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posp. differ (with от, from); be noted distinction; differentiate; excel; vary; be notable for (чем-либо User); sparkle; be distinct in something (e.g. distinct in design Zukrynka); make a good showing (MargeWebley); be distinguished by (чем-либо Marina Smirnova); be characterized (jaime marose); have a distinction; tell; deviate (qwereee); discern; patent (чем-либо); stand out from the crowd (о человеке ZolVas); outstand with (e.g. Turkey outstands with its vast agricultural land and natural water recources. Soulbringer); difference; be notable (for); single out; be dissimilar (The question is not dissimilar to one asked earlier. VLZ_58); differ by (чем-либо typist); be not the same as (от A.Rezvov); have a distinction of being (sankozh); become distinctive (Andrey Truhachev); be distinct in something (e.g. distinct in design Zukrynka); stand out (ZolVas); stand out for (ч-л; its values, features etc ZolVas); be distinguished (by); be notable (for ZolVas); stand eminent; stand out; distinguish oneself; be remarkable (with instr., for)
bizn. diverge; vary between; be distinctive
dypl. diverge (о мнениях)
idiom. be in a different vein (Сергей Корсаков); be in a different vein (Сергей Корсаков)
makar. distinguish; be unlike; cause a stir (делать что-либо вызывающее смех); distinguish oneself (выдаваться выделяться); excel at; excel in; be distinguished by/; enjoy a distinction (чем-либо); have a distinction (чем-либо); hold a distinction (чем-либо); make an exhibition of oneself (делать что-либо, вызывающее осуждение); be notable for (чем-либо)
mark. boast (Several of our formats boast a thicker book-block with an expanded page count for your writing or drawing needs. ART Vancouver)
mat. be different from; be distinguished; be noted for; differ from; feature
nauk. characteristically exhibit (чем-либо igisheva)
nief. big for (San Diego is big for gay porn and amateur porn; LA is big not just for basketball, but for hockey too Баян); stand out (от других Val_Ships)
ofic. feature (American architect Henry Hobson Richardson developed a popular style that featured round arches, heavy massing, and the use of rough-hewn stone and strong brickwork. (Ron Phillips) -- разработал стиль, который отличали / отличавшийся • This is one of the best examples of the mission style in the city. It features a formal entrance into an arcaded porch, shaped gables on the dormers, end gables, and moulded window details. (Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)
patent. depart
przen. show (чем-л.: His works showed a unique flair for lightness and vivacity of design. ART Vancouver)
psych. contrast
relig. distinguish itself
sejsm. differ
szt. be notable (for: His work is notable for its humour and craftsmanship. – Его творчество отличают юмор и мастерство исполнения ART Vancouver)
technol. am different; are different; be different
отличать czas.
posp. distinguish (with the geniality which distinguishes him – со свойственным ему добродушием); illustrate; prick off; set forward; set off; signalize; set apart; reward; honor; tell smth., smb. apart (что-л., кого́-л. от чего́-л., кого́-л.); distinguish (with the geniality which distinguishes him – со свойственным ему добродушием; distinguish oneself by something – выделиться, отличиться чем-либо стать известным благодаря чему-либо); decorate; tell (from); differentiate; discern; discriminate; know; highlight (Notburga); mark apart (Andrew Goff); make the difference (от – between: Sometimes it is the subtle things that make the difference between just ordinary and very special. ART Vancouver); tell from; tell apart (что-л., кого́-л. от чего́-л., кого́-л. Andrew Goff); characterise (Alexander Matytsin); characterize (tavost); separate (что-либо от чего-либо); difference; pick out; single out; define (It's our culture that defines us as a nation, more so than our borders. Культура отличает нас как народ – больше чем границы. suburbian)
bizn. part
daw. dijudicate; try
ekon. mark out
idiom. keep things straight (george serebryakov)
księg. sign
makar. mark off (напр., о кач-вах); confer a distinction on (отмечать наградой); tell the difference (одну вещь от другой)
mark. spell (Georgy Moiseenko)
mat. distinguish (between); set apart (comment by ART Vancouver: here is a good example:: In today's marketplace, what sets us apart is not just the quality of our products but also our excellent customer relations.); tell the difference between ... and
med. feature
nawig. distinguish
okręt. differ
przen. be the hallmark (Symmetry and and refinement of line are the hallmarks of these drawings. – Эти рисунки отличают симметрия и утончённость линий. ART Vancouver)
psych. denote
rzad. severalize (от чего-либо)
slang tell the difference (Damirules)
technol. vary
wierc. mark
отличается czas.
Игорь Миг is fraught with
relig. distinguishes itself
technol. is different
отличаться один от другого czas.
posp. vary (in sth. – по своим характеристикам, качеству и т.п.: "Atmospheric rivers vary in intensity and impacts," states Environment Canada. -- отличаются одна от другой по своей интенсивности и воздействию • Physical descriptions of Japanese mermaids vary; however they generally differ in appearance from the traditional image of the beautiful maiden torsos with fish tails common to Western mermaid lore. (mysteriousuniverse.org) • The total fee charged by each vendor varies. • Individual results may vary based upon your age and physical condition. – индивидуальные результаты могут быть различными / могут отличаться в зависимости от возраста и физического состояния  ART Vancouver)
отличаемый ims. przym.
posp. distinguishable
отличавший ims. przym.
technol. varied
отличаться: 668 do fraz, 54 tematyki
Amerykański używanie2
Cytaty i aforyzmy1
Figura retoryczna3
Hodowla ryb hodowla ryb2
Książkowy styl / literacko1
Odprawa celna1
Olej i gaz1
Organizacja narodów zjednoczonych1
Organizacja pracy1
Przetwarzanie danych1
Public relations1
Publikatory środki masowego przekazu17
Ropa / ropa naftowa1
Sztuczna inteligencja1
Technika i technologia6