
Terminy według tematyki Dermatologia zawierające | wszystkie formy
不典增生atypical hyperplasia
溶血性链球菌beta-hemolytic streptococci
肝炎抗原hepatitis B antigen
肝炎抗原血症hepatitis B antigenemia
肝炎相关抗原hepatitis associated antigen
交界大疱性表皮松解junctional epidermolysis bullosa
人 T 细胞向淋巴性病毒 III 抗体human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I antibody
人 T 细胞向淋巴性病毒 III 抗体HTLV-III antibody
倒转内眦赘皮epicanthus inversus
偏瘤界线类麻风lepromatous borderline leprosy
偏瘤界线类麻风borderline lepromatous leprosy
偏结核样界线类麻风tuberculoid borderline leprosy
偏结核样界限类麻风borderline tuberculoid leprosy
先天愚性唇炎cheilitis of mongolism
免疫复合物immune complex type
免疫复合物 III 反应immune complex-type III reaction
免疫复合物变态反应immune complex type allergic reaction
关节紫癜Schonlein purpura
内格利色素失禁Naegeli type of incontinentia pigmenti
分泌 IgAsecretory IgA
分泌secretor type
刺激抗体 V 反应stimulating antibody-type V reaction
剑顶acrotheca type
升空菌丝组织aerial mycelium
半 抗原药物过敏性嗜中性粒细胞减少或无粒细胞病hapten type drug allergic neutropenia or agranulocytosis
半抗原药物过敏性溶血性贫血hapten type drug induced allergic hemolytic anemia
半抗原药物过敏性血小板减少性紫癜hapten type drug allergic thrombocytopenic purpura
单纯大疱性表皮松解epidermolysis bullosa simplex
原发性非典性肺炎primary atypical pneumonia
原始基底细胞上皮瘤primordial type of basal cell epithelioma
双相真菌dimorphic fungus
双相菌落dimorphic colony
反应素变态反应reagin-type allergic reaction
轮廓低下low hair line
发内endothrix type
发疹皮肤结核病exanthematous forms of skin tuberculosis
口面指综合征 I orofaciodigital syndrome I
口面指综合征Iorofaciodigital syndrome II
口面指综合征 II Mohr syndrome
同种异抗原allotypic antigen
同种异抗原allogenic antigen
同种异标记allotypic marker
周边peripheral type
喙枝抱rhinocladiella type
VI 过敏反应type VI hypersensitivity reaction
V 过敏反应type V hypersensitivity reaction
III 过敏反应免疫复合物型过敏反应type III hypersensitivity reaction
I 过敏反应反应素型过敏反应type I hypersensitivity reaction
II 过敏反应溶细胞型过敏反应type II hypersensitivity reaction
IV 过敏反应迟发型过敏反应type IV hypersensitivity reaction
III高脂蛋白血症broad beta disease
XXYY 基因XXYY genotype
增生天疱疮pemphigus vegetans
多及并指畸形 I Noack syndrome
多神经炎共济失调遗传病heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis
组织胞浆菌Histoplasma duboisii
大疱鱼鳞病样红皮病ichthyosiform erythroderma bullous form
大鱼际纹thenar pattern
家族性硬化性苔藓女阴营养不良familial vulvar dystrophy of lichen sclerosus type
家族性高脂蛋白血症 III familial hyperlipoproteinemia type III
家族性高脂蛋白血症 V familial hyperlipoproteinemia type V
家族性高脂蛋白血症 VI familial hyperlipoproteinemia type VI
家族性高脂蛋白血症 IV familial hyperlipoproteinemia type IV
家族性高脂蛋白血症 II familial hyperlipoproteinemia type II
家族性高脂蛋白血症 I familial hyperlipoproteinemia type I
寻常天疱疮pemphigus vulgaris
丝抱酵母Trichosporon minor
供热器space heater
毛抱子菌Trichosporon minor
