
Terminy według tematyki Handel zawierające 标量 | wszystkie formy
与合同上所规定的质量标准相符comply with the quality standard fixed by the contract
产品质量指标product quality indicator
从量贸易指标indicator for specific trade
双方对质量标准未达成一致意见The both parties' opinions did not coincide on quality standard
国家质量标准state quality standard
存量指标stock indicator
容许误差级度量标准acceptable defect level measure
普遍认为此货质量符合标准It is generally acknowledged that the quality of the goods is up to standard
标准化随机变量standardised random variable
标准批量standard-run quality (指经济批量 (economic lot size))
标准重量standard weights (砝码)
标准重量砝码standard weight
标准重量normal weight
标定容量rated capacity
标明量declarable content
桥架标明载重量posted loading
英国度量标准British Standard Dimensions
请报实盘,并标明最低起订量与最早装运期Please make us a firm offer, indicating the minimum quantity and the earliest time of shipment
货物质量不合标准The quality of the goods is not up to the mark
质量与合同规定的标准不符We regret to say that the quality of the goods does not measure up to the standard stipulated in the contract
质量判断标准quality of requirements
预期质量标准expected quality level