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Cs skr.
skr. cirro-stratus
skr., chem. chain-transfer constant of solvent
skr., hutn. cooled slowly
CS skr.
apoll. change summary
ekol. climatological study; coastal station; combined sewer
fizj. C-section; Cervical spine; Contrast sensitivity test
inwest. capital stock; common stock
kolej. combined smoking and baggage car (club car)
lotn., skr. Antipersonnel chemical incapacitating agent tear gas
przem. central storage; cold start-up; cold startup; command signal; complete shipment; component supports; construction stage; controlled shutdown; critical speed
skr. Clive Staples; Committee Substitute; Customer Satisfaction; Customer Service; Czech; Cherry Sunburst; communications survivability; compressive sensing; continue-specific; Antipersonnel chemical incapacitating agent (tear gas); Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company; Cabin Sailer; Cable Select; Cable Set; Cabletron Systems, Inc.; Calgary Stampede; Camper Sniping; Cancer Survivors; Capture Stack; Car Sport; Carl Sagan; Carolina Spartan; Carrier Selection; carrier supply; Case Size; Casey Stengel; cast stone; Censored Sucker; center section; Central Servers; Certification Specification (авиация Alexander Matytsin); Cesarean Section; Charging System; Charles Springer; Charlie Springer; Chemical Society; Chief Scientist; Christian Saint; Circuit Simulator; City Sport; City Street; Civil Servant; Clean Sweep; Clear To Send; Client To Server; Climate Services; Club Stamp; Coal Store; Coalition Support; Cock Sucker; Code Segment (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler); Coding Scheme; coil sketch; Collaborative Selling; combat scout CRZ, close reconnaissance zone; Command Staff; Committee on Seismology; Common Software; common steel (projectile); common stocks (Vosoni); Communication Satellites; Communications and Security; Communications Satellite; Communications Server; Communications Service; Communications Software; Communications Support; completely self-protecting (Vosoni); Composite State; Computer Science; Computing Science; Computing Science; Computing Studies; Concrete Slab; Concurrent Session; conducted susceptibility; Confederate States; Connect Server; Constant Source; Constant Speeding; Consumer Surplus; Controlled Slip (error event, DS1/E1); Convergence Sublayer (ATM); core shift; Corporate Source; County Seat; course shift (отклонение от курса Дюнан); Court of Session; crankshaft (Vosoni); Creative Storytelling; Crew Simulator; Crew Station; Critical Studies; Critical Success; Crooking Shareholders; Crummy Screen; Crystal Space; Ctrl Shift; Current Sensing; cycle per second; Former Czechoslovakia; CorticoSteroids; central section; colo r stabilizer; colo ur stabilizer; complete self-protection; constant stress; control symbol; corn starch; cream shade; crystall structure; current source; cycles; sulfonated cation resin; closing sale; composite system
skr., anat. coronary sinus (венечный синус Dimpassy); cavernous sinus (пещеристый синус твёрдой мозговой оболочки doc090)
skr., badan. clinically significant (MichaelBurov)
skr., biol. conditioned stimulus
skr., bizn. corporate sustainability (Alexander Matytsin); casein plastics; cases; census; centistere; Certificate in Statistics; common steel; Computer System; consul; contracts section; Cooperative Society; credit sales; crucible steel; single cotton, single silk covered
skr., broń. a tear-producing compound; confirmatory sampling; contractor support
skr., chem. cycloserine
skr., chem., nauk. Cesium
skr., data.prot. Cyber Security (kee46)
skr., eduk. case stud (изучение на примере ksenyka); case study (изучение на примере ksenyka)
skr., eduk., nauk. Computer Science
skr., elektron. capability set; call screening; call server; call store; call subroutine; capacitance sensor; capacitor storage; card system; carrier suppression; catalog showroom; cellosolve; cell station; center station; channel selector; channel switch; character sense; character string; character suppression; character synchronized; charge sharing mode; check sorter; chemisorbed species; chiral smectic; chlorostyrene; circuit switching; clear screen; client system; coherent state; commercial sample; commodity sample; communication scanner; communications simulator; composite signals; compositional separation; compression system; compressive-strain; Compton scattering; computer service; concentric sphere (model); conference server; conical scan; connectionist system; connectionless server; connection service; consolidation model; contention system; context switching; contouring system; contrast stretching; converse statement; coplanar stripline; counting switch; CPU second; crossbar switch; cryptographic system; customer sample; customer specified; cyberspace; cyclic shift
