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acts czas.
posp. asiakirjat
EU toimenpiteet; lait
ochr.środ. teot
act [ækt] czas.
eduk. toiminto
praw. säädös; asiakirja
act 1. Something done voluntarily by a person, and of such a nature that certain legal consequences attach to it. 2. Documents, decrees, edicts, laws, judgments, etc. czas.
ochr.środ. toimenpiteet
 Angielski tezaurus
act [ækt] rzecz.
lit. A section or a major division within a play. Frequently, individual acts are separated into smaller units called scenes.
ACTS skr.
komp. adaptive cosine transform coding
przem. automated commitment tracking system
skr. A Chance To Share; A Coalition To Support; A Commitment To Service; Advanced Catalytic Technologies For Sustainability; Advanced Computational Testing And Simulation; Automated Card Tracking System; A Community Tutoring Successfully; Accountability, Caring, Teaching, And Snacks; Acknowledging Christ Through Service; Acquisition Control and Tracking System; Action Charity Testimony Sanctification; Activities Character Training Scriptures; Admiration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication; Adoration Community Theology And Service; Adult Christian Training Seminars; Adult Christians Together Socially; Advance Communications Technology Satellite; Analytical Creative Thinking Skills; Arab Company Trading Securities (Арабская компания по торговле ценными бумагами Углов); Asian Christian Theological Studies; Assist A Child To School; Automated Control of Trainees Sys; automated confirmation transaction services
skr., broń. Action and Correspondence Tracking System
skr., eduk., nauk. Association Of Chicago Theological Schools
skr., ekol. air charge temperature sensor
skr., elektron. advanced communications technology satellite (program); advanced communications technologies and services program; advanced communication telemetry service; area communication terminal subsystem; automatic computer telex system
skr., inżyn. arc current time simulator (временнАя модель тока дуги; сокр. Углов)
skr., lotn. active thermal control system; advanced crew transportation system; attitude control and translation subsystem; air cargo terminal system; advanced communication technologies and services; automated change tracking system
skr., med. Acute Cervical Trauma Syndrome; Acute Cervical Traumatic Sprain Or Syndrome; American-Canadian Thrombosis Study; American College Testing Services; Auditory Comprehension Test For Sentences
skr., nauk. African Centre For Technology Studies
skr., nauka o z. advanced computed tomography system
skr., obron. automatic countermeasure test system
skr., olej. Advisory Committee on Toxic Substances (Yeldar Azanbayev)
skr., papier. automated confirmation transaction service
skr., przestrz. application control and teleprocessing system; advanced communications and technology satellite
skr., relig. A Call To Service; A Chance To Serve; A Commitment To Serve; Accepting The Call To Serve; Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplication; Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication; American Christian Television System; Another Chance To Serve; Area Churches Together Serving
skr., ropa / r. automatic custody transfer system (автоматическая закрытая система откачки нефти потребителю; сокр. Углов)
skr., sieć., technol. Advanced Communications Technologies And Services
skr., szkoc.ang. AEGIS Combat Training System; Artillery Concepts Test System
skr., techn. automated centralized ticketing system
skr., technol. Automated Coin Toll System; Automated Computer Time Service; Advanced Communications and Telecommunications Satellite; Advanced Communications Technologies and Services
skr., telef. Automatic Coin Telephone Service
skr., telekom. Andy, Charles, Ian's System
skr., transp. American Coalition for Traffic Safety, Inc.; Area Comprehensive Transportation Study
skr., wojsk. A Call To Serve; Air Combat Training System; Army Criteria Tracking System; Advanced Communication Technology Satellite
techn. acoustic control and telemetry system; attitude control and translation system; automatic computer telex services
techn., skr. automatic custody transfer system
wojsk. Advanced Communications Technology; advanced communications technology satellite; air cushion takeoff system; aircrew training school; analog conditioning and test system; area communications terminal subsystem
Acts skr.
łac. Acts of the Apostles
acts: 578 do fraz, 35 tematyki
Fizyka jądrowa1
Hobby i rozrywki2
Imigracja i obywatelstwo1
Nauki o życiu1
Ochrona środowiska14
Opieka zdrowotna1
Prawo karne5
Prawo międzynarodowe3
Prawo pracy1
Rząd, administracja i usługi publiczne1
Systemy bezpieczeństwa2
Związki handlowe1