
术语 对于主题 财政 包含 | 所有字形
not to be noted
不可销的租赁non-cancellable lease
不能销的保险单non-cancellable policy
于新兴市场specialize in emerging markets
于稳健的国内经济政策focus on sound domestic economic policies
于"金砖四国"股票的股票型基金equity fund for Bric stocks
《中华人民共和国册会计师法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Certified Public Accountants
中国册会计师协会Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants
互相同意销条款mutual cancellation
价差赌spread betting
值得密切关deserve a closer look
值得密切关deserve a close attention
全球册股票global registered share
公司册处companies registry
公司册处处长registrar of companies
单向押one-way bet
向国际金融机构人大量资金give a significant capital injection to international financial institutions
向美国经济人新资金pump new money into the US economy
向金融体系人资金inject money into the financial system
呆帐bad debts write-offs (written off)
坏账直接销法direct write-off method for uncollectibles
坏账直接销法direct write-off method for bad debts
定期periodic write-off
定期销数periodic write-off
帐目附note to the account
帐项附notes on the accounts
于中国经济未来bet on the future of the Chinese economy
于人民币bet on the Chinese currency
人民币升值line up bets on a revaluation of the renminbi
人民币升值bet on renminbi appreciation
人民币升值bet on a stronger currency
市场下跌bet on market downturns
提单批remarks of B/L
明日期支票undated check
明日期票据undated bill
暂缓shelf registration (415条款规定,符合条件的公司可以为其今后两年内所有可预期的证券发行预先到证券交易委员会 (SEC)办理被称为暂搁注册的手续,并自主决定证券发行的具体时机)
册城市移民组成的流动人口floating population of unregistered urban migrants
日期之友票undated check
明偿还期债券undated bond
明支付日期no date
明日期承诺undated commitments
未经销的废弃财产abandoned property not charged-off
entering to the register
册中介团体registered intermediary
册之会计师licensed public accountant
册交易商registered trader
册代理人registered representative
册会计师chartered accountant
册会计师事务所certified public accountant firm
册会计师协会association of certified accountants
册会计师合伙人certified public accountant partnership
册会计师同业审查certified public accountant peer review
册公共会计师C.P. A certified public accountant
册券商registered dealer
册商号registered firm
册投资顾问registered investment advisor
册支票cancelled checks (or cancelled cheque)
册期权交易商option trading right holder
册机构registered institution
册权registration right
册融资人registered financier
册记名债券fully registered bond
册证券交易商registered dealer
册财务报表certified financial statement
册财务管理certified financial management
册资本authorized capital (authorized capital stock)
册金融分析师chartered financial analyst (指由美国投资管理及研究协会 (Association for Investment Management and Research) 认定资格并颁发证书的金融分析师)
册金融理财师registered financial specialist
册金融策划师certified financial planner
charge off
inject capital
capital infusions
迟日期票据post-dated instruments
释备忘录explanatory memorandum
重收人的合理分配ensure more equitable distribution of income
write off
cancel (write off)
销一笔坏帐write off a bad debt
销不能收回的帐目write off uncollectibles
销戳cancellation stamp
销支票cancelled checks (or cancelled cheque)
销日期date of cancellation
销的债务金额amount of debt written off
销股份cancelled share
销股利retirement of shares out of profit
流动性liquidity injections
独立册会计师报告report of independent CPA
独立册会计师查账证明书certificate of independent public accountant
独立册评估师independent qualified valuer
直接direct injection
综合财务报表附note to consolidated financial statements
美国册会计师协会American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (美国全国性会计职业组织,也是世界上最大的会计师专业协会)
美国册公共会计师协会American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
股份销所得实收资本paid-in capital from retirement of stock
股票stock cancellation
股票销股份cancellation of stock
要求册权demand registration right
财务报表附footnotes to financial statement
财政部利息本金分离交易册债券Treasury Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal Securities (简称"国债零息券",指利息剥离后的政府固定收益债券)
资产asset injection
资产负债表脚附注foot-note to financial statements
栏外的说明marginal note
重点关扶持中小企业发展make major efforts to support the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises
报表、凭证的explanatory note footnote
雇员册庄家employee registered trader
非本地册公司non-resident corporation
额外additional capital infusion