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Gruzovik begin to fall into a light slumber (pf of задрёмывать); begin to nod (pf of задрёмывать); get drowsy (pf of задрёмывать); start to doze (pf of задрёмывать)
posp. nod; slumber; doze off (I was so tired I dozed off in the middle of the meeting Taras); drop off to sleep; drop off (Granddad often drops off in front of the TV. Acruxia); nod off (kipriana); drift off (Рина Грант); fall into a snooze (Before long she'd fallen into a snooze. Mr. Wolf); fall into a doze; fall asleep
makar. doze off; drift off; drop off
nief. begin to nod; conk out (VLZ_58)
задрематься czas.
Gruzovik, nief. doze off; begin to nod
: 5 do fraz, 3 tematyki