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Achieving food security in times of crisis应对危机实现粮食安全
Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action人道主义行动问责和绩效动态学习网络
Ad Hoc Working Group on Sustainable Tuna Farming/Fattening Practices in the Mediterranean地中海可持续金枪鱼养殖/育肥规范特设工作组
Ad Hoc Working Party on Aquatic Resources Management in Aquaculture水产养殖中水生资源管理特设工作组
Ad Hoc Working Party on Fish Monitoring in Fresh Waters淡水水域鱼类监测特设工作组
Ad Hoc Working Party on Fishery Economic Development in the Southwest Atlantic西南大西洋渔业经济发展工作组
Ad Hoc Working Party on Handling of Fishes in Fisheries and Aquaculture渔业和水产养殖中鱼品处理特设工作组
Ad Hoc Working Party on Handling of Fishes in Fisheries and Aquaculture渔业和水产养殖业中鱼品装卸问题特设工作组
Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights美洲人权公约关于经济、社会和文化权利领域的附加议定书
Advisory Panel of Experts in Statistics统计专家咨询小组
African Centre for Applied Research and Training in Social Development非洲社会发展应用研究和培训中心
African Training and Research Centre in Administration for Development非洲发展管理培训和研究中心
Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development发展合作与研究机构
Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in North-West Africa关于设立西北非沙漠蝗防治委员会的协定
Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region关于设立中部地区沙漠蝗防治委员会的协定
Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Eastern Region of its Distribution Area in South-West Asia关于建立沙漠蝗虫西南亚分布区东区沙漠蝗虫防治委员会的协定
Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Eastern Region of its Distribution Area in South-West Asia关于设立沙漠蝗西南亚分布区东区沙漠蝗防治委员会的协定
Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Eastern Region of its Distribution Area in South-West Asia关于设立粮农组织西南亚沙漠蝗防治委员会的协定
Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Western Region关于设立西部地区沙漠蝗防治委员会的协定
Agreement for the Establishment of a FAO Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in South-West Asia关于设立沙漠蝗西南亚分布区东区沙漠蝗防治委员会的协定
Agreement for the Establishment of a FAO Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in South-West Asia关于建立沙漠蝗虫西南亚分布区东区沙漠蝗虫防治委员会的协定
Agreement for the Establishment of a FAO Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in South-West Asia关于设立粮农组织西南亚沙漠蝗防治委员会的协定
Agreement for the Establishment of the Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Cooperation Services for Fishery Products in Africa关于建立非洲水产品销售信息及合作服务政府间组织的协定
Agreement for the Establishment of the International Organisation for the Development of Fisheries in Eastern and Central Europe东欧和中欧建立发展渔业国际组织协议
Agreement on the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia and the Pacific关于亚洲及太平洋水产养殖中心网的协定
Agricultural Energy Data Bank in Europe欧洲农业能源数据库
Agricultural Food Marketing Association in Near East and North Africa近东及北非的农产食品销售协会
Agricultural Food Marketing Association in Near East and North Africa近东及北非农业食品销售协会
Agricultural Sector in Economic Development Service经济发展农业部门处
Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa非洲绿色革命联盟
AP in FAO粮农组织专业人员协会
Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Sciences in Africa非洲农业科学促进会
Association for the Development of Fertilizer Industry in Latin America拉丁美洲肥料工业发展协会
Association of Agricultural Development Planners in Africa非洲农业发展规划者协会
Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa近东和北非农业研究所联合会
Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific亚太区域促进发展筹资机构协会
Association of Food Marketing Agencies in Asia and the Pacific亚太食品销售机构协会
Association of Food Marketing Agencies in East and South Africa东非及南部非洲粮食销售机构协会
Association of Food Marketing Institutions in Asia and Pacific亚太食品销售机构协会
Association of Professionals in FAO粮农组织专业人员协会
Biodiversity Use and Conservation in Asia Programme亚洲生物多样性利用和保护计划
Biotechnology Applications in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry生物技术在农业、渔业和林业中的应用
Building back better in the tsunami zone重建得更好
Building back better livelihoods in the tsunami zone重建得更好
Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam开罗伊斯兰人权宣言
Caribbean Group for Cooperation in Economic Development加勒比海地区经济发展合作小组
Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in Latin America and the Caribbean拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区渔业产品销售信息和咨询服务中心
Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in Latin America and the Caribbean拉丁美洲区域鱼品市场信息处
Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region阿拉伯地区渔产品销售信息及咨询服务中心
Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region阿拉伯区域渔业产品市场信息和咨询服务中心
Christian Action for Development in the Caribbean加勒比海地区基督教开发行动组织
Climate Change Issues in Agriculture农业中的气候变化问题
