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Cs 缩写
缩写 cirro-stratus
缩写, 冶金 cooled slowly
缩写, 化学 chain-transfer constant of solvent
CS 缩写
Игорь Миг, 缩写 crime scene
军队 career-service; central supply; change of station; chief of section; circular scanning; close support; coded switch; combat scout; combat serviceable; combat squadron; combat support; command selector; commissary store; common and standard; common shell; communications squadron; communications station; communications system; community service; component specification; composite service; conical scanning; constant speed; construction; contract surgeon; control set; control signal; control station; control switch; control system; cost sharing; countersabotage; cross-section; current series; current strength
技术 calibration storage; call signal; Cassegrain system; change sheet; chrominance subcarrier; circuit switching; close shot; coarse sand; coast station; communication satellite; communications; communications switch; component support; computer slave; computer synchronization; condensate separator; condensate system; containment safety; containment spray; contract specialist; contrast sensitivity; control storage; control strobe; core spray; corona shower; correctable skew; cost of storing one for one year; current sector address; current status; cyclic storage
投资 capital stock; common stock
生态 climatological study; coastal station; combined sewer
生理 C-section; Cervical spine; Contrast sensitivity test
电视 converter subcarrier
缩写 Clive Staples; Committee Substitute; Customer Satisfaction; Customer Service; Czech; Cherry Sunburst; communications survivability; compressive sensing; continue-specific; sulfur; Antipersonnel chemical incapacitating agent (tear gas); Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company; Cabin Sailer; Cable Select; Cable Set; Cabletron Systems, Inc.; Calgary Stampede; Camper Sniping; Cancer Survivors; Capture Stack; Car Sport; Carl Sagan; Carolina Spartan; Carrier Selection; carrier supply; Case Size; Casey Stengel; cast stone; Censored Sucker; center section; Central Servers; Certification Specification (авиация Alexander Matytsin); Cesarean Section; Charging System; Charles Springer; Charlie Springer; Chemical Society; Chief Scientist; Christian Saint; Circuit Simulator; City Sport; City Street; Civil Servant; Clean Sweep; Clear To Send; Client To Server; Climate Services; Club Stamp; Coal Store; Coalition Support; Cock Sucker; Code Segment (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler); Coding Scheme; coil sketch; Collaborative Selling; combat scout CRZ, close reconnaissance zone; Command Staff; Committee on Seismology; Common Software; common steel (projectile); common stocks (Vosoni); Communication Satellites; Communications and Security; Communications Satellite; Communications Server; Communications Service; Communications Software; Communications Support; completely self-protecting (Vosoni); Composite State; Computer Science; Computing Science; Computing Science; Computing Studies; Concrete Slab; Concurrent Session; conducted susceptibility; Confederate States; Connect Server; Constant Source; Constant Speeding; Consumer Surplus; Controlled Slip (error event, DS1/E1); Convergence Sublayer (ATM); core shift; Corporate Source; County Seat; course shift (отклонение от курса Дюнан); Court of Session; crankshaft (Vosoni); Creative Storytelling; Crew Simulator; Crew Station; Critical Studies; Critical Success; Crooking Shareholders; Crummy Screen; Crystal Space; Ctrl Shift; Current Sensing; cycle per second; Former Czechoslovakia; CorticoSteroids; central section; colo r stabilizer; colo ur stabilizer; complete self-protection; constant stress; control symbol; corn starch; cream shade; crystall structure; current source; cycles; sulfonated cation resin; closing sale; composite system
缩写, 临床试验 clinically significant (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 互联网 Cool Stuff
缩写, 产科 caesarean delivery (MichaelBurov); C-section (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 人工智能 Classifier System; Conditioned Stimulate
缩写, 信息安全 Cyber Security (kee46)
缩写, 信息技术 Character Set; Chip Select; Client Server; Computer Support; Card Services; card station; channel status; code segment; communication system; computer class; composite signaling; continue specific; contouring systems; convergence sublayer; Cabling System; Conceptual Scheme
缩写, 公司治理 continuing services
