
术语 对于主题 微软 包含 gradient | 所有字形 | 只容许请确匹配
gradient brushградиентная кисть (A brush that paints an area in a gradual progression from one color to another or from one shade to another shade of the same color)
gradient sliderползунок градиента (A user interface control (typically a slider bar) that lets you select a color for a gradient stop and where the color appears in the gradient spectrum that is applied to a brush)
gradient stopограничение градиента (A marker on a gradient spectrum that denotes where a different color is introduced. The color (and alpha) values can be unique to each stop along the gradient that a user creates)
radial gradientрадиальный градиент (A brush where one color gradually transitions into another in a radial fashion)
Single Color Gradient Fillодноцветная градиентная заливка (Office System 2013 Rori)