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PDA [ˌpiː diː ˈeɪ] skr.
grub. Pervert
olej. plant data access
przem. partial discharge analyzer; particle dynamics analyzer; power dispersion analyzer
skr. Playwright Director and Actor; Pocket Doodling Appendix; President's Distinguished Area; Price Drops Afterwards; Public Displays Of Affection; Public Disturbance Agency; Playwright Director And Actor; Potato Dextrose Agar; Pretty Damn Awful; Pretty Darn Affordable; Pretty Darn Aggravating; Pretty Darn Awesome; Pretty Darned Affordable; Pretty Darned Amazing; post-deflection accelerator; post-deflection accelerating electrode; m-phenylenediamine; Project Definition Assessment (Olga serz)
skr., anat. pancreaticoduodenal artery (Игорь_2006)
skr., broń. program decision authority; Pueblo Depot Activity
skr., bud. pile driving analysis (вася1191)
skr., chem. Photo-Diode Array (doktortranslator); polydiarylamine
skr., elektron. parallel data adapter; patent data automation; performance data analyzer; peripheral device allocation; personal digital assistance; phase difference amplification; phase Doppler anemometry; phenylene diamine; physical design agent; plane deflector analyzer; polarization diversity array; post deflection accelerator; post-deposition annealing; probability density analyzer; processable document architecture class; process data area; process defect audit; process design analysis; product defect audit; programmable difference amplifier; pulse demodulation analysis
skr., elektron., nauk. Printed Disc Antenna; Professional Diary Accessory
skr., energ. Project Development Agreement (Millie)
skr., farma. Parenteral Drug Association (CRINKUM-CRANKUM); Photodiode Array Detector (aksolotle)
skr., geol. Pile Driving Analyzer
skr., hutn. process data aquisition (Киселев)
skr., lotn. Puerto Inirida, Colombia; preliminary destination airport; premature descent alert; power distribution assembly
skr., mat. probability discrete automaton (ssn)
skr., med. Pacific Dermatologic Association; Patent Ductus Arteriosus; Pennsylvania Dental Association; Poorly Differentiated Adenocarcinoma; Posterior Descending Artery; Private Doctors Of Australia; Pulmonary Disease Anemia; patent ductus arteriosus; paraphenylamine diamine; pediatric allergy; pediatric allergist; polymorphic delta activity; Persistent Ductus Arteriosus (iwona); Pathological Demand Avoidance (iwona)
skr., med., łac. pollutio diurna adaequata
skr., mor. port disbursement account (A Port Disbursement Account (PDA) is a special type of bank account that is used by shipping companies and freight forwarders to manage the financial transactions related to the shipping process. Clint Ruin)
skr., nauka o z. percentage of developed area; potential denitrification activity; Prospectors and Developers Association
skr., obron. probabilistic data association
skr., obsł. potato-dextrose-agar
skr., opt. photodiode array; postdeflection acceleration
skr., polim. polydiacetylene
skr., polit. Progressive Democrats of America
skr., progr. pushdown automaton (ssn)
skr., przestrz. particle detecting apparatus; PIN diode attenuator PIN; portable diagnostic analyzer; post-deflection modulation; predelivery acceptance test; private digital assistant; photosensitive diode array
skr., ropa / r. Petroleum Development Act; propane dewaxing; pump drive assembly
skr., sach. planning and development: project approvals; Project Director - HSES (Project execution sub-team Sakhalin Energy)
skr., sieć., technol. Protocol Decode Architecture
skr., siln. port deactivation (старое название технологии от Opel, в настоящее время называется как Twinport kumold)
skr., stomat. Permanente Dental Associates
skr., syst. predetermined attendance (расписание выезда для определенного ранга пожара tannin)
skr., szkoc.ang. Port Defence Area
skr., sztuczn. PushDown Automata
skr., techn. Process Data Acquisition (savina_elena)
skr., technol. Bitmap graphics; Personal Digital Assistant; personal digital assistant; personal digital assistants; physical device address; push-down automaton; Personal digital assistant
skr., transp. Proforma Disbursement Account (Yuriy83)
skr., wojsk. Part Design Approval; Personal Data Assistant; Public Display of Affection; Portable Digital Assistant; Presidential drawdown authority; preliminary damage assessment
skr., wojsk., lotn. percent defective allowable; percentage defective allowable
skr., zakł. PDA process (MichaelBurov); PDA technology (MichaelBurov); PDA unit (MichaelBurov); propane deasphalting (MichaelBurov); propane deasphalting process (MichaelBurov); propane deasphalting technology (MichaelBurov); propane deasphalting unit (MichaelBurov)
skr., łac. Ductus arteriosus persistens (Andrey Truhachev)
techn. parallel disk array; peak distribution analyzer; percent defective allowable; photon detector assembly; positive dielectric anisotropy; post acceleration; post deflection acceleration; predocketed application; preliminary design acceptance; preliminary design analysis; preliminary design approval; preliminary design assessment; preliminary design authorization; probability distribution analyzer; processing and distribution assembly; pulse distribution amplifier
wojsk. payroll deduction authorization; permanent duty assignment; post-delivery availability; predelivery acceptance; principal development activity; procurement defense agencies; property disposal account; property disposal agent; proposed development approach
pda [ˌpiː diː ˈeɪ] skr.
skr. public display of affection