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 Angielski tezaurus
ABS [æbz] skr.
skr., hodowl. adult bovine serum; American Breeders Service
skr., mot. absorber; antilock system; anti-lock brakebraking system; anti-skid brakebraking system
skr., niem., mot. Antiblockiersystem
skr., polim. acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resin
skr., ruch. accident black spot
Abs. skr.
skr., nauka o z. absolute temperature
ABS [æbz] czas.
chem., opiek., med. Absorb
ekol., skr. alkyl benzene sulfonate
immun., skr. Absorbed
inwest. automated bond system
inwest., ład k. asset-backed security
nowoj., giełd. Albertson's, Inc.
przem., skr. ammonium bisulfate
skr. American Bible Society; Asset- Backed Security; Able-Bodied Seaman (матрос 1 класса (торгового флота) Углов); absentee (находящийся в самовольной отлучке; отсутствующий на поверке, "нетчик" Углов); absolute error (Vosoni); absolute value (абсолютное значение, абсолютная величина, модуль Углов); absorption (абсорбция, поглощение, впитывание, всасывание Углов); Acrylonitrile Butadiene-Styrene (A Hun); Adult Bible Study; absolute temperature (Vosoni); American Bureau of Shipping (Американское бюро судоходства - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Bureau_of_Shipping 'More); automatic brightness stabilization (vlad-and-slav); Air Base Supply; airborne bathymetric survey (батиметрическая аэросъёмка Углов); airborne bathymetric system (аэробатиметрическая система (система исследования глубин моря с воздуха) Углов); American Begonia Society (Американское общество любителей и селекционеров бегоний Углов); American Bryological Society (Американское бриологическое общество Углов); Anglo-Brazilian Society (Англо-Бразильское общество культурных связей Углов); anti-lock braking system (An anti-lock braking system (ABS, from German: Antiblockiersystem) is a safety system that allows the wheels on a motor vehicle to continue interacting tractively with the road surface as directed by driver steering inputs while braking, preventing the wheels from locking up (that is, ceasing rotation) and therefore avoiding skidding. wiki Alexander Demidov); Apple Business Systems (Apple); asset backed security (Alexander Matytsin); Association of Business Schools (Anglophile); Australian Book Society (Австралийское общество библиофилов Углов); absolute bulk strength; alkylbenzenesulfonate; alkyl benzene sulfonic acid
skr., bank. asset-backed security (4uzhoj); automated bond system (4uzhoj)
skr., eduk., nauk. Abstract
skr., elektron. absolute (value); access-barred signal; adaptive block size; air base simulator; air bearing surface; antipodal baseband signaling; automatic balancing system (circuit); average benchmark speed; average busy season
skr., finans. asset-backed securities
skr., fizj. Asian Back Syndrome
skr., gen. Airbags System (Igor_esa); access and benefit-sharing
skr., inżyn. air break switch
skr., komun. Automatic Block Signal system
skr., lab. Able-Bodied Subject
skr., lotn. airbus standard (Interex); subscriber absent; AIM Business Services; access barred signal; air bass simulator; auto brake system; automatic braking system control units; automatic brightness sensor
skr., makar. antilock braking system
skr., mat., nauk. Absolute
skr., med. Abdominal Surgery; Acute Brain Syndrome; American Back Society; American Behavioral Scientist (periodical); Arterial Blood Sample; acute bacterial sinusitis (острый бактериальный синусит Dimpassy); acryzonitrile-butadiene-sterene; antibodies
skr., mot. anti-locking brake system (Krokodil Schnappi); antilocking brakes; antiskid brake system; antilock brake system; anti-lock braking system (MichaelBurov); computerized system preventing the wheels locking up and skidding under emergency braking conditions (MichaelBurov); antilock braking system (MichaelBurov)
skr., olej. automatic brake system (Yeldar Azanbayev)
skr., papier. assets backed security
skr., polim. acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
skr., rozsz. Abscissa Data file; Abstracts (info file); Address Book Synchronization (IBM)
skr., sach. American Biological Society
skr., szkoc.ang. Aerospace Bearing Support Inc. (USA); Amphibious Bridging System (Tracked; T)
skr., sztuczn. artificial belief system
skr., techn. acrylonitrile-butadienestyrene; anti-locking brake system; anti block system (Olga_Lari)
skr., transp. American Bureau of Shipping; acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene; AntiBlock System
skr., tworz. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
skr., urządz. absolute mode (режим абсолютного измерения Yuriy83)
skr., wojsk. Absent; ABSolute (value); Agent-Based System (See also KBS)
skr., zaut. anti-lock brake system
techn., skr. antenna base spring; automatic blow down system
tworz. Poly (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)
wojsk., skr. air base survivability; airborne backing store
abs. skr.
skr. absent; absolutely; abstract
skr., chem. absorbent
skr., nauka o z. absolute; absolute value; absorption
abs [æbz] skr.
skr. absence; absentee
skr., bizn. absorbent
skr., wierc. absorption; air-break switch
technol. absolute value
Abs. czas.
łac. Absens ("absent")
AbS [æbz] skr.
skr., ropa / r. absent, subscriber
ABS [æbz] skr.
ropa / r., skr. alkylbenzene sulfonate
skr. Absolute Ballistic Value (воен. starling52); alternate billing service; antiskid braking system; able seaman; air base squadron; Allied Business System Ltd.; American Broadcasting System
skr., bizn. absent subscriber office closed; abstract statement
skr., chem. acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene terpolymer (plastics); acrylonitrile-co-butadiene-co-styrene; polyacrylonitrile-co-butadiene-co-styrene
skr., ekon. acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer; American Bureau of ships
skr., finans. asset-backed securitization
skr., hutn. aluminium-bomb shooting
skr., lotn. auto braking system
skr., med. antibotulinic serum (I. Havkin)
skr., mult. absolute time
skr., nauka o z. airborne bathymetric survey system; Association of Banks in Singapore; Association of British Spectroscopists; Australian Biochemical Society; Australian Bureau of Statistics
skr., organ., roln. access and benefit sharing
skr., położn. amniotic band syndrome (синдром амниотических перетяжек cyberleninka.ru doc090)
skr., przestrz. American Bureau of Standards; ATM-based on-board baseband switch; ATM baseband switch; automatic bomb sight
skr., radio automatic beam current stabilizing system
skr., ropa / r. acoustic backscatter system; adaptive braking system; algal biosparite; alignment bent sub; American Bureau of Standard; analysis by synthesis; area of bit size; articulated buoyant structure; artificial buoyant seabed; asset backed securities; automated buoy system; automatic blowdown system
skr., technol. allocation block size; auto-balance system
ABS: 7 do fraz, 3 tematyki
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