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наводящий вопросakcenty
posp. guiding question (Кунделев); suggestive question; suggestive interrogation; leading question (Alexander Demidov); pointer (ART Vancouver); probing question (negenka); directive question (teterevaann); priming question (Psychologists have discovered that they can influence a person's behaviour by exposing them to something about it beforehand. This may be because of the way our brains deal with concepts and ideas. If concept A and concept B are related (such as dog and barking), the exposure to A will activate both A and B in the brain. This makes people more likely to notice B later on. This phenomenon is called Priming. chi-med.ac.uk daniyar91); leading question
praw. fishing question
наводящий вопрос: 8 do fraz, 5 tematyki
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