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posp. Services
posp. worship service; service charge
ekon. service
nauki prz. roln. covering
posp. lavatory; toilet; toilets
finans. services
ochr.środ. services
| de
posp. out of
| notificación
ochr.środ. notification
| de
posp. out of
| eventos
opiek. attack
| de
posp. out of
| sistema
opiek. system
- znaleziono osobne słowa

do fraz
servicio m
posp. worship service; service charge; service
chem. "duty"
ekon. service
elektron. duty; duty cycle; load cycle; heavy route
micr. service (A program, routine, or process that performs a specific system function to support other programs)
nauki prz., roln. covering; mating; serving; tupping
opiek. operating conditions
patent. employment; traffic; communication
techn. servicing
włók. handling
servicios m
posp. lavatory; toilet; toilets
elektron. facilities
finans. services
nauki sp., bud. amenities; public services; utilities
ochr.środ. services The carrying out of work for which there is a constant public demand by the provision of labor and the utilization of tools
organ., ekon. utilities (agua, eletricidad, etc.)
stat. medical services
transp., lotn. blue room; service
servicio N m
ekon., technol. N-service
Servicios m
posp. Services
 Hiszpański tezaurus
servicio m
praw. Cuando una persona mayor de 18 años y no implicada con el caso entrega a la otra parte una copia de los documentos del tribunal en persona o por correo
servicios m
posp. W.C.
Servicios de notificación de: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki