
Terminy według tematyki Nazwa organizacji zawierające | wszystkie formy
中证港100指数全收益CSI 100 HK Index total Return
国际蕉协会International Banana Association
国际蕉协定International Banana Agreement
国际蕉协定要素工作组Working Party on Elements of an International Agreement on Bananas
国际蕉及大蕉改良网络International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain
国际蕉和大蕉改良网络International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain
恒生港中型股指数Hang Seng HK Mid Cap Index
恒生港中资企业指数Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corporations Index
恒生港大型股指数Hang Seng HK Large Cap Index
摩根士丹利资本国际港指数Morgan Stanley Capital International MSCI Hong Kong Index
政府间蕉及热带水果小组IGG on Bananas and Tropical Fruits
政府间蕉及热带水果小组Intergovernmental Group on Bananas and on Tropical Fruits
政府间蕉及热带水果小组Intergovernmental Group on Bananas and Tropical Fruits
政府间蕉小组香蕉统计委员会Bananas Statistics Committee of the Intergovernmental Group on Bananas
新加坡交易所摩根士丹利港股市指数新加坡SIMEX MSCI Hong Kong Index
山证券交易所美国Honolulu Stock Exchange
欧洲经济共同体欧洲芳产品联盟联络局Liaison Bureau of the European EEC Union of Aromatic Products
特别行政区首脑:港特别行政区行政机构行政长官The head of HKSAR: Chief Executive of HKSR
料及干化芳香植物的卫生操作规范Code of Hygienic Practice for Spices and Dried Aromatic Herbs
港交易清算有限公司中国香港前身为香港股票交易所Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing
港期货交易所中国Hong Kong Futures Exchange
港部长级宣言Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration
蕉出口国联盟Union of Banana Exporting Countries
蕉分小组Subgroup on Bananas
蕉标准Standard for Bananas