
术语 对于主题 财政 包含 | 所有字形
一次付分配lump sum distribution
一次付法lump-sum basis
一次购入lump-sum purchase (basket purchase)
上市股票市价aggregate value of listed stock
不活跃账户与账户的比例proportion of inactive to total accounts
世界产出world output
世界吨位world tonnage
业务利益gross earnings (gross profit; gross revenue; gross income)
个人individual ledger
个人所得individual gross income
中国农业银行Head Office of the Agricultural Bank of China
中国银行Head Office of the Bank China
中间金额栏式即设金额栏于帐户的中间center ruled ledger
主权资本total equity
人均国内生产GDP per head
人民币存款total amount of renminbi deposits
企业价值total enterprise value
伦敦黄金即国际黄金总库London Gold Pool
保持物价水平基本稳定maintain basic stability of overall prices
保持物价水平基本稳定keep overall price levels basically stable
保险sum of insurance
保险insurance cover
信托基金trust funds ledger
信用证letter of credit ledger
信贷credit aggregate
借方sum of debts
借方sum of debit
借款安排General Arrangements to Borrow (指十国集团 (G10)为协助IMF 成员国在紧急状况下解决临时性的国际收支失衡问题而与国际货币基金组织 (IMF)达成的一项向 IMF 提供特别信贷的金融协定)
债务aggregate liabilities
债务amount of indebtedness
债务额对总资产比率total debt to total assets ratio (通过计算公司资产中资金来自债务融资的比例来衡量公司的财务风险,其计算方法为:(短期债务+长期债务)一公司的总资产)
债务人分类账debtor ledger
债务对国内生产值比率debt-to-gross domestic product ratio
债权人分类帐claimants ledger
储备资产stock of reserve assets
全年国内生产full-year GDP
全球国内生产global gross domestic product
全社会零售物价指数society-wide general retail price index
公司之资金成本overall cost of capital of the firm
公库收入存款general treasury receipts deposits
公积金aggregate fund
关税与贸易协定General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (简称"关贸总协定")
关贸协定GATT ("关税与贸易总协定 (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)"的简称)
关贸协定一致性GATT consistency
关贸协定义务GATT obligations
关贸协定体制GATT system
关贸协定免税配额GATT levy-free quota
关贸协定关税研究GATT Tariff Study
关贸协定关税约定GATT tariff bindings
关贸协定减让表GATT schedule of concessions
关贸协定合并GATT bindings
关贸协定税率表GATT tariff schedules
关贸协定规定GATT law
关贸协定贸易谈判回合GATT trade rounds
关贸协定限制性品目表GATT negative list
资产net total assets
净资产total net assets
分店branch ledger
分店交易由店记帐branch records on home office books
制定预算gross budgeting
制成品成本汇summary of cost of finished products
制成零件finished parts ledger
制造成本total manufacturing cost
制造与销售成本cost to make and sell
刺激需求stimulate aggregate demand
加权市价weighted market capitalization
加权平均市值weighted average market capitalization (根据每种股票的已发行股票的价值做调整的股票市场价值)
占未偿还额的百分比percentage of total outstanding
原始凭证汇summary of original vouchers
去年全年损益total profit and loss for the previous year
发单成本total ordering cost
各部应负责任汇summary of responsibility
合计外币持仓量aggregate gross foreign currency position
名义国内生产nominal gross domestic product
名义帐项nominal ledger
名义美元国内生产nominal US dollar GDP
公司购货purchase from head office
周转revolving pool
周转amount of turnover
售货proceeds of sale
售货sold ledger
国内需求gross domestic demand
国内储蓄gross domestic savings
国内消费gross domestic consumption
国内生产gross domestic product (商品和劳务币值总和,不包括海外收人支出)
国内生产值增长率gross domestic product growth
国内生产值差距GDP gap
国内生产值平减指数GDP deflator
国内生产值的支岀expenditure on gross domestic product
国内税收Internal Revenue Service (美国负责税收的联邦机构)
国民产量gross national output
国民收人gross national income
国民生产national gross product
国民生产gross national product (商品和劳务币值总和,包括海外收人支出)
国民生产值实际增长率real GNP growth rate
国民生产值实际支出real expenditure on gross national product
国民生产值平减指数GNP deflator
国民财富gross national wealth
国际收支差额overall balance
国际货币基金组织IMF managing director
地区regional headquarters
基金资产funds total assets
外国税收抵免限额overall limitation on the foreign tax credit
外币持仓量gross foreign currency position
外汇收入total foreign exchange
外汇资产的保险coverage of foreign exchange assets
外贸进出口total foreign trade value
多栏式columnar ledger
奖学金承诺部支付缩写为CMT FS HQfellowship commitment HQ disbursement
委托人分类帐client ledger
委托代买品indent ledger
委托销售consignment ledger
存放国外同业nostro ledger
存款deposit ledger
季度概算quarterly summary
