
Terminy zawierające 空军部长 | wszystkie formy | tylko w podanej kolejności
posp.助理空军部长Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
lotn.海军航空兵指令系统部部长Commander Naval Air Systems Command
lotn.空军参谋部助理参谋长主管检验assistant chief of air staff inspection
lotn.空军参谋部助理参谋长主管飞行和检验assistant chief of air staff flight safety and inspection
lotn.空军参谋部助理参谋长作业参谋长assistant chief of air staff operations
lotn.空军参谋部助理参谋长主管工程assistant chief of air staff engineering
posp.空军部次长Undersecretary of the Air Force
lotn.空军部长secretary of the air force
posp.空军部长Secretary of Air Force
posp.空军部长办公室Office of the Secretary of the Air Force
obron.美国空军部长secretary, US air force
obron.美国空军总部情报参谋长助理assistant chief of staff intelligence (HQ USAF)
posp.负责空军参谋部的航空部副部长助理Assistant Undersecretary of State Air Staff