
术语 对于主题 惯用语 包含 Народ | 所有字形 | 只容许请确匹配
искусство принадлежит народуart belongs to the people (Заголовок статьи: "'Art belongs to the people': Vandals destroying a valuable outlet – Dublin Lord Mayor Hazel Chu" independent.ie Alexander Oshis)
история учит лишь тому, что она никогда ничему не научила народыwe learn from history that we do not learn from history (Георг Гегель Alexander Oshis)
куча народаeveryone and his mother (Natalia D)
куча народаeverybody and their mother (Natalia D)
куча народаeveryone and their mother (Natalia D)
куча разного народаthe butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker (She quickly got the taste, went off him and tried it with the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker.)
много народа-мало кислородаwhen crowd is fair there's not enough air (astroma1978)
множество народаeverybody and his cousin (too many people Interex)
я вот отнёс барашка в город. А как же? Кормить-поить народ надо-мы к тому приставленыToday, for instance, I took a sheep to town. Why not? You've got to feed the people somehow – that's what we're here for (Г. Троепольский, Белый Бим Чёрное ухо Taras)