Cluster of Fishing Companies in Third Countries第三国捕鱼公司小组
Code of Ethics for International Trade in Food国际食品贸易伦理准则
Code of Hygienic Practice for Precooked and Cooked Foods in Mass Catering大众餐饮业预烹调和烹调食品卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for the Transport of Food in Bulk and Semi-Packed Food散装食品和半包装食品运输卫生操作规范
Code of Hygienic Practice for the Transport of Foodstuffs in Bulk and Semi-Packed Foodstuffs散装食品和半包装食品运输卫生操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Aflatoxin Contamination in Peanuts预防及减少花生中黄曲霉毒素污染操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Aflatoxin Contamination in Tree Nuts预防和减少木本坚果中黄曲霉毒素污染操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Dioxin and Dioxin-like PCB Contamination in Food and Feeds预防和减少食品和饲料中二恶英和二恶英类多氯联苯污染的操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Inorganic Tin Contamination in Canned Foods预防和减少罐头食品中无机锡污染的操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Lead Contamination in Foods预防和减少食品中铅污染操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Ochratoxin A Contamination in Wine预防和减少葡萄酒中赭曲霉毒素A污染的操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Patulin Contamination in Apple Juice and Apple Juice预防和减少苹果汁和其他饮料中苹果汁配料的棒曲霉素污染的操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Patulin Contamination in Apple Juice and Apple Juice Ingredients in other Beverages预防和减少苹果汁和其他饮料中苹果汁配料的棒曲霉素污染操作规范
Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Tin Contamination in Canned Foods预防和减少罐装食品中锡污染的操作规范
Code of Practice for the Reduction of Aflatoxin B1 in Raw Materials and Supplemental Feedingstuffs for Milk-Producing Animals降低产奶牲畜饲料原料与辅料中黄曲霉毒素B1含量操作规范
Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods食品污染物法典委员会
Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods食品中兽药残留法典委员会
Codex General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods食品污染物和毒素法典通用标准
Codex Group Standard for Cheeses in Brine盐水奶酪标准类标准
Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development Initiative农业发展研究信息协调计划
Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Western Region西部地区沙漠蝗防治委员会
Commission for Technical Cooperation in Africa South of the Sahara撒哈拉以南非洲技术合作委员会
Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean中西太平洋渔委
Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean中西部太平洋渔业委员会
Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean中西太平洋养护和管理高度洄游鱼类种群委员会
Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Bay of Bengal孟加拉湾渔业发展及管理委员会
Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Lesser Antilles小安的列斯群岛渔业资源开发及管理委员会
Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the South China Sea南中国海渔业发展和管理委员会
Committee of Agricultural Organizations in the EU欧盟农业组织委员会
Committee of Agricultural Organizations in the European Union欧盟农业组织委员会
Committee on Contaminants in Foods食品污染物法典委员会
Committee on Ethics in Food and Agriculture粮食和农业伦委员会
Committee on Forest Development in the Tropics热带森林开发委员会
Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods食品中兽药残留法典委员会
Common Organization for Economic Cooperation in Central Africa中非经济合作共同组织
Compassion in World Farming世界农场动物福利协会
Comprehensive Programme of Assistance in the Development and Management of Fisheries in Exclusive Economic Zones专属经济区渔业开发和管理综合援助计划
Confederation of Importers and Marketing Organizations in Europe of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables欧洲新鲜水果和蔬菜进口商及销售组织联盟
Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millenium第三个千年水产养殖大会
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe欧洲安全与合作会议
Conference on the Use of Property Rights in Fisheries Management产权作为渔业管理工具会议
Consultation on the Application of Article 9 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Mediterranean关于在地中海地区实施粮农组织《负责任渔业行为守则》第9条的磋商会
Consultative Group for the Support of Animal Genetic Resources in the Americas美洲动物遗传资源支持活动磋商小组
Consultative Group on Food Production and Investment in Developing Countries发展中国家粮食生产及投资磋商小组
Convention concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries独立国家土著和部落居民公约
Convention for the Conservation of Anadromous Stocks in the North Pacific Ocean北太平洋溯河性鱼类种群养护公约
Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters《奥胡斯公约》
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora濒危物种公约
Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation in the Western Hemisphere西半球自然保护和野生物保存公约
Convention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, particularly in Africa联合国关于在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲防治荒漠化的公约