实际国内生产real gross domestic product
实际国民生产actual gross national product
审计general accounting office
审计工作结报告summary report of auditing
客户client ledger
导致国内生产值下滑cause GDP to decline
工业产值gross value of industry output
工业生产gross industrial production value
工业股票汇portfolio of industrial share
工资额的计算computation of gross wages
工资及福利费分配汇summary of apportionment of wages and welfare benefits
工资支出汇wage payment summary
工资汇payroll recapitulation (payroll summary)
差额式分类balancing ledger
已分配制造费用汇summary of manufacturing expense applied (summary of standing orders and applied manufacturing expenses)
已缴paid-up amount
市场chief market officer
市场上流通的货币sum total of currency in circulation
市场资本collective market cap
市场资本market capitalization
帐面gross book value
平均成本average total cost
1944年关易税贸协定General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1944
年数加折旧depreciation-sum of year digit
2005年6月任统经济顾问委员会主席Ben Shalom Bernanke
年限额折旧 ftdepreciation-sum of year digit method
应付账款accounts payable ledger
应计折旧的固定资产total value of fixed assets to be depreciated
应计折旧的固定资产平均average total value of depreciable fixed assets
建立币值稳定、供应有序、量可调的国际储备货币体系build an international reserve currency system with stable value, rule-based issuance and manageable supply
开支毛额gross expenditure
得价gross proceeds
业务收益total earning
交易量total amount of transactions
lump-sum payment
付局paying office
会计室general accounting office
会计师controller (comptroller)
会计控制师chief controller
会计部门general accounting department
估价帐户master valuation account
体增长overall growth
体风险overall risk
保费office premium
保险单running policy
保险单general insurance policy
保额total sum insured
借贷对照表balance sheet total
overall cost
储蓄gross savings
储蓄率aggregate savings rate
入资金total sources
公司会计controlling company accounting
公司往来head office current
公荀controlling company (holding company, parent company)
决算general summary of accounts
决算general account
净保费收人gross net premium income
分类帐key ledger
分类帐general controlling ledger
分类帐本期发生额对照表comparative sheet for amount originated in current period of general ledger
分类账nominal ledger
利润率gross profit ratio
办理处general administration
功率产量,输出total output
务之部损益表上的一部general section
务处薪俸general salaries
务费用general expense (sundry expense, miscellaneous expense)
协定umbrella agreement
增加值total value added
头寸overall position
实收金额gross proceeds
差额gross spread
市值market capitalization (是指在某特定的时间内,交易所挂牌交易全部证券(以总股本计)按当时价格计算的证券总值)
市值total market capitalization (是指在某特定的时间内,交易所挂牌交易全部证券(以总股本计)按当时价格计算的证券总值)
市值capitalization (是指在某特定的时间内,交易所挂牌交易全部证券(以总股本计)按当时价格计算的证券总值)
general account
account as recorded in a ledger
general accounts
帐余额balance in ledger
帐余额簿balance book
帐分析ledger analysis
帐分析表ledger analysis sheet
帐员ledger clerk
帐户general accounts
帐目balance sheet total
帐科目ledger accounts
帐科目分类表card account
帐科目单card of accounts
帐系统ledger system
平均成本法periodic average method
店商品帐head office merchandise account
店帐上之分店费用branch expenses on home office books
店帐上之记录entries on home office books
店往来home office current
店往来帐户head office general account
店总帐head office ledger
店控制帐户head office control account
店、本店帐户home office a/c
店来货purchases from head office
店来货purchase from head office
开支gross expenditure
开销the overhead
成交额total contract value
成本final cost
成本complete costs
成本或总市价孰低lower of total cost or total market
投资现金回报率cash return on gross investment
或净盈余概念all-inclusive or clean surplus concept
括保证保险blank bond
括保险blanket insurance (umbrella coverage)
括保险费率blank rate
括债券blanket bond
括定单blanket orders
括定率法blanket percentage method
括忠诚保证保险blanket fidelity bond
括性损益表statement of income and profit-and loss (all inclusive income statement)
持仓限额gross limit
gross loss
摊销费gross amortization charges
支出total outlay
收人total revenue
收人overall revenue
收入total sources
