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主题的术语 一般 (61694 статей)
" Beoordelingsfiche " (beoordelingsrapport t.a.v. plaatselijke functionarissen ) " Service Assessment " (report on local staff)
" contingenza " - vergoeding (duurtetoeslag ) cost-of-living allowance
" mensa " - vergoeding (vergoeding voor maaltijden ) luncheon allowance
" vitto " - vergoeding (schaftvergoeding ) food allowance
"à découvert"-zending item in open mail
"aan"-cel on cell
"all in-all out" systeem all in, all out' system
"Allegorie op het geloof" "Allegory of the Faith"
"alles behalve wapens" Everything but Arms
"anti-surge"-clausule anti-surge clause
"application pull" application pull
"artikel 24"-overeenkomst Article 24 agreement
"artikel 24/38"-overeenkomst Article 24/38 Agreement
"assises" "Assises"
"assises" Conference of the Parliaments
"association of underwriters" (Lloyd's) association of underwriters (Lloyd's)
"batch" droger batch dryer
"Bedreigd Cultuurbezit" "Cultural Heritage under Threat"
"bepaal-opvolger"-frame "set-successor" frame
"bottom-up" benadering bottom-up approach