
Terminy według tematyki Ekonomia zawierające 载重 | wszystkie formy | tylko w podanej kolejności
中等载重medium capacity
冬季载重线the winter marking of loading grid
冬季载重线the winter loading line
载重能力the payload capacity
载重payload capacity
载重net dead weight
夏季载重线区summer zone
季节载重线区seasonal zone
季节性载重线区seasonable zones and areas
容积与载重吨的比重cubic-to-deadweight rate
容积和载重吨位reach and burden
最大收费载重maximum payload
有用载重pay load
有酬载重pay load
机车载重the hauling capacity of a locomotive
此船载重两万吨The ship carries 20 000 tons freight
每月每载重吨的租金hire per deadweight per month
最大all-up weight
载重量和容积fully loaded weight and capacity
满载的重量和体积fully loaded weight and capacity
热带载重线区tropical zone
船舶载重dead weight cargo capacity
船舶的净载重all told
计费的装载重chargeable weight of load
货物载重的测定measurement of cargo
货车静载重the wagon static load
超载毛重overload gross weight
载重线light load line
轻重货物搭配装载full and down stowage
载重loading mark
载重号位deadweight tons
载重capacity ton
载重吨位tons deadweight
载重吨位dead weight capacity
载重吨数的通知notice of deadweight
载重吨的存储dead ton
载重汽车运输公司trucking company
载重线证明书loadline certificate
载重货吨dead weight ton
载重cargo-carrying capacity
载重量和体积fully loaded weight and capacity (f. w. c.)
重力卸载the gravity unloading
重载吃水the loaded draw
重量满载down to the mark
重量轻体积大的货载the balloon freight
集装箱载重利用率coefficient of utilization of container's capacity
额积和载重吨位reach and burden