
   Angielski Rosyjski
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public health ['pʌblɪk'helθ]akcenty
posp. народное здравоохранение; общественное здоровье (nosorog); состояние здоровья населения (Alexander Matytsin); здоровье населения (1. in Britain, health care provided by the government, including medical care and public cleaning services 2. the health of all the people in an area: a danger to public health. LDOCE Alexander Demidov); здравоохранение; здравоохранительный; санитарно-эпидемиологическое благополучие населения (Science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through organized community efforts. These include sanitation, control of contagious infections, hygiene education, early diagnosis and preventive treatment, and adequate living standards. It requires understanding not only of epidemiology, nutrition, and antiseptic practices but also of social science. Historical public health measures included quarantine of leprosy victims in the Middle Ages and efforts to improve sanitation following the 14th-century plague epidemics. Population increases in Europe brought with them increased awareness of infant deaths and a proliferation of hospitals. Britain's Public Health Act of 1848 established a special public health ministry. In the U.S., public health is studied and coordinated on a national level by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; internationally, the World Health Organization plays an equivalent role. BCE Alexander Demidov)
broń. здоровье населения (related to environmental monitoring; сокращение из экомониторинга)
bud. системы водоснабжения и канализации (wandervoegel)
Gruzovik, med. здравоохранительный
makar. санитарное дело; санитарно-гигиенический; санитарный
med. общественное здравоохранение
ochr.środ. общественное здравоохранение (The discipline in health science that, at the level of the community or the public, aims at promoting prevention of disease, sanitary living, laws, practices and a healthier environment; Дисциплина, целью которой является содействие предотвращению заболеваний, соблюдение санитарных норм, законов и практики, а также здоровой окружающей среды)
organ. здоровье людей (вар. 'More)
prakt. народное здравие
praw. общественное здравие
przem. охрана здоровья
Public Health ['pʌblɪk'helθ]
med. общественное здравоохранение
opiek. социальная гигиена и организация здравоохранения (wiki adelya1331)
 Angielski tezaurus
Public Health ['pʌblɪk'helθ]
chem., skr. PH
skr. P.H.
Public Health Association Of: 4 do fraz, 1 tematyki