Cooperation Agreement between FAO and the Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region粮农组织与阿拉伯地区渔业产品销售信息及咨询服务中心合作协定
Co-operative Agreement for Arab States in Asia for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology亚洲阿拉伯国家与核科技相关的研究、开发和培训合作协定
Cooperative Program in Research and Technology for the Northern Region北部地区研究和技术合作计划
Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe欧洲空气污染远距离传输监测和评价合作方案
Cooperative Research Programme on Fish Technology in Africa非洲鱼品技术合作研究计划
Core Group on Women in Fisheries渔业妇女问题核心小组
Council for trade in goods货物贸易理事会
Council for trade in services服务贸易理事会
Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security in Africa非洲农业和粮食安全马普托宣言
Drought Emergency in Southern Africa南部非洲干旱紧急救济
Electronic Forum on Biotechnology in Food and Agriculture粮食和农业生物技术电子论坛
Emergency Farm Reconstruction Project in Kosovo科索沃农场紧急重建项目
Environment and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean Network地中海环境及水产养殖网络
Environment and Development in the Third World第三世界的环境与发展
Erbil Office in Iraq伊拉克埃尔比勒办事处
Ethics in Food and Agriculture粮食和农业伦理
European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International road transport《欧洲国际公路运输车辆和人员工作协定》
European Association for the Trade in Jute Products欧洲黄麻制品贸易协会
European CO-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research欧洲科技研究领域合作
European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research欧洲科技研究领域合作
European Federation of the Trade in Dried Fruits, Edible Nuts, Preserved Food, Spices, Honey and Similar Foodstuffs欧洲干果、蜜饯、调味品、蜂蜜进口商联合会
European Society of Nuclear Methods in Agriculture欧洲农用核技术学会
European System of Cooperative Research Networks in Agriculture欧洲农业合作研究网系统
Expansion Phase of the Regional Programme for Food Security in the Pacific太平洋地区粮食安全计划的扩展期
Expert Consultation on Best Practices for Safety at Sea in the Fisheries Sector渔业部门海上安全最佳规范专家磋商会
Expert Consultation on Improving Planning and Policy Development in Aquaculture改进水产养殖规划和政策制定专家磋商会
Expert Consultation on Risk Characterization of Campylobacter spp. in Broiler Chickens and Vibrio spp. in Seafood关于带骨鸡中的弯曲菌和海味中的弧菌的风险特性描述联席专家磋商会
Facility for rapid response to soaring food prices in developing countries欧盟粮食基金
FAO Office in Saudi Arabia粮农组织驻沙特阿拉伯办事处
FAO Representation in Afghanistan粮农组织驻阿富汗代表处
FAO Representation in Africa粮农组织驻非洲代表处
FAO Representation in Algeria粮农组织驻阿尔及利亚代表处
FAO Representation in Angola粮农组织驻安哥拉代表处
FAO Representation in Argentina粮农组织驻阿根廷代表处
FAO Representation in Armenia粮农组织驻亚美尼亚代表处
FAO Representation in Asia and the Pacific粮农组织驻亚太区域办事处
FAO Representation in Azerbaijan Republic粮农组织驻阿塞拜疆共和国代表处
FAO Representation in Bangladesh粮农组织驻孟加拉国代表处
FAO Representation in Barbados粮农组织驻巴巴多斯代表处
FAO Representation in Belarus粮农组织驻白俄罗斯代表处
FAO Representation in Benin粮农组织驻贝宁代表处
FAO Representation in Bhutan粮农组织驻不丹代表处
FAO Representation in Bolivia粮农组织驻玻利维亚代表处
FAO Representation in Bosnia and Herzegovina粮农组织驻波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那代表处
FAO Representation in Botswana粮农组织驻博茨瓦纳代表处
FAO Representation in Brazil粮农组织驻巴西代表处
FAO Representation in Burkina Faso粮农组织驻布基纳法索代表处
FAO Representation in Burundi粮农组织驻布隆迪代表处
FAO Representation in Cabo Verde粮农组织驻佛得角代表处
FAO Representation in Cambodia粮农组织驻柬埔寨代表处
FAO Representation in Cameroon粮农组织驻喀麦隆代表处
FAO Representation in Central Africa Republic粮农组织驻中非共和国代表处
FAO Representation in Chad粮农组织驻乍得代表处
FAO Representation in Chile粮农组织驻智利代表处
FAO Representation in China粮农组织驻中国代表处
FAO Representation in Colombia粮农组织驻哥伦比亚代表处
FAO Representation in Congo粮农组织驻刚果代表处
FAO Representation in Costa Rica粮农组织驻哥斯达黎加代表处
FAO Representation in Cuba粮农组织驻古巴代表处
FAO Representation in Côte d'Ivoire粮农组织驻科特迪瓦代表处
FAO Representation in Democratic People's Republic of Korea粮农组织驻朝鲜民主主义人民共和国代表处
FAO Representation in Democratic Republic of Congo粮农组织驻刚果民主共和国代表处
FAO Representation in Djibouti粮农组织驻吉布提代表处
FAO Representation in Dominican Republic粮农组织驻多米尼加共和国代表处
FAO Representation in Ecuador粮农组织驻厄瓜多尔代表处
FAO Representation in Egypt粮农组织驻埃及代表处
FAO Representation in El Salvador粮农组织驻萨尔瓦多代表处
FAO Representation in Equatorial Guinea粮农组织驻赤道几内亚代表处
FAO Representation in Eritrea粮农组织驻厄立特里亚代表处
FAO Representation in Ethiopia粮农组织驻埃塞俄比亚代表处
FAO Representation in Europe粮农组织驻欧洲代表处
FAO Representation in Fiji粮农组织驻斐济代表处
FAO Representation in Gabon粮农组织驻加蓬代表处
FAO Representation in Gambia粮农组织驻冈比亚代表处
FAO Representation in Georgia粮农组织驻格鲁吉亚代表处
FAO Representation in Ghana粮农组织驻加纳代表处
FAO Representation in Guatemala粮农组织驻危地马拉代表处
FAO Representation in Guinea粮农组织驻几内亚代表处
FAO Representation in Guinea Bissau粮农组织驻几内亚比绍代表处
FAO Representation in Guyana粮农组织驻圭亚那代表处
