
术语 对于主题 股票交易 包含 letter | 所有字形 | 只容许请确匹配
allocation letterуведомительное письмо (dimock)
customer account letterуведомление клиенту об открытии счета (sankozh)
letter marketрынок залоговых бумаг (dimock)
letter stockакции с ограничениями на перепродажу (US term, unregistered shares of ownership in a corporation that are issued to corporate affiliates, such as executives and directors. Restricted stock is nontransferable and must be traded in compliance with special Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations. The restrictions are intended to deter premature selling that might adversely affect the company. тж. lettered stock investopedia.com 'More)
the Cabot Market LetterКонъюнктурный обзор (издание)
the Wellington LetterСводка Веллингтона (издание)