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elektron. building block; switch bay
hydrol. specific discharge; mean annual stage
komun. sub-assembly
micr. module; modulo
organ. księg. release
technol. encapsulated type
technol. techn. program unit
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módulo m
posp. package
elektron. building block; switch bay
hydrol. specific discharge; mean annual stage; mean annual water level
komun. sub-assembly
micr. module (In programming, a collection of routines and data structures that performs a particular task or implements a particular abstract data type. Modules usually consist of two parts: an interface, which lists the constants, data types, variables, and routines that can be accessed by other modules or routines, and an implementation, which is private (accessible only to the module) and which contains the source code that actually implements the routines in the module); modulo (An arithmetic operation whose result is the remainder of a division operation. For example, 17 modulo 3 = 2 because 17 divided by 3 yields a remainder of 2. Modulo operations are used in programming)
organ., księg. release IMIS (SIIG)
technol. encapsulated type
technol., techn. program unit
módulos m
transp., lotn. stream
módulo czas.
posp. module
elektron. bay
med. cassette
nauki o ż. long term average discharge
przem., bud. modulus
modular czas.
posp. modulate
elektron. to modulate
techn. modular
modulo czas.
inżyn. module
 Hiszpański tezaurus
modulo czas.
inżyn. modul
módulo de líneas: 4 do fraz, 2 tematyki