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data analysis
 data analysis
ochr.środ. dataanalyse
| and
micr. OG
| reporting
finans. nauki sp. rapportering
hand. eftersalgsservice; servicemarketing
mark. regnskabsaflæggelse
micr. rapportering
nauki sp. indberetning
| technique
muz. teknik
- znaleziono osobne słowa (niektóre znaczenia z tezaurusa nie mają tłumaczeń w słowniku)

do fraz
data analysis
technol. dataanalyse
data analysis The evaluation of digital data, i.e. data represented by a sequence of code characters
ochr.środ. dataanalyse
 Angielski tezaurus
data analysis
technol. Typically in large enterprises in which the amount of data processed by the enterprise resource planning ERP system is extremely voluminous, analysis of patterns and trends proves to be extremely useful in ascertaining the efficiency and effectiveness of operations (Most ERP systems provide opportunities for extraction and analysis of data (some with built-in tools) through the use of tools developed by third parties that interface with the ERP systems)
data analysis and reporting technique
: 5 do fraz, 5 tematyki
Technologia informacyjna1