборка")
具象的 перепалка; короткая перебранка (Val_Ships); короткая ссора (She had a skirmish with her landlord about the rent. Val_Ships); спор
军队, 新闻风格 столкновение (вооружённая стычка: Last night skirmishes were reported along the border.); вооружённая стычка (Last night skirmishes were reported along the border.); стычка (The peace of Utrecht ended the war proper in 1713, but desultory skirmishes carried on until 1714.); схватка; перестрелка (Government soldiers ran into a group of rebels, and a skirmish followed. • A skirmish broke out after troops ran across a boat belonging to the rebels.); перестрелка между мелкими отрядами; борьба; бой мелких подразделений; короткая стычка (Fix the enemy in place using skirmishes, artillery, feints, and demonstrations while probing his lines. алешаBG); огневой контакт (алешаBG); небольшой бой; очаг (боя: the battle broke into hundreds of small skirmishes Рина Грант); бой (между мелкими отрядами; вооружённая стычка Capital)
罕见/稀有 сшибка (Супру)
skirmish ['skɜ:mɪʃ] 动词
一般 сражаться (мелкими снарядами); схватиться; завязать перестрелку; перестреливаться; сражаться мелкими отрядами; рыскать в поисках (чего-либо); сразиться (with); схватываться (with); рыскать в поисках чего-либо
具象的 поспорить
军队 завязывать перестрелку
skirmishing ['skɜ:miʃiŋ] 动词
一般 схватиться; сразиться
具象的 поспорить
skirmish with ['skɜ:mɪʃ] 动词
Gruzovik сразиться (pf of сражаться); схватываться (impf of схватиться)
 英语 词库
skirmish ['skɜ:mɪʃ] 名词
具象的 a minor dispute or contest between opposing parties (...the debate touched off a skirmish merriam-webster.com); any minor dispute (by extension: Three people were arrested after a skirmish in a bar. wiktionary.org); a brisk preliminary verbal conflict (merriam-webster.com); a minor or preliminary conflict or dispute (...a skirmish over the rules before the debate began. thefreedictionary.com)
军队 a minor fight in war usually incidental to larger movements (merriam-webster.com); a brief battle between small groups, usually part of a longer or larger battle or war (On 2 March, Chinese border guards with the help of regular PLA forces skillfully ambushed Strelnikov's unit on the ice near Chen Pao, killing him and 30 Soviets in the subsequent skirmish. wiktionary.org); an episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, especially between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets (The unit was caught in several skirmishes and the commanding officer was killed. • The key now is to tune out the ‘white noise’ and stop fighting the daily skirmishes of the last war. • Commissioned a lieutenant colonel in 1754, he fought the first skirmishes of what grew into the French and Indian War. • They do not seek a decisive battle, and they prefer to engage in raids, skirmishes, and ambushes. • For three years it has been negotiating peace with Manila, all the while keeping up skirmishes against the national army. • McClernand reputably organized and led his brigade, division, and finally, corps in skirmishes and battles of the Western Theater. • Fix the enemy in place using skirmishes, artillery, feints, and demonstrations while probing his lines. • In a few cases, their battles have been won, in others they were fighting the initial skirmishes of later battles. • Relations with Israel have long been contentious and border skirmishes are fought periodically between the two nations. • There were only a few minor skirmishes left, but they were quickly being ended. • Occasional skirmishes continued over the border during the 1980s, with over 1,000 people being killed. • No, this won't be a naval skirmish with some oppressive foreign dictator. • Now, in five years, there have been no provocations save one, a naval skirmish in 2002. • Both on its advance and retreat, Jacobites fought skirmishes at Clifton, in the Eden valley. • A skirmish broke out after troops ran across a boat belonging to the rebels. • The Marines who let me through the skirmish line filed their reports on Booth's death. • Such incidents may seem minor, but they represent skirmishes in a larger battle. • The Constitutional Court's decision is only a skirmish in the broader battle between the executive and the judiciary. • Yon describes a full month of bloody skirmishes in the streets of Mosul, complete with body counts. lexico.com)
skirmish ['skɜ:mɪʃ] 动词
一般 to engage in a skirmish (merriam-webster.com); to search about (as for supplies) : scout around merriam-webster.com); to engage in a minor battle or dispute (wiktionary.org)
: 50 短语, 9 学科