
   Angielski Włoski
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praw. esattezza
| probability
farma. Probabilità
posp. probabilità
mat. probabilita
| of
posp. di
| an
posp. uno
| item
micr. articolo; prodotto
| of
posp. di
| intelligence
med. intelletto
| independently
posp. indipendentemente
| from
transp. a partire da
| its
posp. suo
| interest
ekon. interesse
| For information
 for information
posp. e per conoscenza
| this
posp. questa
| accuracy
mat. precisione
is | expressed
posp. espresso
| under
posp. sotto
| the
finans. agenzia gestita da terzi
| form
ekon. modulo
of a | grading
ochr.środ. classificazione
- znaleziono osobne słowa (niektóre znaczenia z tezaurusa nie mają tłumaczeń w słowniku)

do fraz
correctness [kə'rektnɪs] rzecz.
praw. esattezza f
technol. correttezza m; grado di esattezza
Correctness probability of an item of intelligence, independently from its interest. For information, this accuracy is expressed under the form of a grading
: 10 do fraz, 3 tematyki
Technologia informacyjna7