缩写, 军队 Chief of Staff; Classified Sensitive; Communication Services; Counter Strike; call sign; certificate of service; change of status; command system; Common Sensor; Customer Specification; Chaplain Service (Air Force); circuit switch; combat service; content staging; controlled space; creeping line single- unit; critical source; continuous service; ortho-chlorobenzalmalononitrile
缩写, 军队, 航空 calibrations storage
缩写, 农业 positive conditioned stimulus
缩写, 冶金 commercial steel (Technical); continuous shear; computer subsystem; continuous steelmaking
缩写, 制图 centre of stream; communication station
缩写, 化学 cycloserine
缩写, 化学, 科学的 Cesium
缩写, 北约 combat support (Yeldar Azanbayev); Combat Support
缩写, 医疗的 Campomelic Syndrome; Capgras Syndrome; Carcinoid Syndrome; Cardiogenic Shock; Case; Cell Surface; Cyclosporine; Static Compliance; Climacteric Syndrome; Clinical Specialist; Cockayne Syndrome; Compression Syndrome; Congenital Syphilis; Crush Syndrome; Cushing Syndrome; Control Systems; cardiogenic shock; culture and sensitivity; central service; Chronic sinusitis (Игорь_2006); Collaborative Stage (harser); clinical skills; centromere spreading; Chief Surgeon; chondroitin sulfate; chronic schizophrenia; clinical staging; control serum; coolant supply; corticosteroid; sinus caroticus
缩写, 后勤 congestion surcharge
缩写, 商业活动 corporate sustainability (Alexander Matytsin); casein plastics; cases; census; centistere; Certificate in Statistics; common steel; Computer System; consul; contracts section; Cooperative Society; credit sales; crucible steel; single cotton, single silk covered
缩写, 地球科学 calcsilicate; Campbell Scientific, Inc. (UT); Canadian Coastal Sediment Study; central station; cerusite; Chemical Sub-Committee; classical statistical method; clay sand; coal-abounding section; coarse-grained sand; Coastal Society; coefficient of skewness; composite standard; condensed section; conditional simulations; condition specification; constant shape; constant stress test; constrained simples approach; continuous sampling; continuous scan; continuous surficial sediment sampling and analysis system; control structure; coral sea; crystallographic shear; cyclone severity
缩写, 塑料 casein
缩写, 大规模杀伤性武器 a tear-producing compound; confirmatory sampling; contractor support
缩写, 安全系统 cryptosystem; Confidential Source (Val_Ships)
缩写, 安全系统, 信息技术 Case Sensitive
缩写, 实验室设备 colorimetric solution
缩写, 库页岛 Carbon Steel (pipes Sakhalin Energy)
缩写, 心脏病学 coronary sinus (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 技术 cirro stratus; creeping line single-unit
缩写, 排版 cloth sides
缩写, 政治 Costa Rica
缩写, 教育 case stud (изучение на примере ksenyka); case study (изучение на примере ksenyka)
缩写, 教育, 科学的 Computer Science
缩写, 文件扩展名 Cyclo-Stationary
缩写, 机械工程 crank shaft
缩写, 核能和聚变能 cooling system (MichaelBurov); reactor cooling system (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 欧洲联盟, 生态 crude steel (особ. в оценке выбросов: kg CO₂ / t CS Евгений Тамарченко)
缩写, 汽车 comfort shift gearchange system which electropneumatically facilitates gear changing and provides (ВВладимир); circuit short; coupe sport; crank shaft/sensor
缩写, 法律 Community Service
缩写, 炸药 compression set
缩写, 焊接 circumferential seam (bonly)
缩写, 生物学 conditioned stimulus
缩写, 生理 Cervical Spine; Cervicothoracic Somite; Cesarian Section; Conditioned Stimulus; Contrast Sensitivity test
缩写, 电信 circuit switched
缩写, 电子产品 capability set; call screening; call server; call store; call subroutine; capacitance sensor; capacitor storage; card system; carrier suppression; catalog showroom; cellosolve; cell station; center station; channel selector; channel switch; character sense; character string; character suppression; character synchronized; charge sharing mode; check sorter; chemisorbed species; chiral smectic; chlorostyrene; circuit switching; clear screen; client system; coherent state; commercial sample; commodity sample; communication scanner; communications simulator; composite signals; compositional separation; compression system; compressive-strain; Compton scattering; computer service; concentric sphere (model); conference server; conical scan; connectionist system; connectionless server; connection service; consolidation model; contention system; context switching; contouring system; contrast stretching; converse statement; coplanar stripline; counting switch; CPU second; crossbar switch; cryptographic system; customer sample; customer specified; cyberspace; cyclic shift
