
   Hiszpański Angielski
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komun. technol. abstract object
micr. object
patent. subject; subject matter; purpose; aim; end; design
technol. world knowledge
posp. realia
| y
posp. and
| beneficiarios
finans. collateral taker
| de
posp. out of
| la
hodowl. poke line
| protección
opiek. protection
- znaleziono osobne słowa

rzeczownik | czasownik | do fraz
objeto m
komun., technol. abstract object
micr. object (In object-oriented programming, an instance of a class. An object comprises data and methods that act on the data, and is treated as a discrete entity)
patent. subject; subject matter; purpose; aim; end; design
praw. scope; corpus
techn. goal
technol. world knowledge
objetos m
posp. realia (Objects distinct from library materials found in a library collection)
techn., przem., bud. objects
objeto czas.
posp. object (Something material that can be perceived by the senses); thing
finans., komun., technol. object of interest
mat. item
technol. fact; real world knowledge
objetar czas.
posp. present (an argument) 128
patent. raise objections
praw. object to express disapproval or opposition; object; contest; challenge
 objetar czas.
praw. object
 Hiszpański tezaurus
objetar czas.
praw. Protestar ante el tribunal en contra de un acto u omisión por la parte opuesta
objeto y beneficiarios de la: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki