
   中文 英语
主题的术语 非正式的 (547 статей)
最好是做… had best (+ inf.)
言归正传 cut the cackle
退会 off the books
威胁 throw a scare into
搁置 lay away
省得 be saved...
老调重弹 harp on the same string
吃完 eat up
吃惊 have a fright
各种 kinds of
处境困难 in a fix
处于窘境 with egg on (one's) face
弄脏〔糟〕 muck up
弄错 be wide of the mark
弄黑脸和手 black up
匆忙逃走 do a bunk
a heap of
go phut
理应 bound to
三四年 a couple of years