skr., elektron., nauk. Cross Section
skr., energ. cooling system (MichaelBurov); reactor cooling system (MichaelBurov)
skr., EU, ekol. crude steel (особ. в оценке выбросов: kg CO₂ / t CS Евгений Тамарченко)
skr., farma. chitosan (Min$draV)
skr., fizj. Cervical Spine; Cervicothoracic Somite; Cesarian Section; Conditioned Stimulus; Contrast Sensitivity test
skr., gen. chemical sequencing
skr., górn. centre section; conduct sheet
skr., hi-f. Circle Surround II
skr., hutn. commercial steel (Technical); continuous shear; computer subsystem; continuous steelmaking
skr., intern. Cool Stuff
skr., inżyn. cable ship; crank shaft
skr., karat. control surface
skr., kard. coronary sinus (MichaelBurov)
skr., kartogr. centre of stream; communication station
skr., kolej. coaling station
skr., komp. context-sensitive (см. также CF Dmitry)
skr., komun. communication server; current sink; control selector (Метран); Cab Signal mode; Celling Speed
skr., kontr. cumulative sum
skr., lab. colorimetric solution
skr., logist. congestion surcharge
skr., lotn. call switch (Interex); center spar (Interex); certification standard (Interex); compass system; clock signal; coaxial shaft; common service; compliance statement; compressor stall; compresso surge; configuration specification; conformity statement; conformity surveillance; coordination sheet; customer support; course shift; cabin cleaners steps; change status; checkout station; China Southern; circular saw; cockpit simulation; communication service; common set; company standard; comparator servo monitor; compass swing; compressor surge; conduit sampling; configuration status; contract specification; control sector; control ship code; cost and schedules; cruising speed; current switch; customer services; cutting speed; compass swinging
skr., mater. compression set
skr., med. Campomelic Syndrome; Capgras Syndrome; Carcinoid Syndrome; Cardiogenic Shock; Case; Cell Surface; Cyclosporine; Static Compliance; Climacteric Syndrome; Clinical Specialist; Cockayne Syndrome; Compression Syndrome; Congenital Syphilis; Crush Syndrome; Cushing Syndrome; Control Systems; cardiogenic shock; culture and sensitivity; central service; Chronic sinusitis (Игорь_2006); Collaborative Stage (harser); clinical skills; centromere spreading; Chief Surgeon; chondroitin sulfate; chronic schizophrenia; clinical staging; control serum; coolant supply; corticosteroid; sinus caroticus
skr., medyc. conditional stimulus
skr., mot. comfort shift gearchange system which electropneumatically facilitates gear changing and provides (ВВладимир); circuit short; coupe sport; crank shaft/sensor
skr., nato. combat support (Yeldar Azanbayev); Combat Support
skr., nauk. Civil Service; Common Sense; Computer Systems
skr., nauka o z. calcsilicate; Campbell Scientific, Inc. (UT); Canadian Coastal Sediment Study; central station; cerusite; Chemical Sub-Committee; classical statistical method; clay sand; coal-abounding section; coarse-grained sand; Coastal Society; coefficient of skewness; composite standard; condensed section; conditional simulations; condition specification; constant shape; constant stress test; constrained simples approach; continuous sampling; continuous scan; continuous surficial sediment sampling and analysis system; control structure; coral sea; crystallographic shear; cyclone severity
skr., nazw. Commonwealth Secretariat; Corporate Services, Human Resources, and Finance Department
skr., obron. commercial service; combat system
skr., onkol. Cancer Survivor
skr., piłk. clean sheets (сокр. Alexey Lebedev)
skr., policj. crime scene (as in "competent CS job" Val_Ships)
skr., polim. calendered sheet; commercial standard; controlled switch; cross section
skr., polit. Costa Rica
skr., położn. caesarean delivery (MichaelBurov); C-section (MichaelBurov)
skr., praw. Community Service
skr., progr. chip select (ssn)
skr., progr., technol. Cache Size
skr., przem. cement-sand ratio; causticizer; coarse seed
skr., przestrz. commutation signaling; computer software; control segment; correction system; counterspace
skr., roln. positive conditioned stimulus
