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Sr skr.
skr., fiz. Strouhal number
skr., nauka o z. steradian; Strouhal
sr skr.
skr. senior
skr., elektron. steradian; sterad
skr., med. sister
skr., nauka o z. sericite
sr. skr.
skr., nauka o z. senior
SR skr.
astron. Semiregular
ekol. scanning radiometer
inwest. short rate
inżyn. sodium reactor
meteorol. snow and rain; station radar
przem. safety-related; second round; self-reading; steam reformer; steam reforming; still residue; stoichiometric ratio; submarine reactor; summed risk; surveillance requirements
ruroc. stress-relieved
skr. Serbian; Social Responsibility; Standard Reference; Kansas City Southern Railway Company; Sad Reject; Safety Release; saponification ratio; slow release (relay); Salt Removal; Sammie Roberts; San Rafael, California; Santa Rosa, California; Saudi Riyals; scientific report; Screen Region; Security And Replication; Security Release; Selected Response; Selection Resolution; selective ringing; selenium rectifier; send and receive; Send Receive; Sensitivity Range; Severely Restricted; Sheep Resistant; Shift Right; Singapore Report; Sire Referencing; Skid Resistor; Skilled Relaxation; Slime Reduction; Slime Resistance; Slime Resistant; slip ring; Slow Rise; Smart Reefer; Smiler Racing; Snoopy Reading; Software Requirement; Somewhat Recommended; Sons of the Revolution; Sound Recording; Sound Reinforcement; Sound Response; Source Register; Southern Racing; Southern Railway; Southern Region; Special Reconnaissance; Special Reserve; Special Response; speed recorder; Spirit Regeneration; split ring; Sporting Rifle; Stair And Reynolds; Standard Rated; Standard Register Company; Standard Reserve; Star Raiders; Start Reliability; stateroom; Station Regulations; Status Register (IC, Assembler); Step Rate; Sticky Rubber; Stock Room; Stoner Rifle; Storm Runner; Straight Race; Street Roadster; Stretch Reflex; Stupid Relativity; Stupid Retard!; Subscriber Ready; Success Ratio; Sugar Rush; Summary Records; Sun Roof; super RADOT; superior rectus muscle; Supervised Release; Supplemental Register; Switch Replica; Synchronizing Resources; Systems Review; Scope of Supply (Комплект Поставки Denis_Sakhno); send-receive (sending-receiving); sensibility ratio; slip ring motor; Society of Radiographers; South Rhodesia; steam refined; sulphur-resistant; switch register
skr., biol. sarcoplasmic reticulum
skr., bizn. sensitivity ratio; series; soft red wheat; standard rate
skr., bryt.ang. Scottish Rifles; signal regiment
skr., dobr. separation ratio
skr., eduk. Senate Resolution
skr., eduk., nauk. School Record; Senior
skr., ekon. Structural Impediments Initiative
skr., elektron. spectral response (curve); source routing; scan ring; scratch resistance; screened router; security router; selection rule; sender-receiver; send ready; service register; sheet resistivity; short reach; signal regeneration; silicone resin; slewing rate; sorter-reader; space-resolved; spatially-resolved; spacing ratio; special register; special resource; spectral recording process; speech recognizer; splitting ratio; spreading resistance; squareness ratio; stabilization receiver; static route; statistical redundancy; stealth radar; step and repeat (mask aligner); stripe reader; subscriber register; superradiance; superradiation; suppression ratio; symbolic representation; system recovery; system requirements
skr., fiz.jądr. read bit
skr., fizj. Sex Reversal; Slow Response; Spontaneous Respiration; Superior Rectus
skr., fizj., med. Sinus Rhythm; Slow Release; Success Rate; Sustained Release
skr., geofiz. Schumann resonance (MichaelBurov)
skr., hand. Saudi riyal; strike risk
skr., hodowl. saponification rate
skr., hutn. spiral rolling; stress relief
skr., intern. Sampling Rate
skr., inżyn. saturable reactor; series reactor; service restoration; silicon rubber; spinning reserve; static reserve
skr., kard. strain rate (Natalya Rovina)
skr., kino. Spectral Recording (NataLet)
skr., komp. subroutine
skr., komun. Staff Responsible mode
skr., kontr. specialized repair
skr., kosmet. skin roller (shpak_07)
skr., księg. sampling risk
skr., lab. Serine Racemase; Sex Ratio; Sinus Rate; Spontaneous Rate; Systemic Reaction
skr., logist. sign and release
skr., lotn. sortie rate; serialization requirements; sir; special repair; spotter-reconnaissance; safety recommendation; safety regulations; schedule review; scrap rate; sealing riveting; seaplane reconnaissance; secondary rework; self rectifying; self review; self reviewer; sensitivity ration; series relay; sharpening room; shift room; ship record; shop request; silicone rubber; single recertification; slug riveting; solid rivet; sounding rocket; special resistance; special riveting; specific range; specification requirement; spherical radius; spot rivet; stall recognition; standard range; steel rule; storage room; supervision representative; supporting research; surface roughness; surveillance report; switchboard room; synthetical rubber; system research
