
术语 对于主题 空间 包含 | 所有字形
三维3D rotation
转射弹unrotated projectile (英国空中和地面发射的一种非制导火箭)
不可逆螺千斤顶irreversible screwjack
不同向圆极化different sense circular polarization
交叉耦合转试验cross-coupled gyral test
倾斜/转台tilt/spin table
偏心转阀rotary eccentric plug valve
偏心转阀camflex valve
偏心螺转动eccentric screw transmission
先进Ad-Vortex (美国电子侦察卫星)
光电光分光光度计photoelectric spectropolarimeter
internal rotation
转角internal rotation angle
压窝spin dimpling
spin down
前庭自动转试验vestibular autorotation test
剪切tube shear spinning
剪切cone spinning
加速spin up
医用回加速器medical cyclotron
卧式螺带状混合机horizontal ribbon mixer
卫星自频率satellite spin frequency
双线螺天线bifilar helix antenna
双自卫星dual-spin satellite
双自dual spinner
双自姿态控制系统dual spin attitude control system (由自旋和消旋控制两部分构成的一种卫星姿态控制系统)
双自稳定dual spin stabilization (一种卫星姿态稳定方式)
双自稳定控制系统dual spin stabilization control system (航天器的)
双自航天器dual spin spacecraft
双自转向dual spin turn (一种卫星姿态捕获过程)
双螺天线bifilar antenna
双螺齿轮herringbone gear
backward spinning
despin (despan,despun)
转方向发射counter-rotational departure
转错觉counter-rotation illusion
转错觉counter rotation illusion
转错觉contra-rotatory illusion
反向转磁场backward-rotating field
发动机motor spin
发动机转试验motor rotating test
导弹发射转角traverse firing angle
发射筒盖紧装置launch tube cover tightening device
取样器螺transerter auger
变磁阻转变压器variable reluctance resolver
变薄shear spinning
变薄power spinning
转天线rotatable antenna
可见光和红外自扫描辐射仪visible and infrared spin sean radiometer
可见光-红外自扫描辐射计visible infrared spin scan radiometer
可见光-红外自扫描辐射计大气探测器VISSR atmospheric sounder
圆极化right hand circular polarization
圆极化right-hand circular polarization
圆极化right hand circular
圆极化波right-hand circular polarized wave
坐标right-handed coordinate
共振加热cyclotron-resonance heating
加速器circular accelerator
放大管gyro amplifier
谐振脉泽cyclotron resonance maser
阻尼cyclotron damping
圆锥螺线天线conical helical antenna
地球自修正correction for earth revolution
坐标转数字计算机coordinate rotation digital computer
备用消系统back-up despin system
复合转关节complex rotary joint
多极转分解器multipolar resolver
多色自扫描摄云相机multicolor spin scan cloud cover camera
多色自扫描摄云相机multicolor spin scan cloud camera
多轴转试验惯性设备multiple-axis spin-test inertia facility
多轴转试验惰性设备multiaxis spin test inertia facility
大洋涡ocean gyro
天线机械消mechanical despin of antenna
天线电子消electronic despin of antenna (用微波电子开关实现天线消旋)
小型自稳定发动机snifters (小型导弹上用的)
小型自稳定发动机snifter (小型导弹上用的)
飞机tail spin
风洞spin wind tunnel
偏振坡left-handed polarized wave
圆极化left-hand circular polarization
圆极化left circular polarization
圆极化波left-hand circular polarized wave
坐标left-handed coordinate
螺纹left hand thread
左向left-hand rotation
flat spin (卫星绕横轴旋转的状态)
恢复flat spin recovery
平面螺天线flat spiral antenna
平面螺缠绕planar helix winding
弹头慢装置slow spin device of warhead
弹头慢设计warhead slow spin design
弹头螺机动弹道screw maneuverable trajectory of warhead
强力shear spinning (固体火箭外壳的成形工艺)
强力power spinning
彩色自扫描摄云机color spin sean cloud camera
控制slow-spin control
转房slow rotation room
战略轰炸机通用转发射架common strategic rotary launcher (美国B-52 轰炸机上用于发射巡航导弹的)
扁双自oblate dual spinner
转装置counter rotation device
拉莫尔Larmor rotation
拉莫尔Larmor precession
推进式螺pusher screw
方位转关节azimuth rotary joint
