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n [en] skr.
techn., praw. Nano
N R [en] skr.
komun. NR; receive sequence number
 Angielski tezaurus
N [en] skr.
meteorol., skr. navigator; night (flight); no significant change; navigation
olej. anode number
przem., skr. neutron density; normality; nuclear; nucleon; number; numerics
skr. XYZ (Artjaazz); And; Avogadro number; electron n-type semiconductor material; Knight; Nada; Narrow; National Association of Deaf; National form (thread); National Science Foundation; Nationalistic; Natural; Naturalist; Nature; Navy; Navy Department; Near; Need; Negotiator; negro; Neither; neon; Nerd; Neutrino; neutron density; Newline; Newsletter; next; Nice; Night; night (flight); Nipple; No; no significant change; Nodes; Noise; None; Normative; Norms; North; North American; northern; Northern England; Notice; Nourishment; Novelist; Novels; nuclear; nucleon; Nucleophilic; number; Numerical; Nurse; Nutrition; The Nth; neper; nimbus; Norway; Norwegian; Technical Note
skr., agrochem. nitrogen; nitrogenous
skr., biol. asparagine; neutral
skr., bizn. navigate; net register; net weight; new; news; nichrome; note; November; number of items in a sample; numbers
skr., broń. normal, equivalents of a reagent per liter of solution
skr., chem. Avogadro number (constant); mole fraction; N'-difurfuryl thiourea; N'-dinitrosopentamethylene tetramine; N-diethyl-2-benzothiazole sulfenamide; N-diisopropyl-2-benzothiazole sulfenamide; N'-dinitrosopentamethylene tetra-mine
skr., ekon. net
skr., elektron. normal; napier; nematic; neurocomputer; numerical
skr., fiz. newton
skr., gen. notch wing
skr., górn. National Petroleum Association
skr., inżyn. modulus of rigidity; national form; number of teeth; revolutions per minute
skr., kartogr. nun (buoy)
skr., kontr. normalized
skr., logist. normal rate
skr., lotn. yawing moment; nacelle; newspaper; nonconformity
skr., med. Blood Factor In The MNS Blood Group System; Nerve; Neurology; Nucleoprotein; nitrogen; newton; naked; Neisseria; neuroaminidase; neurotensin; neutralization; nodes, lymph; nucleotide; Nursing Service; Nuc
skr., med., notacj. loudness; radiance
skr., mor. nord <0.00°> (MichaelBurov)
skr., nauka o z. naira; nakhlite; nanoplankton; Nebraskan; nebulous; neutron number; nordmarkite; normal concentration; normal north; notch; nucleus; number density; number of specimens; revolution per unit time; strength of solution, normal
skr., polim. normality; normalization; numeric; numerics
skr., progr. number of bits
skr., ropa / r. nannofossil; nannoplankton; nappe; natural number; needle; negater; Neogene; nepheline; network; nil; nonproducer; norite; normal fault; normal force; notes; nothern; nozzle; number of turns; nylon
skr., ryboł. number of individuals of a cohort
skr., szkoc.ang. Civil aircraft marking (United States); November (phonetic alphabet); Time zone 7.5 W-22.5 W (GMT +1)
skr., techn. number of SRUs; No insulation (TheFellowShipper)
skr., telekom. Dolby B; newton; normal contact
skr., tworz. N
skr., wierc. North pole
skr., wojsk. number of required track spacings; number of search and rescue units (SRUs)
skr., zaut. node
techn. mol fraction; molecular density; nano; navigational; normal solution; number of molecules; number of mols; principal quantum number; rate of transfer; rotational frequency; rotational rate; safety factor; transport number
techn., agrochem. nitrogenous
transp., skr. normal (rate classification)
wojsk. navigation; navigator; nonself-propelled; nose; nuclear-powered, nuclear-propelled
N. skr.
praw. no year; numbered
skr. Novellae; nasal; normal
skr., ekon. norm
skr., hutn. normalized
skr., nauka o z. negative; number
skr., techn. November; name
skr., łac. Nonas ("Nones"; 2. Numero, "number")
N\# skr.
skr., numizm. Newcomb Number; Newman Number
N- skr.
skr., chem. symbol indicating substitution on the nitrogen atom
μN skr.
skr., fiz. magnetic moment of proton (proton magneton)
skr., med. micronewton
"N" skr.
skr. neutral
N∞ skr.
skr. Rydberg's universal series constants
N' skr.
skr., chem. N
N, skr.
skr., przestrz. N'-diphenyl-p-phenylene diamine
n [en] skr.
biol. nail
gram. nominative
med. nasal
nief. no balls
olej. apparent Archie exponent; backpressure exponent; exponent; exponent of hyperbolic decline curve
opt. refractive index
poligr. no place
polim. index of refraction
roln. haploid number of chromosomes
sach. speed of rotation
skr. atom density; name; national; nautical; naval; negative; nephew; neutron; neutron from scattering reaction; newborn; noon; norm; noun; number; overall unit efficiency; frequency; nano-; number of observation; ne; number of turns per unit time; neuter; verb neuter; haploid number; degree of freedom; gametic chromosome number
skr., chem. numbers of mols
skr., elektron. nano-; next article
skr., gen. amino; gametic number
skr., inżyn. number of turns in unit time (revolutions per unit time)
skr., lotn. load factor
skr., med. nerve; nasion
skr., nauka o z. nanofossil; normal shallow focal depth; number of observations; reflective index; theoretical plate number
skr., sport nets
n. skr.
górn. net weight
lotn. northern latitude; north
skr. note; notes (footnote, footnotes Vosoni); nail
skr., bibliot. national; new
skr., gram. noun (ssn)
skr., hand. no value; nominal value
skr., med. nerve
skr., nauka o z. net; neutral; neutron; neutron number; next; number of mols; number of turns in unit of time
n' skr.
olej. flow behavior index
VclN [en] skr.
skr. clay content deduced from neutron rays
n/ skr.
skr. next
VclN [en] skr.
skr., ropa / r. clay content deduced from neutron rays
NS [en] skr.
skr., technol. Send Sequence Number
n- skr.
skr., chem. normal
μn skr.
skr., elektron. electron mobility
.nə skr.
skr., nief. subordinate (olga69)
NR [en] skr.
skr., technol. Receive Sequence Number
N: 574 do fraz, 46 tematyki
Anteny i falowody8
Farmacja i farmakologia7
Hodowla ryb hodowla ryb3
Inżynieria mechaniczna3
Komputerowe sterowanie numeryczne2
Linie energetyczne5
Maszyny elektryczne6
Nauk fizycznych5
Nauka o ziemi7
Nauki o życiu16
Nauki przyrodnicze3
Nauki społeczne3
Ochrona środowiska5
Ochrona systemu elektroenergetycznego1
Opieka zdrowotna24
Prawo procesowe5
Przemysł energetyczny2
Przemysł spożywczy16
Przepływ pracy1
Radiokomunikacja i radiotechnika8
Silniki elektryczne1
Technika i technologia3
Technologia informacyjna43