skr., med. Sedimentation Rate; Skin Resistance; slow release (Vosoni); Superior rectus of eye; secretion rate; senior registrar; sensitization response; Shark River; specific response; stomach rumble; supplementary reinterview
skr., mor., nauk. Solar Radiation
skr., mot. scavenge ratio; set/resume; skid resistance; steering ratio; sun/roof
skr., nauk. Savannah River
skr., nauka o z. right scapula; salt range; salt regime; satellite rainfall; seasonal regression; semiregular variables; sequential recorder; settling rate; short-run; shortwave radiation; siliceous rock; silicon rectifier; size ratio; slip-ring; slow-rate; snake range; Society of Rheology; soda rhyolite; subregion; sulfate reduction; sunshine ratio; surface runoff; swann rhyolite
skr., obron. air search radar receiver (ship-borne); short rang
skr., opt. synchrotron radiation
skr., polim. slide resistance; softened rubber; solar radiation; specific resistance; synthetic rubber
skr., polit. Slovak Republic; Suriname; Serbia
skr., praw. Summary Record; special resolution (http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/about/gbhtml/gba7.shtml#c2q4 - requires 75% of votes cast. Usual notice requirement is 21 days. LE Alexander Demidov); specific relief (решение суда об исполнении в натуре Slawjanka)
skr., przem. silica ratio
skr., przestrz. Solrad; single rotation; soft radiation; special rules; statement of requirements; status review; sunlight readable; system requirement
skr., ropa / r. short radius; sieve residue; straight reaming; scale remover; screw rod; sealed roller; see remarks; seismic refraction (prospecting); selection ringing; self-rectifying; semi-regenerative; send-receive; ship repair; shipping receipt; ship's receipt; shooting record; side rake; sigma reaction; single rate; slope ramp; slow running; small rotor; snap ring; solubility ratio; solvent refined oil; sound rating; source rock; spares requirement; specific report; spectral reflectance; spreading rate; stain resistance; status request; steam-refined; steradian; stiffness ratio; straight-reaming; straight-run; stress relieving; strike risks; styrene rubber; sub-rounded; subsurface release; subsurface reservoir; sucker rod; sulfur-resistance (catalyst); super reinforcing; supplementary regulations; supplementary report; supplementary requirement; surface recording; survey recorder; survey report; swab rate; swab runs; symmetrical ripple mark; Weaver's illite sharpness ratio
skr., rozsz. Bitmap graphics (Sun Rasterfile); Sorter Reader
skr., sach. steam reduced pressure 5-10 bar
skr., sieć., technol. Storage Ring
skr., szkoc.ang. Search Rate; Short Rifle; Staff Requirement; Strategic Reconnaissance (USA); Sunrise
skr., sztuczn. Speaker Recognition
skr., technol. Service Release; Service Request; shift register; shift reverse; status register; storage register; symbol rate; Search and Retrieve
skr., telekom. Session Router (Artjaazz)
skr., transp. State Route
skr., wojsk. Short Range; Status Report; shipment request; slant range; Super Resolution (digital DF technique); Support Requirement; special reconnaissance
skr., wojsk., lotn. reconnaissance squadron
skr., włók. shore risk; soil release; stamped receipt
skr., zakł. straight run (Jespa)
skr., znak. Sears Roebuck & Company
techn. safety related; safety relief; safety report; safety review; space research; system reliability; safety rod; secondary radar; selective repeat; shipper-receiver; signal replication; signaling region; signature register; slew rate; slow-release; software reconfiguration; source range; space radar; special relativity; speech recognition; speed regulator; spontaneous Raman scattering; steam rate; store-register operation; sum rule; support reaction; surveillance receiver; surveillance requirement; synthetic resin
wojsk. scan radius; scientific research; seaman recruit; seaplane, reconnaissance; search and reconnaissance; search and recovery; search and rescue; search radar; secondary road; separate ration; service rating; service record; service report; service rifle; ship-to-shore radio; short-range; situation report; situation room; solid rocket; sound ranging; South region; spares requirements; special regulations; special report; specification requirements; spotter reconnaissance; staff report; standard repair; standard requirements; standardization report; standing regulations; station radio; status report; stock record; stock replacement; stock report; strategic reserve; study requirement; summary report; supplemental report; supplementary regulation; supplementary reserve; supply rate; supply road; support request; support requirements; suppressed radiation; surveillance radar
Sr skr.
skr. shear rate; Strontium
skr., imion. senior (например, Lowell Weil Sr iwona)
skr., med. strontium
Sr. skr.
skr. Senior (as in: The Sr. Dy. Director of Commercial Audit (Индия) Leonid Dzhepko); sir
skr., tworz. strontium
łac. Sister
μSR skr.
skr., elektron. muon spin relaxation; muon spin resonance
°SR skr.
skr., drewn. Schopper-Reigler degree of freeness
SR. skr.
skr., ekon. shipment request
sr: 3 do fraz, 1 tematyki