rotation (性)
光]测定polarimetry (法)
spinning (成形)
spin (成形)
压成形spin shaping
压成形spin forming
压机床flow-forming lathe
压铆窝spin dimpling
回倾侧角angle of heel in turn
塞开关plug cock
放样setting-out of junction
rotor flow (大气的)
eddying flow
eddy blow
涡流swirl plate
流器式燃烧室twirl combustion chamber
流式喷嘴swirl atomizer
流式燃烧室swirl combustion chamber
流式雾化器swirl atomizer
流式预燃室cyclonic precombustion chamber
spinner (口语)
Vortex (卫星,美国电子侦察卫星,原名 Chalet)
涡星系spiral galaxy
涡模式whirling mode
涡缺陷swirl defect
涡运动eddy motion
Swingfire (英国反坦克导弹)
片真空泵sliding vane rotary vacuum pump
电媒质gyroelectric medium
磁器件gyromagnetic device
磁媒质gyromagnetic medium
磁振荡器gyromagnetic oscillator
磁比gyromagnetic ratio
磁滤波器gyromagnetic filter
磁限幅器gyromagnetic limiter
spiral arm
臂升降机arm elevator
衡的cyclostrophic (气象名词)
angle of swing
调管cyclophon (多信道调制用的电子射线管)
可变差动变压器rotating variable differential transformer
稳定火箭spin rocket
回转spinning wheel
转动黏度计rotational viscosimeter
转位置rotating position
转体body of revolution
转体状翼annular wing
转偏置系数spin offset coefficient
转关节votary joint
转关节rotating joint
转冲量rotation impulse (自旋卫星上控制发动机产生的)
转分析器自动空间等离子体实验automatic space plasma experiment with rotating analyzer (苏联)
转剩磁rotational remanent magnetization
转剩磁rotational remanence
转剪床rotary shears
转加速度Coriolis acceleration
转加速度rotary acceleration
转加速度compound centripetal acceleration
转动力学spin dynamics
转动导数rotary dynamic derivative
转勤务台rotating service structure
转发射装置rotary launcher
转变压器electrical resolver (一种耦合变压器)
转台spin table
转后眼震post rotatory nystagmus
转周期period of revolution
转固体火箭发动机swirling solid rocket motor
转地球坐标rotating-earth coordinates
转天线rotary antenna
转失速rotating stall
转头磁记录器helical scan recorder
透视转定律rotational theorem (沙尔定律)
转导弹制导系统rotating missile guidance system
转射束beam spinning
转平台rotating platform
转式供液装置rotary liquid feeding device
转式压缩机rotating compressor
转式电子快门electronic rolling shutter
转式立体辐射器rotating solid radiator (航天器热控制的一种部件)
转式进入大气层飞行器rotary entry vehicle
转式连接器coaxial rotary joint
转弹rotative missile
转弹翼式布局tilt-wing configuration (改变升力的一种弹翼布局形式)
转弹试验rotating rocket testing
转性眼震rotatory nystagmus
转扫描rotational scanning
转扫描rotary scan
转折射光楔revolving refractive optical wedge
转挂钩swivel shackle (防止降落伞缠绕用的)
转振动rotational vibration
转控制rotation control
转断接器flyaway disconnects (运载火箭脐带式管缆的)
转方位式惯导系统rotating azimuth inertial navigation system
转方向direction of rotation
转服务结构rotating service structure (美国航天飞机有效载荷安装设备)
转机构rotating mechanism
转极化对消器rotation polarization canceller (旋转雷达接收机系统的)
转格式Jameson scheme
转椭球ellipsoid of revolution
转波rotational wave
转波束云高计rotating beam ceilometer
转活塞真空泵rotary piston vacuum pump
转流gyrating current
转火箭发动机试车台rotating rocket test stand
转热管rotating heat pipe (利用旋转产生的离心力回输液态工质的热管)
转环境rotating environment
转球面天线heliosphere antenna
转相控阵天线rotary phased array
转磁强计spinner magnetometer
转稳定导弹spin-stabilized missile
转稳定火箭spin stabilized rocket
转稳定火箭spin-stabilized rocket
转稳定火箭弹rotative projectile
转腐蚀spin etching
转臂whirling arm
转臂试验whirling arm test
转试车架spinning bench
转试验spinning test
转试验spin test
转试验rotational test
转调谐磁控管spin-tuned magnetron
