
术语 对于主题 运动的 包含 分手 | 所有字形 | 只按指定顺序
与对手不分胜负成绩相等tie with one's competitor
参加四分之一决赛的八名选手last eight
在分组赛中淘汰实力较弱的选手to eliminate the weaker competitors in the heats
如参赛选手人数太多、有必要进行几次分组赛、淘汰水平较低的选手、以便减少参加决赛的选手人数When there are too many competitors to compete at one time, several heats will be held to eliminate the less competent competitors from the final
如果你决定投资建一个家庭健身房,可以查阅当地的分类广告,访问网上的克雷格列表,或者去趟二手体育用品商店If you decide you want to invest in a home gym, check out your local classifieds, Craigslist and used sports goods stores
分手point maker
得分能手point getter
最高得分手top scorer
这届马拉松赛跑竞争激烈、日本选手儿玉寿介以2小时7分23秒夺得第一名、日本的伊藤是第二名、第三、四名是坦桑尼亚选手The marathon race was a close contest with Kodama Taisuke of Japan finishing first in 2 hours, 7 minutes and 23 seconds. Ito of Japan finished second and was followed by two Tanzanians