缩写, 电子产品, 科学的 Cross Section
缩写, 电气工程 cable ship
缩写, 石油/石油 2-chloro-4-amino toluene sulfonic acid; cable speed; calc-silicate; calc-silicate hornfels; calc-silicate marble; canyon system; calcareous shale; calcium silicate hydrate; calculation sheet; canned software; capital surplus; carbonaceous slate; carbonate slice; carboxylate surfactant; casing shoe; casing size; casing suspender; cast carbon steel; cationic surfactant; cement slurry; center shift; centralized hydraulic system; centrifugal spraying; check shots; check surface; chemical shift; chemically strengthened; clay stabilizer; clayey sand; clock stopped; closely spaced; coarse grained sand; collet style; common and standard item; communication signal; compound semiconductor; compression strength; computer simulation; construction specification; continental shelf; continuous survey; conventional system; cosurfactant; counts per second; coupled states; crystallographic sear; current selection; cutting specification; casing seat; compressor station
缩写, 石油和天然气技术 compressor station (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 矿业 centre section; conduct sheet
缩写, 硅酸盐行业 cement-sand ratio
缩写, 科学的 Civil Service; Common Sense; Computer Systems
缩写, 空手道 control surface
缩写, 空间 commutation signaling; computer software; control segment; correction system; counterspace
缩写, 组织机构名称 Commonwealth Secretariat; Corporate Services, Human Resources, and Finance Department
缩写, 编程 chip select (ssn)
缩写, 编程, 信息技术 Cache Size
缩写, 美国 Child Support (Child Support Number (also referred to as "CS Number") – This is the identifying number assigned to your child support case. fddhhdot)
缩写, 聚合物 calendered sheet; commercial standard; controlled switch; cross section
缩写, 肿瘤学 Cancer Survivor
缩写, 自动化设备 cost of storing one part for one year
缩写, 航空 call switch (Interex); center spar (Interex); certification standard (Interex); compass system; clock signal; coaxial shaft; common service; compliance statement; compressor stall; compresso surge; configuration specification; conformity statement; conformity surveillance; coordination sheet; customer support; course shift; cabin cleaners steps; change status; checkout station; China Southern; circular saw; cockpit simulation; communication service; common set; company standard; comparator servo monitor; compass swing; compressor surge; conduit sampling; configuration status; contract specification; control sector; control ship code; cost and schedules; cruising speed; current switch; customer services; cutting speed; compass swinging
缩写, 航空医学 conditional stimulus
缩写, 苏格兰语 Captain / Commodore Superintendent; Central Services division (UK); Circuit Switch; Civil aircraft marking (Portugal); Combat Support / System; Communications Subsystem; Cone-Stabilised; Confined Space; Control Section; O-chlorobenzamalonitrile (Chemical warfare tear agent)
缩写, 药店 chitosan (Min$draV)
缩写, 解剖学 coronary sinus (венечный синус Dimpassy); cavernous sinus (пещеристый синус твёрдой мозговой оболочки doc090)
缩写, 警察 crime scene (as in "competent CS job" Val_Ships)
缩写, 计算 context-sensitive (см. также CF Dmitry)
缩写, 计算机网络 carrier sense
缩写, 质量控制和标准 cumulative sum
缩写, 足球 clean sheets (сокр. Alexey Lebedev)
缩写, 运动的 Caught Stealing; caught stealing
缩写, 通讯 communication server; current sink; control selector (Метран); Cab Signal mode; Celling Speed
缩写, 遗传学 chemical sequencing
缩写, 钻孔 compressive strength
缩写, 铁路术语 coaling station
缩写, 铝业 causticizer; coarse seed
缩写, 防空 commercial service; combat system
缩写, 除害虫 capsule suspension
缩写, 项目管理 communications slot
缩写, 高保真 Circle Surround II
能源行业 central storage; cold start-up; cold startup; command signal; complete shipment; component supports; construction stage; controlled shutdown; critical speed
航空, 缩写 Antipersonnel chemical incapacitating agent tear gas
铁路术语 combined smoking and baggage car (club car)
阿波罗-联盟号 change summary
CS% 缩写
缩写, 信息技术 Capture Stack
CS. 缩写
缩写, 拉丁 Consul
cs 缩写
一般 centisecond (Irina Verbitskaya)
医疗的 caesarean section
汽车 centistoke
油和气 casing
缩写 carbon steel; cast steel; centistokes (Vosoni); cirrostratus (об облачности Leonid Dzhepko); Citrate Synthase; competitive strategies
缩写, 医疗的 clinically significant
缩写, 塑料 cycles/second
缩写, 技术 common source
缩写, 电信 communicate signal
聚合物 cycles per second
Cs 缩写
缩写 consciousness; cirrostratus; surrounding formation conductivity; case; caesium
缩写, 医疗的 sporozoite
缩写, 电子产品 substitutional carbon
cs. 缩写
缩写, 图书馆员 cases; census
CS: 1 短语, 1 学科