组织胞浆菌Histoplasma capsulatum
小鱼 际纹hypothenar pattern
尖头-多及并指畸形Iacrocephalopolysyndactyly type I
尖头-多指并指畸形 II acrocephalopolysyndactyly type II
尖头并指畸形 I Apert syndrome
局限皮肤结核病localized forms of skin tuberculosis
巨大银屑病elephantine psoriasis
巨大纹large pattern
鲁斯丁-皮尔瑞疤痕性类天疱疮Brunsting-Perry type of cicatricial pemphigoid
洛克-苏兹贝格负像色素失禁negative picture of incontinentia pigmenti
banding pattern
常染色体显性遗传寻常鱼鳞病autosomal dominant ichthyosis vulgaris
常见的可变免疫缺乏common variable immuno-deficiency
dry type
幼年类风湿性关节炎juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
幼年黑棘皮病juvenile type of acanthosis nigricans
基底细胞癌metatypical basal cell carcinoma
急性全身性粟粒皮肤结核tuberculosis cutis miliaris acuta
性联隐性遗传性寻常鱼鳞病sex-linked recessive ichthyosis vulgaris
抗个体基因抗体anti-idiotype antibody
抗体依赖性细胞介导性细胞毒性 VI 反应antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity-type VI reaction
拇趾球区胫弓状纹arch tibial hallucal pattern
指纹fingerprint pattern
指纹finger pattern
指纹digital pattern
指间纹interdigital pattern
按需起搏器demand pacemaker
掌纹palmar pattern
掌纹palm pattern
敷贴裂头蚴病application sparganosis
斑点speckled type
斑点speckled pattern
斑点大疱性营养不良Mendes-da Costa syndrome
斑点大疱性营养不良dystrophia bullosa typus maculatus
斑点样线speckledlike thread pattern
斑点线speckle thready type
断续带discontinuous band pattern
斯科金斯氏Scoggins type
隐球菌Cryptococcus neoformans
无辜旁观者innocent bystander type
日光胶片daylight type film
星状组织asteroid tissue form
显性营养不良大疱性表皮松解epidermolysis bullosa dystrophic dominant
显性遗传营养不良大疱性表皮松解dominant dystrophia epidermolysis bullosa
暴发d'emblée form
枝抱Cladosporium type
梅拉达掌跖角化病keratosis palmaris et plantaris of the Meleda type
毛发基底细胞上皮瘤pilar type of basal cell epithelioma
淀粉样变性病 I familial amyloid polyneuropathy
混合卟啉症mixed porphyria
混合肝性卟啉症mixed hepatic porphyria
湿moist type
溶细胞cytolytic type
点彩stippled pattern
放线菌Actinomyces bovis
结核菌Mycobacterium bovis
瑞士胸腺发育不良Swiss type thymic dysplasia
phialophora type
生殖菌丝体reproductive mycelium
男性秃发male pattern alopecia
男性特纳表现综合征Turner phenotype in male syndrome
痣样黑棘皮瘤nevoid type of acanthosis nigricans
麻风前期prelepromatous stage
皮下肺吸虫病subcutaneous type paragonimiasis
皮纹dermatoglyphic pattern
皮纹dermal pattern
皮肤恶性组织细胞增生病malignant histiocytosis of skin type
皮肤纹理图dermatoglyphic pattern
皮肤非典纤维黄瘤atypical fibroxanthoma of the skin
相反的异inverse variety
真实纹true pattern
突发d'emblée form
篮网状basket-weave pattern
粗糙微粒体rough microsome
糖原贮积病 Ia von Gierke disease
系统性幼年类风湿关节炎Still disease
红斑天疱疮Senear-Usher syndrome
红斑天疱疮pemphigus erythematosus
纤维结缔组织痣fibrous type of connective tissue nevi
纯合的分细胞homozygous typing cell
ridge pattern
细滴虫leptomonas stage
细纤维fibrillar pattern
