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micr. Arbeitgeberkennnummer
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EIN rzecz.
micr. Arbeitgeberkennnummer n (In the United States, a 9-digit number that identifies a business entity to the government. A business must have an EIN if it has employees or meets other criteria specified by the federal government)
 Angielski tezaurus
EINS skr.
skr., elektron. enterprise information network system
skr., med. European Information Network Services
EIN skr.
lotnisk., lotn. Eindhoven, Netherlands
skr. Employer Identification Number; Employer's Identification Number; Exporter Identification Number; European Information Network
skr., amer. employer identification number (MichaelBurov); federal employer identification number (MichaelBurov); FEIN (MichaelBurov)
skr., astronaut. Environmental Information Networking
skr., elektron. equipment identification number
skr., elektron., nauk. Equivalent Input Noise
skr., elektronik. equivalent input noise
skr., giełd. Echelon International Corporation
skr., lotn. executive information network
skr., mot. engine identification number (snowleopard)
skr., nauka o z. ejection
skr., przestrz. educational information network
skr., sieć. electronic ID number
techn. European informatics network; external interface
wojsk. engineer intelligence note; equipment installation notice
ein: 2 do fraz, 2 tematyki
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