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encapsulation [ɪnˌkæpsju'leɪʃn, -sə'-] rzecz.
posp. laminado m
chem. encapsulado
ochr.środ. encapsulamiento m
technol. encapsulación
włók. encapsulation m
encapsulation The enclosure of any polluting product with a material that prevents its release in the environment [ɪnˌkæpsju'leɪʃn, -sə'-] rzecz.
ochr.środ. encapsulación
 Angielski tezaurus
encapsulation [ɪnˌkæpsju'leɪʃn, -sə'-] rzecz.
wojsk., skr. encap
encapsulation objects [ɪnˌkæpsju'leɪʃn, -sə'-] rzecz.
technol. The technique used by layered protocols in which a lower-layer protocol accepts a message from a higher-layer protocol and places it in the data portion of a frame in the lower layer
: 15 do fraz, 7 tematyki
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Nauka o ziemi1
Nauki przyrodnicze1
Technika i technologia2