FAO Representation in Haiti粮农组织驻海地代表处
FAO Representation in Honduras粮农组织驻洪都拉斯代表处
FAO Representation in India粮农组织驻印度代表处
FAO Representation in Indonesia粮农组织驻印度尼西亚代表处
FAO Representation in Iran粮农组织驻伊朗代表处
FAO Representation in Iraq粮农组织驻伊拉克代表处
FAO Representation in Jamaica粮农组织驻牙买加代表处
FAO Representation in Jordan粮农组织驻约旦代表处
FAO Representation in Kazakhstan粮农组织驻哈萨克斯坦代表处
FAO Representation in Kenya粮农组织驻肯尼亚代表处
FAO Representation in Kyrgyzstan粮农组织驻吉尔吉斯斯坦代表处
FAO Representation in Lao People's Democratic Republic粮农组织驻老挝人民民主共和国代表处
FAO Representation in Latin America and the Caribbean粮农组织驻拉美加区域办事处代表处
FAO Representation in Lebanon粮农组织驻黎巴嫩代表处
FAO Representation in Lesotho粮农组织驻莱索托代表处
FAO Representation in Liberia粮农组织驻利比里亚代表处
FAO Representation in Libya粮农组织驻利比亚代表处
FAO Representation in Madagascar粮农组织驻马达加斯加代表处
FAO Representation in Malawi粮农组织驻马拉维代表处
FAO Representation in Mali粮农组织驻马里代表处
FAO Representation in Mauritania粮农组织驻毛里塔尼亚代表处
FAO Representation in Mexico粮农组织驻墨西哥代表处
FAO Representation in Moldova粮农组织驻摩尔多瓦代表处
FAO Representation in Mongolia粮农组织驻蒙古代表处
FAO Representation in Morocco粮农组织驻摩洛哥代表处
FAO Representation in Mozambique粮农组织驻莫桑比克代表处
FAO Representation in Namibia粮农组织驻纳米比亚代表处
FAO Representation in Nepal粮农组织驻尼泊尔代表处
FAO Representation in Nicaragua粮农组织驻尼加拉瓜代表处
FAO Representation in Niger粮农组织驻尼日尔代表处
FAO Representation in Nigeria粮农组织驻尼日利亚代表处
FAO Representation in Oman粮农组织驻阿曼代表处
FAO Representation in Pakistan粮农组织驻巴基斯坦代表处
FAO Representation in Panama粮农组织驻巴拿马代表处
FAO Representation in Papua New Guinea粮农组织驻巴布亚新几内亚代表处
FAO Representation in Paraguay粮农组织驻巴拉圭代表处
FAO Representation in Peru粮农组织驻秘鲁代表处
FAO Representation in Rwanda粮农组织驻卢旺达代表处
FAO Representation in Senegal粮农组织驻塞内加尔代表处
FAO Representation in Serbia粮农组织驻塞尔维亚代表处
FAO Representation in Sierra Leone粮农组织驻塞拉利昂代表处
FAO Representation in Solomon Islands粮农组织驻所罗门群岛代表处
FAO Representation in Somalia粮农组织驻索马里代表处
FAO Representation in South Africa粮农组织驻南非代表处
FAO Representation in Sri Lanka粮农组织驻斯里兰卡代表处
FAO Representation in Sudan粮农组织驻苏丹代表处
FAO Representation in Swaziland粮农组织驻斯威士兰代表处
FAO Representation in Syria粮农组织驻叙利亚代表处
FAO Representation in Tajikistan粮农组织驻塔吉克斯坦代表处
FAO Representation in Tanzania粮农组织驻坦桑尼亚代表处
FAO Representation in Thailand粮农组织驻泰国代表处
FAO Representation in the Near East粮农组织驻近东区域代表处
FAO Representation in The Philippines粮农组织驻菲律宾代表处
FAO Representation in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar粮农组织驻缅甸联邦共和国代表处
FAO Representation in the Republic of Turkey粮农组织驻土耳其共和国代表处
FAO Representation in the state of Qatar粮农组织驻卡塔尔国代表处
FAO Representation in Timor Est粮农组织驻东帝汶代表处
FAO Representation in Togo粮农组织驻多哥代表处
FAO Representation in Tonga粮农组织驻汤加代表处
FAO Representation in Trinidad and Tobago粮农组织驻特立尼达和多巴哥代表处
FAO Representation in Tunisia粮农组织驻突尼斯代表处
FAO Representation in Turkey粮农组织驻土耳其代表处
FAO Representation in Turkmenistan粮农组织驻土库曼斯坦代表处
FAO Representation in Uganda粮农组织驻乌干达代表处
FAO Representation in United Arab Emirates粮农组织驻阿拉伯联合酋长国代表处
FAO Representation in Uruguay粮农组织驻乌拉圭代表处
FAO Representation in Uzbekistan粮农组织驻乌兹别克斯坦代表处
FAO Representation in Vanuatu粮农组织驻瓦努阿图代表处
FAO Representation in Venezuela粮农组织驻委内瑞拉代表处
FAO Representation in Vietnam粮农组织驻越南代表处
FAO Representation in Western Samoa粮农组织驻西萨摩亚代表处
FAO Representation in Yemen Arab Republic粮农组织驻阿拉伯也门共和国代表处
FAO Representation in Zambia粮农组织驻赞比亚代表处
FAO Representation in Zimbabwe粮农组织驻津巴布韦代表处
FAO Representations in Asia and the Pacific粮农组织驻亚太区域办事处
FAO/ECE/CES Study Group on Food and Agricultural Statistics in EuropeFAO/ECE/CES欧洲粮食和农业统计学研究小组
FAO/IAEA Panel of Experts on Nuclear Techniques in Soil Fertility, Irrigation and Crop Production Studies粮农组织/原子能机构土壤肥力、灌溉和作物生产研究中核技术应用专家组
FAO/MRC/Thailand/Netherlands ad Hoc Expert Consultation on New Approaches for the Improvement of Inland Capture Fishery Statistics in the Mekong Basin粮农组织/湄公河委员会/泰国/荷兰旨在改善湄公河流域捕捞渔业统计工作的新方法特别专家磋商会
FAORs in Africa粮农组织驻非洲国家代表处
FAORs in Asia and the Pacific粮农组织驻亚太区域办事处
FAORs in Europe and Central Asia粮农组织驻欧洲及中亚代表
FAORs in Latin America and the Caribbean粮农组织驻拉丁美洲及加勒比国家代表处
FAORs in the Near East粮农组织驻近东国家代表处
FAO/UNEP Joint Project on Integrated Coastal Management in East Africa粮农组织/联合国环境规划署东非沿海综合管理联合项目
FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Salmonella and Campylobacter in Chicken Meat粮农组织/世卫组织关于鸡肉中沙门氏菌和弯曲菌的专家会议
FAO/WHO Trust Fund for Enhanced Participation in Codex食典信托基金
FAO/WHO Trust Fund for Enhanced Participation in Codex粮农组织/世卫组织用于促进参与食典工作的项目和信托基金
Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa非洲农业研究论坛
General Guidelines for the Utilization of Vegetable Protein Products in Foods食物中植物蛋白制品使用一般准则