细胞介导 IV 过敏反应cell-mediated hypersensitivity-type IV reaction
细胞介导的迟发态反应cell-mediated delayed type allergic reaction
细胞毒性抗体 II 反应cytotoxic antibody-type II reaction
细菌菌落bacteriform colony
结核样麻风tuberculoid type
结核样前期pretuberculoid stage
结核菌素过敏反应tuberculin-type hypersensitivity
聪布施全身性脓疱性银屑病Zumbusch psoriasis
肿胀红斑狼疮lupus erythematosus tumidus
胃肠紫癜Henoch purpura
自愈性鳞状上皮瘤韦格森-史密斯Ferguson Smith type of selfhealing squamous epithelioma
斑块状类银屑病parapsoriasis en plaques benign type
色素失禁incontinentia type
脱发patterned baldness
落叶天疱疮pemphigus foliaceus
决定簇blood group determinant
血清 IgAserum IgA
血清病反应serum sickness type reaction
银嵌体phenotypic mosaics
表现家族性特纳综合征familial Turner phenotype
表皮松解性角化过度鱼鳞病epidermolytic hyperkeratotic ichthyosis
角化过度hyperkeratotic pattern
角蛋白模keratin pattern
赫勒尔综合征 I H/S mucopolysaccharidosis I H/S
超微粒灰黄霉素griseofulvin of ultramicronized form
趾球部纹hallucal pattern
跖纹plantar pattern
车轮cartwheel pattern
软骨发育不全及瑞士无丙球蛋白血征achondroplasia and Swiss-type agammaglobulinemia
口疮minor aphtha
大疱性皮肤松解dermolysis bullosa mitis
痒疹prurigo mitis
肢端皮炎acrodermatitis mild type
辅助性 T 细胞表现helper T cell phenotype
过敏性 IV 反应anaphylactic-type IV reaction
过敏性 II 反应anaphylactic-type II reaction
过敏性 III 反应anaphylactic-type III reaction
过敏性 I 反应anaphylactic-type I reaction
迟发delayed type
迟发性结核菌素反应reaction of the delayed tuberculin type
迟发性结核菌素反应delayed tuberculin-type reaction
谢纳-阿假性肌肥大营养不良Duchenne-Aran spinal muscular atrophy
速发过敏反应type I hypersensitivity reaction
build up
酵母菌落yeast colony
酵母样菌落yeast-like colony
口疮major aphtha
痒疹prurigo ferox
痒疹prurigo agria
钨丝灯胶片tungsten type film
银屑病样psoriasiform type
德斯-达科斯塔红斑角皮病erythrokeratodermia Mendes da Costa type
阿姆斯特丹侏儒Amsterdam type dwarfism
隐性营养不良大疱性表皮松解epidermolysis bullosa dystrophic recessive
雀斑样痣lentigo type
雅得松斑状萎缩anetoderma of Jadassohn
雅得松皮肤松弛anetoderma of Jadassohn
非典假胆碱脂酶atypical pseudocholi esterase
非典分枝杆菌感染atypical mycobacterial infection
非典分枝杆菌病atypical mycobacteriosis
非典化脓性肉芽肿atypical pyogenic granuloma
非典 暴发性紫癜atypical purpura fulminans
非典纤维组织细胞瘤atypical fibrohistiocytoma
非典纤维黄atypical fibroxanthoma
非典鱼鳞病样红皮病atypical ichthyosiform erythroderma
非洲组织胞浆菌Histoplasma duboisii
顿挫abortive type
顿挫带状疱疹abortive zoster
顿挫肢端皮炎acrodermatitis abortive type
颗粒particulate pattern
颗粒granular pattern
食人裂头蚴病ingestion sparganosis
高脂蛋白血症 I type I hyperlipoproteinemia
分枝杆菌Mycobacterium avium
黏多糖病 VII β-glucuronidase deficiency
黏多糖病 I H/S Hurler-Scheie syndrome
黏多糖贮积症 I S Scheie syndrome
黏多糖贮积症 VII Sly syndrome
黏多糖贮积症 VI Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome
黏多糖贮积症 III Sanfilippo syndrome
黏多糖贮积症 II Hunter syndrome
黑子lentigo type