
术语 对于主题 中国 包含 Technological | 所有字形 | 只容许请确匹配
achievements in scientific and technological research研究成果
achievements in scientific and technological research科学技术的研究成果
agricultural scientific and technological achievement农业科学技术成果
application of scientific and technological advance科学技术应用
commercialization of scientific and technological achievements科学技术成果商品化
conduct scientific research and technological development jointly联合开展科学技术研究开发
funds for scientific research and technological development研究开发经费
government funds earmarked for scientific and technological endeavor财政性科学技术资金
non-service-related technological result非职务技术成果
plagiarize another person's scientific and technological results剽窃他人科学技术成果
plan for scientific and technological developments科学技术发展规划
provide technological services提供技术服务
providing technological advice技术咨询
rely on scientific and technological progress依靠科学技术进步
revision to the Law on Scientific and Technological Progress修改科学技术进步法
rewards for scientific and technological projects科学技术奖项
right for scientific and technological research achievements科技成果权
scientific and technological achievements科学技术成果
scientific and technological appraisal科学技术评价
scientific and technological force科学技术力量
scientific and technological funds科学技术基金
scientific and technological invention科学技术发明
scientific and technological personnel科学技术工作者
scientific and technological plan科学技术计划
scientific and technological popularization科学技术普及
scientific and technological progress科技进步
scientific and technological progress and independent innovation科技发展和自主创新
Scientific and Technological Progress Prize科学技术进步奖
scientific and technological research in surveying and mapping测绘科学技术研究
scientific and technological resources科学技术自然资源
scientific and technological resources科学技术资源
scientific and technological standards科学、技术标准
scientific research and technological development科学技术研究开发
scientific research and technological development institution科学技术研究开发机构
service of comprehensive scientific and technological experiments科学技术实验服务
service-related technological result职务技术成果
special scientific and technological projects科学技术专项
system for scientific research and technological development研究开发体系
system for technological innovation技术创新体系
technological association科学技术协会
technological development contract技术开发合同
technological innovation技术改进
technological innovations and inventions技术发明创造
Technological Invention Prizes技术发明奖
technological know-how技术秘密
technological means of reconnaissance技术侦察措施
technological rights and interests技术权益
technological transaction技术交易
technological transfer contract技术转让合同
the Law on Scientific and Technological Progress科技进步法
the Outline of the National Program for Long-and Medium-Term Scientific and Technological Development国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要
transformation of scientific and technological achievements科技成果转化