转调谐磁控管rotary-tuned magnetron
转起泡膜辐射器rotating bubble membrane radiator (航天器热控制的一种部件)
转轴坐标系rotation axis coordinate system
转错觉rotation illusion
转阻尼damping due to rotation
转陀螺仪rotary gyroscope
转靶高度rotation target altitude
轮类曲线cycloidal curve
进流量计vortex precession flowmeter
Tsyklon (火箭,苏联/乌克兰,俄罗斯运载火箭)
Cyclone (俄罗斯运载火箭)
风号火箭Tsiklon (俄罗斯)
风炸药又名黑索金,见 hexogen cyclopentane 环戊烷cyclonite
irrotational wave
流流线free streamline
转稳定的射弹unrotated projectile (英国曾用此词表示火箭)
早型涡星系early-type spiral galaxy
显像红外自扫描辐射计video infrared spin scan radiometer
无粘区inviscid rotational region
机械消天线mechanically despun antenna
机械消天线mechanical despun antenna
核自nuclear spin
原子核自共振nuclear spin resonance
原子核自量子数nuclear spin quantum number
星系barred spiral galaxy
椭圆转磁场elliptic rotating field
次同步subsynchronous whirl
正余弦转变压器sine and cosine resolver
正常涡星系normal spiral galaxy
比例式转变压器proportional resolver
cyclonic current
消失cyclolysis (气象名词)
生成cyclogenesis (气象名词)
雷暴cyclonic thunderstorm
风暴cyclonic storms
气体转轴承陀螺gas spin bearing gyro
法拉第转衰落Faraday rotation fading
spin down
主动章动阻尼电子设备despin active nutation damping electronics
despinner (双自旋卫星中,相对惯性空间或地球定向的控制装置)
发动机despin engine
天线despun antenna (自旋卫星上的)
天线试验卫星despun antenna test satellite (美国空军)
平台despun platform
平台despin platform
控制系统despin control system
期轨道despun orbits
机械装置despin mechanical assembly
火箭despinning rocket
系统despin system
消像转系统counter image convolving system
vorticity (状态)
clouds of vortices
分离vortex separation
涡流发生器vortex generator
方程vorticity equation
涡轮螺桨发动机propeller turbine engine
滚珠螺轴承ball screw helical bearing
激光螺形车削laser helical turning
烧烤式慢barbecue roll
环流控制circulation-controlled rotor
电子回共振electron cyclotron resonance (推进技术)
电子回共振加热electron cyclotron resonance heating
电子回加速器发射electron cyclotron emission
电子回微波激射器electron cyclotron maser
电子回electron cyclotron wave (等离子体中由电荷密度扰动所形成的一种静电波)
电子回漂移不稳定性electron cyclotron drift instability (一种静电不稳定性)
电子回谐波不稳定性electron cyclotron harmonic instability (一种静电不稳定性)
电子消天线electronic despin antenna
电子自顺磁共振electron spin resonance
电子自共振成像electron spin resonance imaging
电子自共振谱electron spin resonance spectroscopy (学)
电极electrode rotation
电极转头electrode rotation device
电消天线electrical despin antenna
电磁回electromagnetic cyclotron wave (垂直于磁场传播方向的电磁波)
天线nutating antenna
馈电nutating feed
转错觉oculogyral optogyral illusion
瞬时转轴instantaneous axis of rotation
硬件制约、转、换算和转换hardware clipping, rotation, scaling and translation
magnetic rotation
光度magnetic rotation
离子回共振ion cyclotron resonance
离子回共振加热ion cyclotron resonance heating
离子回共振谱ion cyclotron resonance spectrometry
离子回共振质谱法ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
离心转法centrifugal sling technique
空中转式导弹air slewed missile
空气air faucet
立式螺混合机vertical spiral mixer
立式螺风洞vertical spin tunnel
等时性回加速器isochronous cyclotron
等离子转电极工艺plasma rotating electrode processing
筒形变薄tube spinning
筒形变薄tube flow forming
算术螺arithmetic spiral
红外自扫描辐射计infrared spin sean radiometer
线性变压linear revolver
缩颈necking in spindown
背射双线螺天线backfire bihelical antenna
spinner (双自旋卫星中靠旋转稳定的部分)
去耦spin decoupling
