
Terminy według tematyki Szachy zawierające | wszystkie formy
全军运动会围棋Weiqi Competitions in the Army Game
全国中国象棋All-China Xiangqi Competition
全国围棋Chinese Weiqi Competition
全国围棋All-China Weiqi Competition
全国少年围棋Chinese Juvenile Weiqi Competition
全国少年棋类国际象棋部分Chinese Juvenile Board Games Tournament chess
全国少年棋类集训象棋Xiangqi match of Chinese juvenile board games training
全国少年象棋中国Chinese Juvenile Xiangqi Tournament
全国棋类中国China board games competition
全国棋类锦标赛围棋Weiqi Competitions of All-China Board Games Championships
全国棋类锦标赛象棋Xiangqi match of all-China board games championships
全运会围棋Weiqi Competitions in the National Games
全运会象棋Xiangqi games of National Games
围棋赛器材device of weiqi match
国际象棋chess tournament
子力价值对关系comparison of value of piece power
实际的赛者practical player
少年儿童围棋juvenile weiqi competition
快棋lightning tournament
棋类board games
尔茨防御Pirts defence
赛厅play hall
赛程序tournament program
赛行政管理员manager of tournament
象棋赛的允许着法allowed move of xiangqi game
象棋赛的禁止着法taboo of xiangqi match
超快棋lightning tournament
通讯correspondence tournament
限时compulsory time for play
限时赛时限compulsory time for play