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psia rzecz.
chłodz. 磅/英寸²绝对压力
 Angielski tezaurus
psia rzecz.
górn. pound per square inch abr solute
polim. pounds per square inch absolute
sach. ponds per square inch, absolute
skr., mot. psi absolute
PSIA skr.
skr. Pounds Per Square Inch, Absolute
skr., bank. Profit-sharing investment account (Аббревиатура из области исламских финансов. Источник: глоссарий аббревиатур стандарта "IFSB-12. Guiding Principles on Liquidity Risk Management for Institutions Offering Islamic Financial Services [Excluding Islamic Insurance (Takaful) Institutions and Islamic Collective Investment Schemes]". A. Bakrayev)
skr., finans. poverty and social impact assessment
skr., nazw. Poverty and Social Impact Analysis
skr., sach. pounds per square inch, absolute
skr., transp. Pressure Absolute
Psia skr.
skr., nauka o z. pounds per square inch of area