General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods食品中污染物和毒素通用标准
Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories国家温室气体清单优良作法指南和不确定性管理
Guideline Levels for Vinyl Chloride Monomer and Acrylonitrile in Food and Packaging Material食品和包装材料中氯乙烯单体和丙烯腈的 指导水平
Guidelines for Evaluating Objectionable Matter in Food食品中不良物质评价准则
Guidelines for International Cooperation in the Livestock, Meat and Dairy Products Sector畜牧、肉类和奶制品部门国际合作准则
Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Material in International Trade国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准则
Guidelines for the Assessment of the Competence of Testing Laboratories Involved in the Import and Export Control of Foods从事食品进出口控制的测试实验室能力评估准则
Guidelines for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical timber production forests国际热带木材组织和自然保护联盟《热带木材生产林生物多样性保护和可持续利用准则》
Guidelines for the Design of Control Measures for Street-vended Foods in Africa非洲街头食品管理措施制定准则
Guidelines for the Establishment of a Regulatory Programme for Control of Veterinary Drug Residues in Foods建立控制食品中兽药残留监管计划准则
Guidelines for the Exchange of Information in Food Control Emergency Situations食品管理紧急状况信息交流准则
Guidelines for the Hygienic Reuse of Processing Water in Food Plants食品加工厂中处理水再利用卫生准则
Guidelines for the Sensory Evaluation of Fish and Shellfish in Laboratories鱼贝类实验室感官评价准则
Guidelines for the Use of Non-meat Protein Products in Processed Meat and Poultry Products加工肉禽制品中非肉类蛋白制品的使用准则
Guidelines on Criteria for Methods for Detection, Identification and Quantification of Specific DNA Sequences and Specific Proteins, in particular in Foods Derived from Modern Biotechnology现代生物技术食品中特定DNA序列和特定蛋白质检测、鉴定和定量方法标准准则
Guidelines on disposal of bulk quantities of pesticides in developing countries发展中国家大宗农药处置准则
Guidelines on Good Laboratory Practice in Pesticide Residue Analysis农药残留分析良好实验室操作准则
Guidelines on Good Laboratory Practice in Residue Analysis农药残留分析良好实验室操作规范准则
Guidelines on the Control of Veterinary Drug Residues in Milk and Milk Products乳和乳制品兽药残留管理准则
Guidelines to Reduce Sea Turtle Mortality in Fishing Operations关于捕捞作业中减少海龟死亡的准则
Guidelines to Reducing Sea Turtle Interactions and Mortality in Marine Capture Fisheries关于捕捞作业中减少海龟死亡的准则
Harmonized IUPAC Guidelines for the Use of Recovery Information in Analytical Measurement国际纯化学和应用化学联盟有关分析测量中使用回收信息的协调准则
High-Level Conference on Feeding the World in 2050关于2050年供养世界问题的高级别会议
High-Level Conference on the Development of Agribusiness and Agro-industries in Africa非洲农业企业和农产品加工业发展问题高级别会议
High-Level Expert Forum on How to Feed the World in 2050高级别专家论坛:2050年如何养活世界
High-level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小组
High-level Panel on United Nations System-wide Coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小组
High-Level Special Event on the Role of Aquaculture in Sustainable Development农业在可持续发展中的作用
Improving Capacity Building in Rural Finance加强农村金融能力建设
Information System for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean促进地中海水产养殖业信息系统
Institute for Research in Tropical Agriculture and Food Crops热带农业及粮食作物研究所
Inter-Agency Task Force on the UN Response to Long-Term Food Security, Agricultural Development and Related Aspects in the Horn of Africa联合国应对非洲之角长期粮食安全、农业发展和有关问题的机构间工作组
Interdepartmental Committee on Women in Development妇女参与发展部门间委员会
Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate in Relation to Agriculture and Food Security与农业和粮食安全有关的气候问题部际工作组
Interdepartmental Working Group on Women in Development妇女参与发展部际工作组
Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Cooperation Services for Fishery Products in Africa非洲政府间渔产品营销信息及合作服务组织
Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Cooperation Services for Fishery Products in Africa非洲区域渔产品销售及合作服务政府间组织
Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Technical Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Asia and Pacific Region亚太区域渔产品销售信息及技术咨询服务政府间组织
Intergovernmental Programme for Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technological Information政府间科学信息领域合作计划
International Association for Research in Income and Wealth国际收入和财富研究协会
International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences国际农业学者协会
International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences国际农业院校学生协会
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas国际干旱地区农业研究中心
International Centre for the Coordination of Research in Agriculture国际农业研究协调中心
International Collective in Support of Fishworkers国际渔工援助合作社
International Committee on Applied Research in Population国际人口应用研究委员会
International Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millennium第三千年水产养殖国际会议
International Cooperative Programme on the Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests in the ECE Region欧经委区域空气污染对森林影响评估和监测国际合作计划
International Cooperative Programme on the Ecological Management of Arid and Semi-Arid Rangelands in Africa, the Near East and Middle East非洲、近东和中东干旱和半干旱草原生态管理国际合作计划
International Federation of Women in Legal Careers国际法律界妇女联合会
International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas公海深海渔业管理国际准则
International Network of Base Collections in Gene Banks国际基因库基础收集品网络
International Organisation for the Development of Fisheries in Eastern and Central Europe东欧中欧渔业发展国际组织
International Organisation for the Development of Fisheries in Eastern and Central Europe东欧及中欧渔业发展国际组织
International Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries减少延绳钓渔业中误捕海鸟国际行动计划
International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage国际灌溉排水技术及研究计划
International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage国际灌溉和排水技术及研究计划
International Strategy for the Fight against Locust and Grasshopper Infestation, particularly in Africa与蝗虫和蚱蜢侵袭特别是在非洲作斗争国际战略
International Symposium on Biotechnology and International Trade in Basic Foods国际生物技术和基本食品国际贸易专题讨论会
International Symposium on Seed Procurement and Legal Regulations for Forest Reproductive Materials in Tropical and Sub-tropical Countries关于热带和亚热带国家森林繁殖材料的种子采购及法律条例国际专题讨论会
International Technical Conference on Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries发展中国家农业生物技术国际会议:种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业和涉农产业应对粮食不安全和气候变化挑战的选择与机遇
International Technical Conference on Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries: Options and Opportunities in Crops, Forestry, Livestock, Fisheries and Agro-industry to Face the Challenges of Food Insecurity and Climate Change发展中国家农业生物技术国际会议:种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业和涉农产业应对粮食不安全和气候变化挑战的选择与机遇
Inter-regional Cooperative Research Network on Rice in the Mediterranean Areas地中海气候区稻米区域间合作研究网络
Interregional Project on Tuna Resources Development and Management in the Indo-Pacific Region印度太平洋区域金枪鱼资源开发和管理区域间项目
Investing in Agriculture for Food Security - The whole world will profit投资农业促进粮食安全 - 惠及全世界
Investing in Food Security粮食安全投资
IPCC Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories国家温室气体清单优良作法指南和不确定性管理
Italy/FAO Training Programme on Agricultural and Rural Development Planning, Policies and Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean意大利/粮农组织合办的拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区农业和乡村发展规划、政策和项目培训计划
ITTO/IUCN Guidelines for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical timber production forests国际热带木材组织和自然保护联盟《热带木材生产林生物多样性保护和可持续利用准则》
Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture粮农组织/国际原子能机构粮食和农业核技术联合司
Joint FAO/IOC Programme on Ocean Science in Relation to Living Resources粮农组织/政府级海洋学委员会合办的关于生物资源的海洋科学方案
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Carbohydrates in Human Nutrition粮农组织/世卫组织关于人类营养中碳水化合物问题联合专家磋商会
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Application of Nanotechnology in the Food and Agriculture Sectors粮农组织/世卫组织关于在粮食和农业领域应用纳米技术专家联席会议
Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Core Assessment Group粮农组织/世界卫生组织农药残留问题联席会议
Latin American Network of Women Working in Fisheries拉丁美洲渔业部门妇女网络
Liaison Centre for the Meat Processing Industry in the EU欧盟肉类加工行业联络中心
Liaison Office in the Russian Federation, Moscow驻俄罗斯莫斯科联络处
London Convention on the Conduct of Fishing Operations in the North Atlantic北大西洋捕捞作业行为伦敦公约
Maputo Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security in Africa非洲农业和粮食安全马普托宣言
Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe欧洲大森林地区森林保护部长级会议
Ministerial Conference on Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: the Challenges of Climate Change非洲农业和能源用水部长级会议:气候变化的挑战
Monaco Agreement on the Conservation of the Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area关于养护黑海、地中海和毗连大西洋海域鲸目动物的协定
National Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries国家行动计划-海鸟
National Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries减少延绳钓渔业意外捕获海鸟的国家行动计划
Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia and the Pacific亚太水产养殖中心网
Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋区域水产养殖中心网
Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central and Eastern Europe中欧和东欧水产养殖中心网
Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central-Eastern Europe中欧和东欧水产养殖中心网