收入gross earnings (gross profit; gross revenue; gross income)
收益total return
收益之减除数deduction from gross income
收益互换total return swap
收益提成折旧法depreciation-gross earning method
收益率掉期total rate of return swap
收益率试验gross profit ratio test
总额total amount
总额global amount
总额sum total
,总额sum (total; total amount)
数收条receipt in full
数过帐summary posting
杠杆效果total leverage effect
清单目录general list
盈利total earning
示法showing the facts "broad"
税项total tax
稽核control general
管理处general administration
管理成本home office cost
结表conclusive table
统驭帐master contract account
而言之in round figures
薪俸general salaries
行使价格aggregate exercise price (出售或买人期权的行使价格乘以合约金额)
行分行帐户head office and branches account
total amount
in the aggregate
all total
计全部支出total all the expenditure
计及过帐的验证verification of footings and postings
负债比率total debt/equity ratio
财产gross property
财务预算master financial budget
nominal ledger
费用overall cost
资产收益率return on total assets
资产收益率all capital earnings rate
资本利润率total capital profit ratio
资本利益率rate of earnings on total capital employed
资本周转率turnover rate on total resources employed
资本要求overall capital requirement
逆差overall deficit
部位于华盛顿的传统基金会Washington-based Heritage Foundation
量管制与配额交易cap and trade
金额overall amount
金额大写up to an aggregate amount of
金额aggregate amount
销售额gross sales
预算main budget
预算gross budget
total amount
in the aggregate
额保险蝉floating policy (open policy)
额按金计算gross margining
成本分类帐cost ledger
成本汇cost summary
所得税汇申报表summary income tax return
承前页之amount brought forward
承诺total commitment
承销货物account sales ledger
额记在我方帐上charge the amount to our account
把出口销售金额记入post up export sales
把稳定价格水平放在更加突岀的位置prioritize overall price stability
投资securities investment ledger
投资investment in the business
投资额周转率turnover of all investment
投资额周转率销货总额与投资总额之比率equity capital turnover
投资收益gross investment income
折旧单位数法depreciation unit summation method
拟定分类帐drafted general ledger
体结构百分比编制的比较资产负债表comparative common-size balance sheet
物价水平调整会计pupu accounting (purchasing power unit)
按类别的成本或总市价孰低lower of total cost or total market by group
按金total margin value
损坏工作汇summary of spoiled work
损益汇income summary
损益汇帐户income summary account
控制分类controlling ledger (controlling account)
支付计利息pay the interest accrued
支票及票据对存款额比率ratio of checks and bills to total deposits
收入total income
收支汇summary of income and expense
收益费用汇summary of income and expenses
新发行gross net issue
新增贷款total stock of new loans
日记journal ledger
日记combined journal and ledger
日记帐核算形式journal ledger from accounting
普通帐统制帐户general ledger controlling a/c
暂停记帐结帐时,结帐簿close the books
月份合计monthly total
月份汇monthly summary
期权金premium turnover
期票存量portfolio of bills
期货交易值结算方式gross basis
未偿债务total debt outstanding
未偿还额百分比percentage of total outstanding amount
未偿还贷款loan amount outstanding
未偿还贷款值的利息interest on outstanding amount
本息sum total of the principal plus interest
本期借方发生total debits for the current period
机器帐或登记簿machinery ledger (register)
根据关贸协定提出的证据GATT justification
正本尚未first unpaid
残废料汇summary of scrap and spoiled materials
毛利毛利占销售额之百分数利润gross profit (gross margin)
毛利法估计存货的方法收益法gross profit method
毛收入收益gross income
永久性资产total permanent assets
master paper
凭证summarized voucher
凭证summary document
尾数balance of exchange
差额balance of exchange
帐户结算时用之,如进销帐户,损益帐户均是summary account
帐项summary entry
报告summary reports
收支摘要簿summary receipt and payment abstract book
日记帐商店的daily summary book
recapitulation statement
记帐凭证核算形式summary vouchers form of accounting
账户summarizing account
过帐summary posting
法定预算书legal budget (legal consolidated budget)
法定预算书ledger budget
泛欧自动实时清算高速转账系统Trans-European Automated Real Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System
活期存款current account ledger
流动负债对负债额之比率ratio of current liabilities to total liabilities
流动资产aggregate liquid assets