反转喇曼激光器spin-flip Raman laser
发动机spin motor
固体上面级spinning solid upper stage (火箭)
固体火箭上面级spinning solid upper stage
增强型可见光红外成像仪spinning enhanced visible & infrared imager
扫描地球敏感器spin scanning horizon sensor
扫描地球敏感器spin scanning earth sensor
扫描摄云相机spin scan cloud camera
推力器spin thruster
效应spin effect
旋转spin wave
火箭spinning rocket
火箭spin rocket
火箭发动机spin motor (导弹的)
点火试验spin-fired test
稳定spin stabilization (卫星姿态稳定的一种方式)
稳定卫星spin stabilized satellite
稳定导弹spin-stabilized missile
稳定控制系统spin stabilization control system (航天器的)
稳定火箭spin-stabilized rocket
稳定航空火箭spin stabilized aircraft rocket
试验设施spin test facility
旋转spin axis
轴指向控制spin axis pointing control
轴赤纬spin axis declination
轴进动precession of spin axis
进动机动spin precession maneuver
旋转速率spin rate
速率敏感器spinning rate sensor
部分spinning part
自由free-vortex flow
航天器姿态精确定位和转自适应控制spacecraft attitude precision pointing and slewing adaptive control
tail spin
Spiral (苏联反坦克导弹)
切削spiral cutting
千斤顶 起重器screw jack
压气机helical compressor
天线spiral antenna
天线helix antenna
helical layer
Ekman layer (附面层和自由大气之间的)
干道芯spiral artery wick (一种热管管芯)
式交错helical interleaving
式发展spiral development
式混合机screw-type mixer
形卷曲corkscrew curl
形星云spiral galaxy
形衰变spiral decay
慢波线helix slow wave line
扫描helical scanning
扫描磁带记录器helical scan magnetic tape recorder
指示仪barber-pole instrument
挤压screw extrusion
推进器screw propeller
斜齿轮spiral bevel gear
曲线helical curve
机动spiral maneuver
screw propeller
桨喷气发动机propeller-jet engine
桨桨叶扭转propeller twist
桨桨尖涡流propeller-tip vortex
桨桨尖速度propeller tip speed
桨桨距propeller pitch
桨气流propeller draught
桨轴功率propeller shaft power
screw pump
helical flow
混合机spiral mixer
滚通spiral race
滤波器screw filter
电位器helical potentiometer
相位天线spiral-phase antenna
线cylindrical spiral
旋涡结构spiral structure
绕型helical pattern
缠绕spiral wrapping
缠绕spiral winding
缠绕helical winding
helix angle
spiral angle (螺旋齿轮的)
angle of spirality
轨道spiral orbit
透镜spiral lens
面流动helicoidal flow
被阻塞螺形银河barred spiral galaxy
视频红外自扫描辐射仪video infrared spin scan radiometer
谐振式四线螺天线resonant quad filar helix antenna
质子进磁力仪proton-precession magnetometer
质子进磁强计proton-precession magnetometer
质量转陀螺spinning-mass gyro
spin up
火箭spin rocket
超声转加工rotary ultrasonic machining
超声转加工机床rotary ultrasonic machine
超自super spin (细长体双自旋卫星在转移轨道上采用的一种姿态稳定方案)
转子转检测器rotor rotation detector
转移轨道自稳定transfer orbit spin stabilization
转移轨道自稳定transfer orbit spin stabilization (地球同步卫星在转移轨道的一种姿态稳定方式)
轴流式涡轮螺桨发动机axial-flow turboprop
进气道inlet swirl
转方向到达counter rotational arrival (行星)
速动转紧固件quick action rotary fastener
金属metal spinning (成形)
陀螺锁定caging knob
锥形变薄cone spinning
锥形变薄tube shear spinning
锥形螺天线conical spiral antenna
锥形螺线conical helix
antispin device
流板antivortex baffle
阿基米德螺Archimedean spiral
陀螺转器gyro spinner
irrotational field
转地球non-rotating Earth
转的再入航天器non-spinning reentry space vehicle
转稳定再入航天器nonspinning reentry space vehicle
转方向发射co-rotational departure
顺时针clockwise rotation
顺时针转力矩right-handed moment
高冲量制动火箭系统/转马达转动检验器high impulse retrorocket system/spin motor rotation detector
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