Network of Aquaculture Centres in Latin America and the Caribbean拉丁美洲及加勒比水产养殖中心网
Network of In Situ Conservation Areas原生境保护区网络
Network on Environment and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean地中海环境及水产养殖网络
Network on Social, Economic and Legal Aspects of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean地中海水产养殖的社会、经济及法律问题网络
Network on Technology and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean地中海技术及水产养殖网络
Office of Director, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture粮农组织/国际原子能机构粮食和农业中的核技术联合司司长办公室
Organization for Coordination in Control of Endemic Diseases in Central Africa中非地方病防治协调组织
Organization for the Conservation, Protection and Optimum Utilization of Tunas and Tuna-like Species in the Eastern Pacific保存、保护及最大限度地利用东太平洋金枪鱼和类似金枪鱼品种组织
Organization of Fishing and Aquaculture in Central America中美洲渔业和水产养殖组织
Panel of Eminent Experts on Ethics in Food and Agriculture粮食和农业伦理著名专家小组
Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel萨赫勒地带国家间抗旱常设委员会
Plan of Action against Soaring Food Prices in the Poorest Countries应对最贫穷国家食品价格飞涨行动计划
Plan of Action against Soaring Food Prices in the Poorest Countries应对粮食价格飞涨行动计划
Plan of Action for the Harmonization and Reform of Business Practices in the United Nations System联合国系统统一业务做法行动计划
Principles and Guidelines for the Exchange of Information in Food Safety Emergency Situations食品安全紧急情况信息交流原则和准则
Programme for Development of Pasture and Fodder Crops in Humid and Sub-Humid Tropical Regions湿润和半湿润热带地区草原及饲料作物发展计划
Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa西非手工渔业综合开发计划
Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa西非个体渔业综合发展计划
Programme for International Cooperation in Agricultural Sector Analysis国际农业部门分析合作计划
Programme of Action on International Trade in Fish and Fishery Products鱼和水产品国际贸易行动计划
Programme of Direct Assistance to Livestock Production Activities in National Rural Development Schemes国家乡村发展方案中直接援助畜牧生产活动的计划
Project and Trust Fund for Enhanced Participation in Codex食典信托基金
Project and Trust Fund for Enhanced Participation in Codex粮农组织/世卫组织用于促进参与食典工作的项目和信托基金
Project Development of Fisheries in the Eastern Central Atlantic东部中大西洋渔业发展项目
Project for the Development of Fisheries in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden红海和亚丁湾渔业发展项目
Project for Training in Rural, Economic and Social Development乡村、经济和社会培训发展项目
Protocol for States not Party to the Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean北大西洋鲑鱼养护公约非缔约国协议
Regional Aquaculture Programme in Latin America拉丁美洲区域水产养殖计划
Regional Association for Post-harvest Technology Network in Asia亚洲收获后技术网络区域协会
Regional Centre for Training in Food Economics and Applied Nutrition区域食品经济学和应用营养学培训中心
Regional Code of Practice for Reduced Impact Forest Harvesting in Tropical Moist Forest in Latin America and the Caribbean拉丁美洲及加勒比地区潮湿热带林采用减少影响采伐方法的区域准则
Regional Council for Agricultural Cooperation in Central America中美洲农业合作区域理事会
Regional Expert Consultation on Sea Safety in Small Fishing Vessels小型渔船海上安全区域专家磋商会
Regional Information System on Aquaculture in Africa非洲区域水产养殖信息系统
Regional Plan of Action to Promote Responsible Fishing Practices in South East Asia东南亚促进负责任捕捞规范区域行动计划
Regional Project for Coastal, Small-scale Fisheries Development in South East Asia东南亚沿海、小型渔业发展区域项目
Regional Telecommunications Satellite System in Africa非洲区域电信卫星系统
Regional Workshop on Safety at Sea in Artisanal and Small-scale Fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean拉丁美洲及加勒比手工和小型渔业海上安全区域研讨会
Research Network on Trace Elements, Natural Antioxidants and Contaminants in Foods and Diets食品和膳食中微量元素、抗氧化剂和污染物研究网络
Reykjavik Declaration on Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem雷克雅未克宣言
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade鹿特丹公约
Round Table on Ecolabelling and Certification in the Fisheries Sector渔业部门生态标签和认证圆桌会议
Round Table on Water for Agriculture in Africa, the Near East and Small Island Developing States非洲、近东和小岛屿发展中国家的农业用水问题
Safeguard for Agricultural Varieties in Europe欧洲保护农作物品种基金会
SEAMEO Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture东南亚区域农业研究生及研究中心
Secretary, Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region中部地区沙漠蝗虫防治委员会秘书
Seminar for Permanent Representatives on FAO's Engagement in the UN Reform and Cooperation between the Rome-based Agencies为常驻代表举办的有关粮农组织参与联合国改革和设在罗马的各机构之间合作的研讨会
Seminar on Revisiting Food Politics in Times of Crisis关于"危机时期再看粮食政治"研讨会
Social, Economic and Legal Aspects of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean Network地中海水产养殖的社会、经济及法律问题网络
Society for the Advancement of Breeding Researches in Asia and Oceania亚洲和大洋洲育种研究促进会
Socio-Economic Analysis and Policy Implications of the Roles of Agriculture in Developing Countries农业在发展中国家作用的社会经济分析及政策影响
Southern African Centre for Cooperation in Agricultural Research南部非洲农业研究合作中心
Special Action Programme in Forestry for Local Community Development林业促进当地社区发展特别行动计划
Special Envoy for the Humanitarian Crisis in the Horn of Africa非洲之角人道主义危机特使
Special Fund for Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture农业领域减缓气候变化特别基金
Special Programme for Aquaculture Development in Africa非洲水产养殖发展特别计划
Standard for Blend of Skimmed Milk and Vegetable Fat in Powdered Form脱脂乳与植物脂肪混合粉剂标准
Standard for Cheeses in Brine Group Standard盐水奶酪标准类标准
Standard for Formula Foods for Use in Very Low Energy Diets for Weight Reduction用于减肥的极低能量配方食品标准
Standard for Formula Foods for Use in Weight Control Diets控制体重用配方食品标准
Standard for Quick Frozen Fish Sticks Fish Fingers, Fish Portions and Fish Fillets - Breaded or in Batter速冻面包屑或面糊包裹鱼条、鱼块和鱼片标准
Strategic Framework on Human Capacity Development in Fisheries渔业部门人力开发战略框架
Strategy and Plan of Action for the Protection of the Environment in the Mediterranean保护地中海环境战略和行动计划
Strategy to Enhance International Cooperation in Wildland Fire Management国际林火管理战略
Subregional Project for the Integrated Development of Small-scale Fisheries in Inland Waters in East Africa东非内陆小型渔业综合发展分区域项目
Summit on Food Security in Africa非洲粮食安全首脑会议
Team of Specialists on Best Practices in Forest Contracting森林承包最佳规范专家组
Team of Specialists on Participation and Partnerships in Forestry林业参与和伙伴关系专家组
Technical Committee for Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine Environment全球海洋环境污染调查技术委员会
Technical Consultation on International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in the High Seas公海深海渔业管理国际准则技术磋商会
Technical Consultation on Sustainability Indicators in Marine Capture Fisheries海洋捕捞业可持续性指标技术磋商会
Technical Cooperation among Countries in Transition转型国家间技术合作
Technical Cooperation Network on Plant Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean植物生物技术的技术合作网络
Technology and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean Network地中海技术及水产养殖网络
The Role of Aquaculture in Sustainable Development农业在可持续发展中的作用
The State of Food Insecurity in the World世界粮食不安全状况
Tourism in Rural Europe欧洲乡村的旅游
Underutilised Tropical Fruits in Asia Network亚洲未充分利用热带水果网
United Nations Office of the Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq联合国伊拉克人道主义协调员办公室
United Nations Operation in Somalia联合国驻索马里的行动
United Nations Operation in Somalia联合国在索马里的行动
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济工程处
United Nations Relief Operation in Dacca联合国达卡救济行动
United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia联合国驻柬埔寨临时机构
United Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa联合国非洲交通与通讯十年
Universities Action in the Agro-food Sector Implemented in the Field of Cooperation for Development - the case of Spain发展合作领域实施的农业与食品部门大学行动 – 西班牙案例
Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security国家粮食安全范围内土地、渔业及森林权属负责任治理自愿准则
Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security自愿准则
Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security《自愿准则》简称
Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security《支持在国家粮食安全范围内逐步实现充足食物权的自愿准则》
Water for Agriculture in Africa, the Near East and SIDS非洲、近东和小岛屿发展中国家的农业用水问题
Western Africa Centre for Cooperation in Agricultural Research西非农业研究合作中心
Women in Development and Gender Research Officer妇女参与发展及性别研究官员
Women in Development Officer妇女参与发展官员
Women in Development Project Officer妇女参与发展项目官员
Women in Development Research Officer妇女参与发展研究官员
Women in Development Training Officer妇女参与发展培训官员
Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management妇女变革农业和自然资源管理组织
Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and NRM妇女变革农业和自然资源管理组织
Work in Fishing Convention渔业工作公约
Work in Fishing Convention关于渔业部门工作的公约
Working Conference of Representatives of Higher Education in Agriculture农业高等教育代表的工作会议
Working Group on in situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources植物遗传资源原生境保存工作组
Working Group on Sustainability in Fisheries渔业可持续性问题工作组
Working Party on the Management of Living Resources in Near-Shore Tropical Waters近海热带水域生物资源管理工作组
Working Party on the Principles for Fisheries Management in the New Ocean Regime新海洋体制渔业管理原则工作组
Working Party on Women and the Family in Rural Development农村发展中妇女和家庭问题工作组
World Food Programme Transport Operation in Ethiopia世界粮食计划署在埃塞俄比亚的运输行动