流动资产对资产额比率ratio of current to total assets
流动资产对资产额的比率ratio of current assets to total assets
流动资本gross working capital
流动资金定额general standard of current capital
流通手段liquidity aggregate
流通货币sum total of currency in circulation
消耗品consumable ledger
消费品零售total retail sales of consumer goods
潜在国内生产underlying GDP
物价指数国民生产gross national product implicit price deflator
现金净额对存款额比率ratio of net cash to total deposits
现金对资产比率cash to total assets ratio
现金收支汇summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements
现金收支汇表-所有基金combined statement of cash receipts and disbursements-all funds
现金流人aggregate cash inflows
现金流入aggregate cash inflows
现金流出aggregate cash outflows
生产成本汇cost of production report
用料汇summary of materials consumed
电子资金汇系统electronic funds transfer system
盈余total net earning
盈余汇summary of earnings
磁性帐卡片系统magnetic ledger card accounting system
社会消费品零售total retail sales of social consumer goods
,私人帐目分户帐personal ledger
稳定物价水平keep the overall level of prices stable
红利bonus ledger
close books to (closing the books)
结算closing the ledger
结算closing ledger
结算closing the ledger
缴纳资本total paid-in capital
美元会计长comptroller of the currency
股东权益对资产额比率ratio of stockholders' equity to total assets
股份share ledger
股份registered capital
股票total stock value
股票发行额authorized amount
股票stock ledger (stockholders’ ledger)
自动平衡self-balancing ledger (subsidiary ledger)
自动结装置automatic totaling devices
营业与务费用management and general expense
营业收支汇summary of operating revenue and expense
薪金分析汇payroll recapitulation (payroll summary)
补偿余额total compensating balance
计算成本sum up the cost
认真结这场金融危机的教训earnestly draw lessons from the ongoing financial crisis
记账凭证汇summary of vouchers
证券登记公司会有限公司Federation of Shares Registrars Limited
调整后成本total adjusted cost
调整后所得adjusted gross income
负债和净资产total amount of liabilities and net assets
负债对资产比率debt-to-total assets ratio
负债对资产额比率liabilities to total assets ratio
负责付票据back a bill
财务chief controller
财务状况汇summary of financial position
财源负担资力负担汇总表;预算帐用资产负债总表summary statement of resources and obligations
账面gross book value
货币monetary aggregate
货币sum of money
货币流通monetary circulation aggregate
.贴现息,折扣discount DIS, disc
贷方sum of credit
资产total amount of assets
资产total equity
资产额报酬率return on gross assets
资产负债变动汇summary of balance sheet change
资本转率销售总额与资本总额之比率total capital turnover
资本额周转率turnover of total capital
资本额周转率turnover total capital
资本额周转率turnover of all capital
资本额收益率rate of earnings on total capital
资本额盈利率all capital earnings rate
资本净值与负债额之比ratio of net worth to total debt
资本净值对负债额比率ratio of net worth to total debts
资本对资产额的比率owner's equity to total assets ratio
资本构成gross capital formation
资金流人aggregate funds inflow
资金流出aggregate funds outflow
资金流动volume of aggregate financial flow
资金进出aggregate funds in-and-out flow
赔偿aggregate indemnity
赡养比率total dependency ratio (指受赡养人口 (0~14岁及65岁以上)相对总人口(15~64岁)的比率,计算方法为:(受赡养人口/15~64 岁人口)* 100%)
跨境贸易人民币结算all the cross-border trade settled in renminbi
车务帐簿traffic book
过入post up a ledger
过快的国内生产值增长excess GDP growth
运输收入汇summary of transportation revenue
进货invoice ledger
进货bought ledger
部门成本汇departmental cost summary sheet
金额栏column totals (sum)
银行superintendent of banks
银行bank examiner
银行解付款bank debit
销售gross sales
销售成本汇summary of cost of goods sold
销货定单汇summary of customer’s orders
销货客户sold ledger
销货退回与销货额之比ratio of returns to gross sales
错登enter wrongly in the ledger
长期债务对资本额的比率long-term debt to capitalization ratio
帐之资产保险公司用non-ledger assets
非人名impersonal ledger
预算差额overall budget balance
预算budget ledger
预算金额budget amount
预算汇summary budget
预算汇budget summary
预计年限额折旧法depreciation-sum of expected life method
香港商会Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
黄金美元gold dollar pool
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