
术语 对于主题 微软 包含 Windows Runtime | 所有字形 | 只容许请确匹配 | 只按指定顺序
Infrastructure APIs for the Windows RuntimeAPI инфраструктуры для среды выполнения Windows (A set of C++ APIs that are used by the Windows Runtime to gain access to operating system functionality. They are primarily designed for the infrastructure of the Windows Runtime, but they could be used in advanced C++ Windows Store app development)
Windows Runtimeсреда выполнения Windows (An environment in which COM objects are activated using a fully qualified namespace and a class name within the namespace. Also refers to the set of APIs that is provided by the Windows Runtime)
Windows Runtime C++ Template Libraryбиблиотека шаблонов C++ для среды выполнения Windows (A library that provides infrastructure for the Windows Runtime; it can also be used to create a language projection to build Windows Runtime components in C++ and for app building)
Windows Runtime componentкомпонент среды выполнения Windows (A reusable software component that can be used in multiple applications, regardless of the programming languages in which the applications are written)