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spam [spæm] rzecz.
eduk. correo basura
finans. correo basura (spam)
intern. bombardeo publicitario; buzonfia f
komun. espam m; lanzamiento de basura; morcilla f; moronga f; amorcillar; amorongar; espamear
komun., technol. correo electrónico basura; correo electrónico no solicitado
komun., technol., ang. spam m
micr. correo no deseado (An unsolicited and typically unwelcome message, often commercial or political in nature, transmitted via the Internet as a mass mailing (sometimes as if from a fictitious user or domain) to a large number of recipients)
sieć. correo electrónico no deseado
stat. envío de correo electrónico basura
 Angielski tezaurus
spam [spæm] rzecz.
technol. Computer-generated messages sent as unsolicited advertising
SPAM [spæm] skr.
skr. Self Promotional Advertising Message; Self Promotional Advertising Messages; Sending Particularly Annoying Messages; Sending People Annoying Mail; Sending Persistently Annoying Mail; Senseless Pointless Annoying Message; Short Pointless Annoying Messages; Silly Pointless Annoying Message; Some Parts Are Meat; Specially Processed Army Meat; Stuff Posed As Meat; Stuff Posing As Meat; Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages; Salty Pink And Mushy; Semi Professional Amateur Music; Send Phenomenal Amounts of Mail (Usenet, EMP, DFUE-Slang); Sentient Paranormal Ameboid Mass; Service Praise And Ministry; Serving People And Mankind; Smarmy People And Messages; Snout Penis And Asshole Meat; Some Parts Arent Meat; Some Pretty Amazing Music; Someone's Poor Advertising Method; Sometimes Parker Amazes Me; Spare Parts And Meat; Spare Parts And Membranes; Special Parts And More; Special People Admiring Meteors; Specially Prepared American Meat; Spiced Pork and hAM (Usenet, EMP); Spiritual Preparation And Meditation; Spiritual Preparation And Ministry; Spoiled Poultry And Meat; Squirrel, Possum, And Mouse; St Paul Adolescent Meeting; Standby Potential Armageddon Meeting; Student Partners And Mentors; Student Performing Arts Ministry; Study Prayer And Ministry; Stupid Peoples Advertising Messages; Stupid Persons Advertising Mail; Stupid Pointless Advertising Messages; Stupid Pointless Annoying Mail; Stupid Pointless Annoying Material; Stupid Pointless Annoying Member; Stupid Pointless Annoying Message; Stupid Posts And Messages; Stupidly Pointless Annoying Message; unsolicited promotional email (gennier); Selected Processed American Meats (Artjaazz)
skr., epit. Spastic Plastic American Motherfucker (Artjaazz)
skr., intern. Self Propelled Advertising Material; Send Post All Members; Stupid, Pointless, Annoying Messages
skr., lotn. Spatial Adaptation Data Management; special procurement authorization memorandum
skr., mor., nauk. South Pole Area Manager
skr., papier. standard portfolio analysis of margin
skr., przem. Specially Prepared Assorted Meats; Specially Processed American Meat; Specially Processed Artificial Meat; spiced ham (ист.: поставки из США в СССР по ленд-лизу MichaelBurov)
skr., przestrz. ship position and attitude measurement
skr., rozsz. Satellite Processor Access Method
skr., syst., technol. Scanning Probe Array Memory
skr., sztuczn. Scalable Protocol for Anytime Multi-level negotiation
skr., technol. Sad Pointless Annoying Messages; Self Propelled Automatic Mail
skr., wojsk. SPiced HAM
skr., wojsk., lotn. ship position and attitude measurement
techn. scanning photo acoustic microscope
wojsk. special aeronautical material; special air mission
SPAMS skr.
skr., eduk. Simple Persons Applied Math Seminar
skr., nauka o z. Special Alaska Magnetic Survey
skr., wojsk., lotn. ship position and attitude measurement system
spam: 21 do fraz, 2 tematyki