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主题的术语 宗教 (36500 статей)
"Автобиография йога" Autobiography of a Yogi Acruxi­a
"Акт о единоверии" Act of Uniformity
"Ангелы" Angels
"Антверпенская полиглотта" Antwerp Polyglot (1569-72, an important polyglot, paid for by Philip II of Spain, supervised by the Spanish scholar Benedictus Arias Montanus and printed in Antwerp by a well-known printer, Christophe Plantin)
"Апостольские правила" Apostolic Canons
"бабушкино" богословие false theology Alex_O­deychuk
"Бешеный мулла" Mad Mullah
"Библия Ковердаля" Coverdale's Bible
"Библия коротких штанишек" Breeches Bible
"Библия Кромвеля" Cromwell's Bible
"Библия неправедных" Unrighteous Bible
"Библия привидений" Bug Bible
"Библия с патокой" Treacle Bible
"Библия Сэси" Sacy's Bible
"Библия убийц" Murderers' Bible (An edition of 1801 in which Jude 16 reads: "These are murderers, complainers, etc." instead of "These are murmurers, complainers...")
"Братья покаяния Христова" Friars of the Penance of Jesus Christ
"Братья христианских школ" Brothers of the Christian Schools
"Братья-христиане" Christian Brothers
"Буддхачарита" Buddhacarita
"Варс" Vars