skr., ropa / r. 2-chloro-4-amino toluene sulfonic acid; cable speed; calc-silicate; calc-silicate hornfels; calc-silicate marble; canyon system; calcareous shale; calcium silicate hydrate; calculation sheet; canned software; capital surplus; carbonaceous slate; carbonate slice; carboxylate surfactant; casing shoe; casing size; casing suspender; cast carbon steel; cationic surfactant; cement slurry; center shift; centralized hydraulic system; centrifugal spraying; check shots; check surface; chemical shift; chemically strengthened; clay stabilizer; clayey sand; clock stopped; closely spaced; coarse grained sand; collet style; common and standard item; communication signal; compound semiconductor; compression strength; computer simulation; construction specification; continental shelf; continuous survey; conventional system; cosurfactant; counts per second; coupled states; crystallographic sear; current selection; cutting specification; casing seat; compressor station
skr., rozsz. Cyclo-Stationary
skr., sach. Carbon Steel (pipes Sakhalin Energy); sulfur
skr., sieć. carrier sense
skr., spaw. circumferential seam (bonly)
skr., sport Caught Stealing; caught stealing
skr., stan. Child Support (Child Support Number (also referred to as "CS Number") – This is the identifying number assigned to your child support case. fddhhdot)
skr., syst. cryptosystem; Confidential Source (Val_Ships)
skr., syst., technol. Case Sensitive
skr., szkoc.ang. Captain / Commodore Superintendent; Central Services division (UK); Circuit Switch; Civil aircraft marking (Portugal); Combat Support / System; Communications Subsystem; Cone-Stabilised; Confined Space; Control Section; O-chlorobenzamalonitrile (Chemical warfare tear agent)
skr., sztuczn. Classifier System; Conditioned Stimulate
skr., techn. cirro stratus; creeping line single-unit
skr., technol. Character Set; Chip Select; Client Server; Computer Support; Card Services; card station; channel status; code segment; communication system; computer class; compressor station (MichaelBurov); composite signaling; continue specific; contouring systems; convergence sublayer; Cabling System; Conceptual Scheme
skr., telekom. circuit switched
skr., tworz. casein
skr., typogr. cloth sides
skr., wierc. compressive strength
skr., wojsk. Chief of Staff; Classified Sensitive; Communication Services; Counter Strike; call sign; certificate of service; change of status; command system; Common Sensor; Customer Specification; Chaplain Service (Air Force); circuit switch; combat service; content staging; controlled space; creeping line single- unit; critical source; continuous service; ortho-chlorobenzalmalononitrile
skr., wojsk., lotn. calibrations storage
skr., zarządz. communications slot
skr., zaut. cost of storing one part for one year
skr., zwalcz. capsule suspension
skr., ład k. continuing services
techn. calibration storage; call signal; Cassegrain system; change sheet; chrominance subcarrier; circuit switching; close shot; coarse sand; coast station; communication satellite; communications; communications switch; component support; computer slave; computer synchronization; condensate separator; condensate system; containment safety; containment spray; contract specialist; contrast sensitivity; control storage; control strobe; core spray; corona shower; correctable skew; cost of storing one for one year; current sector address; current status; cyclic storage
telew. converter subcarrier
wojsk. career-service; central supply; change of station; chief of section; circular scanning; close support; coded switch; combat scout; combat serviceable; combat squadron; combat support; command selector; commissary store; common and standard; common shell; communications squadron; communications station; communications system; community service; component specification; composite service; conical scanning; constant speed; construction; contract surgeon; control set; control signal; control station; control switch; control system; cost sharing; countersabotage; cross-section; current series; current strength
Игорь Миг, skr. crime scene
CS% skr.
skr., technol. Capture Stack
CS. skr.
skr., łac. Consul
cs skr.
posp. centisecond (Irina Verbitskaya)
med. caesarean section
mot. centistoke
olej. casing
polim. cycles per second
skr. carbon steel; cast steel; centistokes (Vosoni); cirrostratus (об облачности Leonid Dzhepko); Citrate Synthase; competitive strategies
skr., med. clinically significant
skr., techn. common source
skr., telekom. communicate signal
skr., tworz. cycles/second
Cs skr.
skr. consciousness; cirrostratus; surrounding formation conductivity; case; caesium
skr., elektron. substitutional carbon
skr., med. sporozoite
cs. skr.
skr., bibliot. cases; census
CS: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki