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Gruzovik be at variance with; be contrary to
posp. contradict (with dat., someone); be adverse; cross; conflict (чему-либо); contravene (правилу, закону и т. п.); counter; gainsay; go against (чему-либо); cut across; contradictious; disagree; sin; be in contradiction (чему-либо); run afoul of (Lavrov); run contrary to something (чему-либо Simonoffs); go against the grain; be out of sync with (чему-либо); be out of synch with (чему-либо); defy (DieAveline); traverse; be at variance with (чему-либо); be contrary to; run counter (друг другу); be at variance with something (чему-либо); be against (чему-либо); clash with (Alexander Demidov); be incompatible with (HarryWharton&Co); be contrary (to); collide; controvert; cut; discord (один другому); belie (The glint in her eyes as she asked the question belied the casual tone that she used. – ... блеск её глаз противоречил непринуждённому тону, которым был задан вопрос. ksi); be abhorrent to (чем-либо; напр., каким-либо побуждениям A.Rezvov); be antithetical ("By doubling, and in some cases tripling, the entrance fees, the National Park Service would absolutely limit access to some of the country's most majestic places. That's antithetical to the parks' mission. It's also completely unnecessary." – The San Francisco Chronicle, 24 Nov. 2017 VLZ_58); quarrel (I won't quarrel [=disagree] with your version of what happened. VLZ_58); be at odds (The witness' statement seems to be at odds with the evidence, not a good sign for the prosecutor. Sergei Aprelikov); be against something (чему-либо; в значении: являться нарушением igisheva); balk; belie; discredit (Aeroflot’s passenger manifest, reviewed by Bellingcat and The Insider, discredits Petrov and Boshirov’s claims, made in the RT interview, that they had been planning their visit to Salisbury for a long time. VLZ_58); contravene (о фактах, событиях); be in contradiction (with; чему-либо); be out of sync with (чему-либо); be out of synch with (чему-либо); be contrary to the spirit of something, the letter of something, etc. (bookworm); be at variance; come into conflict with (Alex_Odeychuk); be at odds with (theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk); say somebody nay (кому-либо); contrary; counterplead; bid defiance to one; repugn; think much; thwart with (чему-л.); transgress; fly in the face of; stand up to (кому-л.); confound (каким-либо представлениям LisLoki)
Игорь Миг be in stark contrast to; be out of whack with
amer. be at odds with (одно другому; Blake's version of events was at odds with the official police report. Val_Ships)
bizn. be in conflict with; conflict with; contrast
daw. thwart; belye
daw., przen. thaught
dial. cam
dypl. sin (чему-либо); be conflicting with (чему-либо); run counter to (чему-либо)
ekon. be in conflict (чему-либо); constitute an objection to (чем-либо A.Rezvov)
idiom. fly in the face of (принципам, идеям, позиции ART Vancouver)
makar. go against something (чему-либо); interfere; be against; contradict (кому-либо); be at variance (with; чему-либо); be contrary to something (чему-либо); be in conflict with something (чему-либо); disagree about; disagree on; disagree over; gainsay (someone – кому-либо); jar with (кому-либо, чему-либо); run counter; run counter to something; say someone nay (кому-либо); sin against; disagree with; jump away
makar., daw. thwart with
mat. be in contrast to (with); be in contrast with; be contrary to
mechan. be in tension (This is actually in tension with many of the fundamental laws of physics reddit.com MichaelBurov)
nauk. be inconsistent with (чему-либо igisheva); challenge (igisheva)
patent. be contrary; contravene (закону)
praw. be not in compliance with (напр., положениям договора Alexander Matytsin); contravene (закону, праву); be inconsistent with (Alexander Matytsin)
przem. conflict (кому-либо, чему-либо)
publ. contradict; be variance
slang fly in the face
противоречить чему-л. czas.
banał. be out of line with smth. (igisheva); fall out of line with smth. (igisheva)
противоречит czas.
posp. fly in the face (mascot)
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