
术语 包含 circumstance | 所有字形 | 只容许请确匹配
技术abnormal circumstance异常情况
中国, 政治according to circumstances根据情况
商业活动act according to circumstances随机应变
技术adapted circumstance适宜的环境
经济adventitious circumstances偶然情形
畜牧业adverse circumstance逆境
中国, 政治in adverse circumstances境遇悲惨
中国, 政治in adverse circumstances逆境
经济advice of circumstance preventing carriage载运受阻通知书
商业活动advice of circumstance preventing delivery交付受阻通知书
国际贸易advice of circumstances preventing carriage停止运送情况通知书
国际贸易advice of circumstances preventing carriage载运受阻通知书
国际贸易advice of circumstances preventing delivery交付受阻通知书
经济All these circumstances will certainly affect the operability and safety of the works所有这些情况自然对工厂的可操作性和安全有影响
商业allow for unforeseen circumstances考虑不可预见的情况
商业活动allow for unforeseen circumstances留有余地
桥梁建设analysis of existing circumstance现状分析
商业活动be geared to actual circumstance切合实际
商业活动be in straightened circumstances左支右绌
中国, 政治be involved in any of the following circumstances有下列情形之一的
中国, 政治be involved in either of the following circumstances有下列情形之一的
商业活动behavior in particular circumstances特定条件下的性能
商业活动behavior in particular circumstances特殊情况下的行为
技术business circumstance经营情况
农业cell physical circumstance细胞物理环境
农业change of circumstance环境变化
国际贸易circumstance beyond seller's control卖方所不能控制的情况
商业活动circumstance beyond the insurer's control被保险人所不能控制的情况
护理circumstance consciousness环境意识
技术circumstance of mining开采情况
纺织工业circumstance of salvage施救情况
中国, 法律circumstance warranting the suspension of execution中止的情形
纺织工业circumstances beyond control不可抗力事故
航空circumstances of eclipse交蚀概况
技术circumstances of survey region工作区概况
生态climatic circumstance气候环境
汽车coating circumstance涂装环境
商业活动concomitant circumstance伴随情况
生态condition of circumstance环境条件
技术conditions of circumstance环境条件
技术decide as circumstances require依照情况而定
商业活动detailed circumstance细节
国际货币基金组织economic circumstances经济状况
国际货币基金组织economic circumstances经济情况
纺织工业economic circumstances经济环境
石油/石油emergency circumstance紧急状态
中国, 法律emergent circumstance紧急情况
农业environmental circumstance环境情况
中国, 政治except under special circumstances除特殊情况外
技术exceptional circumstance特殊情况
航海, 技术exceptional circumstances例外情况
国际货币基金组织exceptional circumstances clause IMF, access limit特别情况条款
商业活动exercise discretion in light of the circumstance酌情处理
经济, 国际法exercise discretion in light of the circumstances酌情
桥梁建设exist circumstance现状
技术existing circumstance现况
建筑学existing circumstance现状
技术existing circumstance实际状况
技术existing circumstance实际状态
技术existing circumstance现状
商业活动existing circumstances现状
农业experimental circumstance试验环境
中国, 政治extraordinary circumstances非常情况
技术flame circumstance火焰情况
纺织工业human circumstance人类环境
一般If you have been refused a visa, you can reapply at any time. But if your circumstances have not significantly changed since your last refusal, or if you cannot address the reasons for your refusal, we may refuse your application again如果您被拒签,您可以在任何时候再次申请。如果您的情况与上次申请时大致相同,或无法对上次拒签信中列明的拒签原因做出解释,您的申请可能会再次被拒
中国, 政治in light of the specific circumstances根据不同实际情况
中国, 法律in the light of the circumstance视情节
经济In this circumstance it would cause us a great loss if we were to accede to your request for signing this contract在这种情况下,若同意你方签订此合同的要求,将招致我方很大损失
技术interference circumstances干扰情况
中国, 法律legal circumstance for sentencing法定量刑情节
生态local circumstance局地环境
沙漠科学local circumstance当地情况
技术local circumstance局部环境
生态local circumstance局部情况
商业活动long range circumstances长期环境
国际贸易material circumstance重要事件
后勤material circumstance representation决定保险公司是否承保的重大情况重要陈述
国际贸易material circumstance主要事项
经济mitigate the circumstance减轻处罚情节
商业活动mitigating circumstance减轻处罚情节
证券mitigating circumstance从轻处罚情节
技术noise circumstance噪声环境
美国人not a circumstance to远不如…
美国人not a circumstance to完全不能和…相比
运输notice of circumstances preventing delivery无法交货通知
运输notice of circumstances preventing transport无法运货通知
中国, 法律other special circumstance其他特殊情况
建造physical circumstance实际〔具体〕情况
技术physical circumstance实际情况
汽车physical circumstance物理环境
技术physical circumstance具体情况
经济reduced circumstances降低生活环境
经济reduced circumstances境遇不佳
商业活动reduced circumstances生产情况下降
沙漠科学river reach circumstance河段情况
技术sample circumstances样品情况
足球special circumstance特殊情况
运动的special circumstances特殊情况
中国, 法律state the circumstance反映情况
财政straitened financial circumstances捉襟见肘的财政状况
技术stress of circumstances受环境所迫
技术survey of existing circumstance现状调查
财政take into full account the different national circumstances of various members充分考虑各国不同国情
经济The abrogation of the contract was due to unforeseen circumstances本合同的作废是由于没有预料的情况所造成的
中国, 政治the circumstances specified in the preceding paragraph前款所列情形行为
商业The commercial aims which the both parties pursued when concluding the contract are defeated by force of supervening circumstances双方当事人在签约时所谋求的商业目的因意外情况受挫而落空
经济This shortshipment was due to circumstances beyond our control这次短装是由于不可抗力造成的
汽车traffic circumstance交通情况环境
中国, 法律true circumstance of a case案件真实情况
中国, 政治under any of the following circumstances有下列情形之一的
商业Under no circumstances will the seller accept the return of goods specially procured for the buyer在任何情况下,卖方均不接受买方退回专门采购的货物
经济under stress of circumstances迫于环境
经济Under such circumstances an attorney is needed to compound your debts with your creditor在这种情况下,需要律师来解决你方同债权人的债务争端
经济Under such circumstances, the corporation shall discontinue its business and make immediate liquidation在此种情况下,公司应立即停止营业,进行清理
经济Under such circumstances, we have no choice but to decline your kind offer在这种情况下,本公司别无选择,只好拒绝贵方善意的报价
经济Under such circumstances, you are held responsible for the breakage在这种情况下,贵方应对此次破碎案承担责任
经济under the circumstances在这种情况下
中国, 政治under the new circumstances新形势下
技术under these circumstances在这种情况下
运动的unfavorable circumstance不利情况
商业活动unforeseen circumstance未预料到的环境
技术unforeseen circumstance意外情况
经济unforeseen circumstances意外
经济unforeseen circumstances难以预料的情况
运动的unforeseen circumstances意外事故
商业unforeseen circumstances excepted意外情况除外
商业活动unforeseen circumstances excepted除非有预料不到的情况
商业活动unforeseen circumstances excepted除非发生预料不到的情况
一般Visa processing time is typically three working days, but processing time for specific cases may vary due to individual circumstances and other special requirements签证处理时间一般为三个工作日,但是具体个案处理时间可能根据个人情况及特殊要求而定
一般with circumstance详细
一般without circumstance直截了当地
一般without omitting a single circumstance毫不遗漏地
一般You should compare among several airlines before making the final decision. Find the one which suits your circumstance most在决定之前,应该对比不同的航空公司。发现最适合你的那一个